Money latest: Two of UK's biggest lenders up mortgage rates (2024)

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Two of UK's biggest lenders up mortgage rates

This week seems to be starting where last week left off - with two major lenders announcing further hikes in mortgage rates.

Amid uncertainty of the timing of interest rate cuts from the Bank of England this year, swap rates (which dictate how much it costs lenders to lend) have been rising in recent weeks.

We've reported on a string of rate bumps from the high street over the last 10 days, and this morning NatWest and Santander moved.

In its second hikes announcement in less than a week, NatWest laid out increases across its full range of residential and buy-to-let fixed deals of up to 0.22%.

Santander, meanwhile, announced increases for both fixed and tracker deals across their residential and buy-to-let products - up to 0.25%.

Both will kick in tomorrow.

Amit Patel, adviser at Trinity Finance, told Newspage: "Two of the biggest mortgage lenders announcing rate hikes is not a great start to the week. This is not good news for borrowers."


What's the going rate for pocket money these days?

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We also want to know how you give them the money (cash, bank transfer, app) - and if they have to do anything in return.

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People on disability benefits could get vouchers instead of cash under Sunak crackdown

Disabled people could receive vouchers instead of monthly payments under proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

The changes could see people being provided with either one-off grants for specific costs such as home adaptation, or being directed to "alternative means of support" rather than financial support.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride is set to announce plans today to overhaul the way disability benefits work.

In a Green Paper due to be published alongside Mr Stride's statement to the Commons, ministers will set out plans to reform Personal Independence Payments (PIP), the main disability benefit, through changes to eligibility criteria and assessments.

The plans also include proposals to "move away from a fixed cash benefit system", meaning people with some conditions, such as depression and anxiety, will no longer receive regular payments but rather get improved access to treatment if their condition does not involve extra costs.

Speaking to Sky News earlier, Mr Stride said: "I want us to have a grown-up, sensible conversation about a benefit called PIP that has not been reviewed in over a decade.

"And I want to ask the question, is it fit for purpose given the world that we're in today, in which mental health issues sadly present more of an issue than they did a decade ago."


What's happening with high oil prices?

By James Sillars, business reporter

A fresh high for the FTSE 100 to start the week.

The index of leading shares in London was 0.5% up at 8,179 in early dealing.

The gains were led by miners and financial stocks.

Dragging on the performance were some consumer-facing brands including JD Sports and Flutter Entertainment.

One other development of note to mention is that stubbornly high oil price.

A barrel of Brent crude is currently trading almost 1% down on the day.

But it remains at $88 a barrel.

The market has been pulled by various forces this month, with hopes of a rebound in demand in China among them.

The latest decline is said to reflect peace talks being held between Israel and Hamas.


Demand for smaller homes driving up property prices, Halifax claims

A demand for smaller homes has driven growth in UK property prices early in 2024, according to research by Halifax.

Data from the bank's house price index suggests annual property price growth hit 1.9% in February this year - a significant rise from -4.1% just three months prior.

That equates to a rise in prices of £5,318 over the past year.

It follows interest rates stabilising, Halifax says, after a sharp rise over the past two years which squeezed mortgage affordability.

A key driver behind rising prices, Halifax says, has been first-time buyers, who made up 53% of all homes bought with a mortgage in 2023 - the highest proportion since 1995.

Andit's smaller homes that have recorded the biggest increases in price growth in the early part of this year - with buyers adjusting their expectations to compensate for higher borrowing costs.

Flats and terraced houses made up 57% of all homes purchased by first-time buyers last year.

This varies by region - for example, in London, flats and terraced homes accounted for 90% of all first-time buyer purchases.

Challenges remain

However, Amanda Bryden, head of Halifax mortgages, said "it's important not to gloss over the challenges" facing the UK housing market, given the "impact of higher interest rates on mortgage affordability" and "continued lack of supply of new homes".

"But scratch beneath the surface and there is a more nuanced story, one which shows that demand for different property types in different parts of the country can vary hugely," she added.

"As interest rates have stabilised and buyers adjust to the new economic reality of owning a home, one way to compensate for higher borrowing costs is to target smaller properties.

"This is especially true among first-time buyers, who have proven to be resilient over recent years, and now account for the largest proportion of homes purchased with a mortgage in almost 30 years."


'A company isn't abiding by written warranty for dodgy building work - what can I do?'

Every Monday we get an expert to answer your money problems or consumer disputes. Find out how to submit yours at the bottom of this post. Today's question is...

I had a company coat the exterior of my house with a rubberised paint product in November 2022. The original cost was £3,280 - though there was a discount. This came with a written 10-year warranty. The product started to fail after five months (peeling off). I first contacted them one year ago, on 3 April 2023, and the company keeps fobbing me off, blaming bad weather for not resolving issues. They don't come round when they say they will. What can I do?
Robert Anderson, 77, Scotland

We asked consumer disputes expert Scott Dixon, from,to pick up this one...

This falls under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 which states that any faults found within the first six months are considered to have been there at the point of purchase (or in this case, application).

You are entitled to one free repair under S49 Consumer Rights Act 2015 which states that every contract to supply a service is to be treated as including a term that the trader must perform the service with reasonable care and skill.

Traders can only have one crack at the same fault - if that fails, you are entitled to a refund/replacement.

You have two options: make a warranty claim/pursue a remedy under the Consumer Rights Act2015.

How did you pay for it? If you paid (even just the deposit) by credit card, you can make a S75 claim against the credit card provider who is jointly liable under S75 Consumer Credit Act 1974.

If the trader is unwilling to remedy it, seek at least three quotes from other traders to price putting the job right. You can get another trader to remedy the job and invoice the original trader for the work.

I know what you're thinking: what happens if they refuse to pay?

Options and next steps

If all else fails... You could take your case to the small claims court if it was England, or follow Simple Procedure in Scotland.

Before you file a claim, send screenshots to the company of the court papers setting your case out and demanding a refund within seven days. Tell the company that if they fail to do so, you will lodge a claim via Simple Procedure.

It is a relatively easy, inexpensive route and is designed for disputes such as this. Court fees are based on the amount of money you want to claim.

This may resolve the dispute. If it does not, you can proceed and file the small claim papers online.

Another option is to file for their bankruptcy as a creditor, which is free. It effectively freezes their bank accounts and credit lines and locks their business down until it is resolved. You can find an SD1 form to do this here.

I have done this before and it works like a charm. You need to send any documents by recorded delivery. This is a last resort if you cannot resolve your dispute.

I would also report this firm to Trading Standards. Ensure that you point out that they are deliberately selling products and carrying out defective work without due care and skill, which is fraudulent and illegal. You have proof of this so make sure you provide it.

Finally, leave reviews online too.

Money team note: We got in touch with the company involved, who said they had agreed to recoat the building at no cost but that dry days were needed before and after to fit the product in line with the manufacturer's guidelines. They said they had contacted Mr Anderson last week. We decided not to name the company as it is a small business - but we'll follow up this case in summer.

This featureis not intended as financial advice - the aim is to give an overview of the things you should think about.Submit your dilemma or consumer dispute via - and please leave your contact details as we cannot follow up consumer disputes without them.

  • The form above - make sure you leave a phone number or email address
  • Email with the subject line "Money blog"
  • WhatsApp ushere.


Higher food prices and shortages warning - as new Brexit checks begin this week

Britons could face higher food prices, and even empty supermarket shelves, as new post-Brexit border fees are introduced this week, industry figures have warned.

A maximum charge of £145 will apply on imports of plant and animal products, such as cheese and fish, entering the UK through the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel from Tuesday.

"The fundamental change is huge to the nation's food supply," Nigel Jenney, chief executive of the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC), told the Money blog when we first covered this story in January.

"I would certainly expect to see price rises because these costs simply couldn't be absorbed by the industry."

James Barnes, chairman of the Horticultural Trades Association, said this month that the policy "feels like it is constructed on the back of an envelope at best" and that the charges would "undoubtedly increase costs" and increase the likelihood of empty shelves in supermarkets.

He said as well as higher prices and a more limited variety of products available in UK shops and restaurants, "we now might begin to observe a decline of EU businesses trading into the UK, simply because they have been priced out".

The new rules explained

The new rules, known as the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), are intended to protect biosecurity by imposing controls on plant and animal products considered a "medium" risk. These include five categories of cut flowers, cheese and other dairy produce, chilled and frozen meat, and fish.

From 31 January, each shipment had to be accompanied by a health certificate, provided by a local vet in the case of animal produce, and, from Tuesday, shipments will be subject to physical checks at the British border.

There is also the prospect of delays caused by inspections of faulty paperwork, which could derail supply chains that rely entirely on fast turnaround of goods.

The policy has been delayed multiple times and earlier this month the Financial Times reported that the government would not "turn on" the checks this week because border systems were not fully ready. The government said this was not true - but indicated they would initially focus on higher-risk products.

The fee will be charged per type of product imported, and will vary from £10 to £29 depending on the risk products present. It will be capped at £145 for mixed consignments.

A government spokesperson said this was "within and at the bottom end of the range which we consulted with industry on".

They added: "The charge is designed to recover the costs of operating our world-class border facilities where essential biosecurity checks will protect our food supply, farmers and environment against costly disease outbreaks entering the UK through the short straits."

The fees will not apply to goods brought into the UK for personal use, the government said.

EU business 'could stop trading with UK'

Marc Forgione, director general of the Institute of Export and International Trade (IEIT), said there was another risk beyond price rises and potential shrinkflation.

He told the Money blog earlier this year: "There is also a concern that has been raised with me by some UK-based businesses that their suppliers in the EU will frankly take a view that it's too complicated to deal with these changes and withdraw from the market."

Mr Forgione said that over time the UK will have "the most efficient border in the world", due to digitisation and the BTOM's assessment of goods based on risk, but it will create friction for EU businesses where there was none.

What has the government said?

A spokesperson told us when we first covered this story in January: "We remain committed to delivering the most advanced border in the world.

"The changes we're bringing in will help keep the UK safe, while protecting our food supply chains and our agricultural sector from disease outbreaks that would cause significant economic harm."


Council fences off wonky Waitrose billboard - not realising it was a marketing stunt

A Waitrose billboard that appeared to be sitting askew was fenced off by a London council over safety fears.

But it turned out there was no need - as the supermarket had intentionally made the billboard wonky in a nod to its falling prices.

"Thanks for the swift action but while our prices are falling rapidly, our billboard certainly isn't! #noneedforbollards," the retailer wrote in a tongue-in-cheek post on X.

The billboard had been put up on Lindore Road, in Wandsworth, southwest London.

Wandsworth Council later confirmed to The Guardian that the barriers had been removed.

It said it was "alerted to this unusual advert by a concerned member of the public" and decided it "better not take any chances with public safety so put up some barriers to be on the safe side".


Potato prices expected to rise further as 'spudflation' continues

Leading potato grower Albert Bartlett has warned of rising potato prices and a lack of supply.

Many potato varieties will likely face shortages in the coming months and the nation will see "spudflation" take hold, it said.

Potato growers have been warning of a major shortage in the autumn due to persistent wet weather this spring.

They have been dealing with the wettest 18 months since 1836 - and there is no end in sight at present.

Last year also saw a poor harvest due to the wet autumn, which made it difficult for machinery to access potato drills.

Planting of this year's crop has been delayed across much of northern Europe due to the bad weather.

In March, it was reported that Asda, Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsbury's could suffer from potato shortages caused by the poor harvests.

You can read more here on how potato prices have soared.


Welcome back to the Money blog

We're back for another week of consumer news, personal finance tipsand all the latest on the economy.

This is how the week in the Money blog is shaping up...

Today: Every week we ask industry experts to answer your Money Problems. Today, a Money blog reader is in a dispute with a building firm seemingly refusing the abide by a 10-year warranty.

Tuesday: This week'sBasically...explains everything you need to know about swap rates - which impact mortgage deals.

Wednesday: We speak to one of the most renowned chefs in the country and get his Cheap Eats in Norfolk.

Thursday:Savings Championfounder Anna Bowes will be back examining the pros and cons of another type of savings account, and the best rates available.

Friday: Sunna Van Kampen will take us down another supermarket aisle to help us shop healthier for less - and we're launching a brand new mortgage market feature.

Running every weekday, Money features a morning markets round-up from theSky News business teamand regular updates and analysis from our business, City and economic correspondents, editors and presenters -Ed Conway,Mark Kleinman,Ian King,Paul KelsoandAdele Robinson.

You'll also be able to streamBusiness Live with Ian Kingweekdays at 11.30am and 4.30pm. check back from 8am, and through the day, each weekday.

The Money team is Emily Mee, Bhvishya Patel, Jess Sharp, Katie Williams, Brad Young and Ollie Cooper, with sub-editing by Isobel Souster. The blog is edited by Jimmy Rice.

Money latest: Two of UK's biggest lenders up mortgage rates (2024)
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