It Started in Driftmark - ciemai (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

She staggered as she felt her skin bubbled and the sharp, stinging pain as Sunfyre bit into her. She staggered and fell, she cannot scream anymore, she had already lost her voice.

“Rhaenyra! Where does it hurt?! Niece!”

She opened her eyes only to see her Uncle’s face filled with worry.

“Daemon!” she hugged him tightly. It had been so long since she had last saw him. The last letter she sent him was full of vitriol that he died trying to prove his loyalty. She caused his death, the Fourteen Flames forgive her, she killed him.

“Where does it hurt? Rhaenyra, I need you to talk to me!” Daemon said, his voice in a panic.

She felt herself sank on the sand, her legs feeling boneless.

‘Sand? Why is there sand?’

That’s when she felt the whipping of the air on the beach. It was already dark, there’s barely any sunlight left. On the Horizon she can see the gleaming pale stone of High Tide.

‘Why is she in Hightide? She was on Dragonstone!’

She felt Daemon cup her face and force her to focus on him.

“Rhaenyra, can you hear me? Where does it hurt?” he asked firmly.

She looked down on herself, she can still feel the heat of Sunfyre’s flame but it does not burn now, she’s somewhat soothed by the cold breeze from the sea.

“What day is it?” she asked

“Laena’s funeral.” Her Uncle answered her, his hand still making sure that she does not have any visible wounds.

'Laena’s funeral. By the Fourteen did she go back in time? Did she dream everything?'

Laena’s funeral. Aemond. Vhagar.

She held Dameon’s hands tightly in hers, looking him deeply in the eyes. “I may sound crazy, Uncle, but I need you to trust me. I will explain everything later. Do you trust me?”

Daemon looked at her with a deep furrow on his brows but he nodded. She exhaled in relief.

“Are you still able to call on Caraxes through your bond?” It was something that Daemon had confessed to her during their time in Dragonstone. He often smugly call on Caraxes wordlessly to the amazement of their children. He said it started during the War of the Stepstones.

Daemon nodded at her, still puzzled.

“In a few minutes, Aemond will try to claim Vhagar. I need you to stop him. I don’t want him hurt, I just don’t want him anywhere near Vhagar.”

“Vhagar followed Caraxes from Pentos. I can guide him back to Dragonstone.” Daemon said.

“Good, that’s good.” She said, she stood up on shaking legs and had to lean heavily on Daemon to walk. “Let’s go, he will be able to claim her if we do not hurry.”

They walked towards the hulking beast who was resting at the beach. It might have been better if they called on Caraxes given how weak her legs feel but she do not want to cause undue unrest with the other dragons.

They stopped at the hill overlooking Vhagar’s nest.

“Look it’s him!” she said and pointed the small figure of her brother, his hair is like a beacon under the moonlight.

Caraxes whistled and trilled and breath flame towards Aemond. Her brother cowered in fear. She can see him falling on the sand and rolled down the beach. Caraxes breathe fire on his direction again and with a shout he run back towards the castle. Vhagar let out a puff of smoke and growled at Caraxes before going back to sleep.

She slowly let go of the breath she was not aware she was holding.

“Disgusting little worm! He was not even going to let Vhagar mourn Laena, he’ll just bend her to his will.” Daemon cursed and kicked a stone hard.

“They were not raised as a Targaryen, the only thing they know of the Dragons are what the Dragon Keepers tell them.” She said.

“f*cking Viserys! He did not even make sure that his children are instructed on our culture?”

“Father is too sick to have any say on their upbringing and you know the Hightowers are the biggest supporter of the Faith. They abhor our tradition.”

Daemon sighed deeply. “I’ll leave Caraxes near her, Vhagar is used to him then we’ll lead her to the Dragonmont. She’s old now, it’s time she rest on her birthplace.”

They went back inside Driftmark only to be told that there was trouble with the children and they were ushered on the Hall of Nine.

‘Gods, they were able to prevent Aemond claiming Vhagar but not this.’

She took her sons in her arms making sure that they were not hurt too badly and turned back to the Queen who was demanding her sweet boy’s eyes. Enough Targaryen blood had been shed today. She will make sure that her blood will not decorate the Hall of Nine again.

Daemon POV

He was prowling the belly of Flea Bottom with his hood up. Even without knowing who he, is the residents still give him a wide berth.

How did Viserys managed to make Flea Bottom even more disgusting than it already was when he was last here? Everywhere he looks he can see emaciated children begging food, there are mother’s clutching their babes on their breast while sleeping beside a heap of garbage, women with dead eyes displaying their bodies trying to entice customers.

He accepted Viserys’ invitation to go back to King’s Landing. He had asked to be instated as Master of War to oversee the City Watch and the Royal Guards. Both made him want to tear his hair in frustration. The City Watch are overwhelmed and under compensated so they take bribes from merchants and petty criminals. Almost half of the Royal Guards are loyal to the Hightowers.

He swept through the Royal Guards first. He recalled five hundred of his own men from Pentos and assigned them to Rhaenyra and his Household. He had already instructed them to determine the loyalty of the other guards. The ones obviously in cohorts with the Hightowers had been experiencing accidents in the yard making them unfit to serve. He replaced those with more men loyal to him.

The City Witch remains loyal to him but they are overwhelmed by the demands of their work and undercompensated. They only have five thousand Watchmen trying to keep more than a hundred thousand citizens in check. He’s already recruiting more men. Lord Beesbury is a pain in the ass with his purse pinching but he reminded the Council that if they can afford Viserys’ numerous Tourneys and Feasts they can definitely afford to pay the men making sure the smallfolk does not slit their throats when they go to the Tourney Ground.

He had also reiterated to Rhaenyra how important it is that she’s seen by the people. She had re-started the Soup Houses that Queen Alyssane had before, they had purchased two big orphanages trying to keep as many children out of the streets. He had Ser Luthor take over Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys’ arms training. They’d already written the Vale and Driftmark to send more Knights that will be sworn to be the Princes’ protector.

He did not expect anything from Driftmark as Corlys and his cousin Rhaenys are still mourning Laena and Laenor’s deaths. Lady Jeyne Arryn had written and informed them that twenty Vale Knights will be joining them in King’s Landing. They are also escorting Lady Amanda to assist Rhaenyra in her duties. She’s bringing two more Ladies from Runestone and Gulltown to help mind the children.

He personally wrote to Lord Boros to send one of his daughters in the capital to be a companion with his own daughters. Lady Tyrell is sending her granddaughter as well.

He hates all the politicking, if it was up to him he would just burn Old Town to the ground and blame it to the powder they use to light the Hightower. It’s very easy to slit all the greens’ throat in their sleep especially since he’s still the only one who knows the secret passages based on the amount of spider webs and dust it had collected.

But no, his beloved niece does not want to be remembered as a merciless Princess. The gossip surrounding her is already bad enough. He snorted when he thought of the brown-haired brown-eyed boys she loves so much. She should have stopped f*cking Harwin Strong the moment her first child came out not having any Valyrian coloring. It was good that all their cradle eggs hatched marking their legitimacy. She gave the Greens an easy way to malign her.

He cannot blame her though, she was left alone in a pit of vipers, she was just trying to take what little happiness she can. He still cannot believe what she told him. As a Targaryen he respects their history but he tends to admire things he can see, feel and touch. The dragons are the reason they united the Seven Kingdoms, dreams may have saved them but dragons are the reason why they are Kings.

He decided to treat Rhaenyra’s dreams as a cautionary tale but he will not depend on it. Dreams and prophecies are subject to interpretation and most often than not self-fulfilling.

And now he will start to make sure that Rhaenyra’s reign will be uncontested.

He stopped in front of one of the largest tavern in the street of Silk, the door was opened by a hulking man who smiled widely at him, showing his yellowing teeth. This beast is Blood. He was a former recruit in the City Watch that he had to let go because the brute is a violent and sad*stic f*cker who used his position to terrorize the smallfolk and beat his fellow recruits. But he kept in contact with him because even mindless beasts have their uses.

They bought a tankard of ale first and stayed for a few minutes before Blood guided him towards the back. At the storeroom stood Mysaria in her pristine white dress smiling pleasantly at him. Slumped on the floor is Aegon Targaryen, his own vomit surrounding him.

“He’s drunk.” Mysaria said in her foreign accent.

Aegon is always drunk. That’s what he learned with him staying in the Capital for six moons now. Rhaenyra had officially moved back to King’s Landing but she spend at least a week a month on Dragonstone. He had fortified the defenses on the Island and made sure that anyone who does not like Rhaenyra as their Lady was removed. Caraxes especially enjoyed eating Alfred Bloome limb by limb while he was still alive.

He took the vial of sweetsleep from his pocket and gave it to Blood to proceeded to upend it on Aegon’s lips. The younger man tried to protest but was forced to swallow it whole. The woodswitch said three drops will give a man a whole night of uninterrupted sleep.

Blood then put Aegon across his shoulder and got out towards the pig pen. He had a friend in Pentos whose main source of living is raising pigs to slaughter. One day his elderly servant fell on the pen and no one saw him until the following day. The man was devoured by his pigs to death.

How funny is that? Viserys’ most awaited male son eaten by pigs. He watched as the pigs run away when Blood threw the Prince body inside but then they approached him after a few moment, their noses smelling him. One of the bigger hogs bit his exposed arms first, it was small but a chunk of meat went down the pig’s gullet. Aegon whimpered in pain but otherwise did not wake up. Another one bit only his silk doublet. He turned around and more hogs surrounded the Hightower Prince.

This is the man who instructed his men to cut Rhaenyra’s breast, commanded his dragon to breathe fire on her before she was devoured alive. He’s lucky he gave him the mercy of being unconscious while the pigs feast on his flesh.

He turned to his companion, he gave instruction to Blood that if Aegon is still alive come morning he will personally end his life and leave his body to the pigs. He went back towards the tavern but stopped when he felt Mysaria follow him.

“Blood, you can amuse yourself with her the whole night but I want her dead by morning.” he said.

“No!” Mysaria tried to reach for him but Blood already have her arm in a vice grip.

“Thank yer ‘milord.” He said and pulled Mysaria back out the pig pen, he heard a loud slap and Mysaria’s pained groan as he left.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Daemon POV

He gently bounced the babe, Joffrey, on his knees as he tries to feed him sliced apples. The boy is already plain colored and they gave him an even plainer name. He wanted to sigh at Laenor’s stupidity but Laenor is dead. Stabbed by his paramour in a tavern in Spice Town. With Corlys and Rhaenys’ blessing he married Rhaenyra in a Valyrian Ceremony in Dragonstone after the mourning period. It took them months to get Viserys’ blessings, the threat of Rhaenyra running away to Essos with him and the children are the only reason why he agreed.

His brother is weak and sickly, he will not be long for this world. He looks more like his father than his older brother with his missing limb, papery thin skin and thinning hair. He offered to bring the best healers in his employ but he declined saying that the Maester are trying their best. He made sure that his Essosi healers are housed in their wing to care for their family. He does not trust the grey rats the Hightowers like to depend so much.

“Uncle, can I join?” Jacaerys asked, he still has milk froth on top of his lips.

“If you promise to do exactly what I tell you with no questions asked, I guess I can bring you.” He said. Jace cheered while Luke whined that he’ll be left alone in the castle. The boy had been pestering him to join his daily inspection of the City Watch. With the controversy around his birth Jace needs to be loved by the common people so much that even if the nobility tried to hinder his ascension to the throne, the smallfolk will be the one to Crown him themselves.

He had installed Ser Cornelius Cobray of the Vale and Ser Justin Swann of Stonehelm as Jace’s Sworn Shields. The Hand tried to protest first, saying that Jace is too young to have a Sworn Shield much less two. He reminded him that Jace is the Heir of the Heir, the future King of the Seven Kingdoms and his protection is the utmost important lest what happened in Driftmark may repeat itself. The Heir’s Heir should never be threatened by a stone to the head again. Ser Cobray and Ser Swan have fifty men each that they rotate to better protect the Prince. He only wanted the men to serve five days in a week, eight hours a day at most. Making them function more, makes them tired and ineffective.

Luke also have sworn shields of his own, Ser Damian Celtigar and Ser Monterys Velaryon. Lord Corlys was adamant that his cousin’s son be one of his Heir’s protectors. He’s still weary of the man, he will have to make sure that he does not have a grudge on Rhaenyra’s children. Luke, who is only seven name day old, was a very shy child but he endeared himself to his guards by being kind and considerate.

Both children suffer from being branded as bastards at a young age. More so Jace who already understand the whispers at Court when no one was looking. He had a tough talk with him that even if everything was true his claim comes from his Targaryen Blood. He hatched his egg on the cradle on the same day of his birth. Something that only Rhaenyra was successful of in their family. He reiterated to him that he is superior because he will be a future dragon rider. In a few months Vermax will be big enough to mount and he will take to the skies. That alone makes them superior. And Jace despite his coloring is the spitting image of Baelon, the Spring Prince, his own father. He had said that countless of times for all Courier to hear. King Viserys agreed completely reminiscing about their father.

“Uncle! I want to go too!” Luke said, kneeling on his chair, looking at him with his big eyes.

“If he’s going, I want to go too, Father!” Baela shouted.

“Perhaps when you’re older. From what I know the Archmaester have lessons for you.”

The younger children groaned. He’s glad that his Rhaena is content to go through the reports with Rhaenyra in her solar most of the time. She’s intelligent, his youngest daughter. Probably the one who is most verse in politics of all their children. He’s glad he was able to convince Viserys to bring Archmaester Vaegon to the Red Keep to teach the children. His Uncle was not happy to be commanded back in the Capital but he still obeyed the King.

He’s very temperamental and only expects perfection. Jace and Rhaena excelled under his tutelage, Baela is too fickle, just always wanting to be near Moondancer, but she makes sure all her lessons and assignments are completed. Luke is still too young and easily cowered by the Archmaester but he’s a fast learner.

The King’s other children prefers to be taught by the Grand Maester. But from what he knows it is only Aemond who attends his lessons religiously. Aegon is always too drunk to do anything and Helaena is being readied by her mother to be wed to Aegon. The youngest was all but forgotten in Old Town.

Rhaenyra gave the babe another slice of apple after wiping the juices from his hand.

“Uncle, you have to eat, you’re not eating again.” Rhaenyra admonished him as she put a bread with garlic butter in front of him.

He smiled at her and took a bite of the bread to please her.

“Healer Alia said breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Luke said as he stuffed strawberries dipped in heavy cream in his mouth.

“I think cake is the most important food of any day.” Baela said devouring her plate of lemon cakes.

“I think so too.” Rhaenyra said then laughed as the children proceeded to make their favorite foods the most important. He smiled. There was trepidation at first when they decided to blend their family. Rhaenyra did not have a good experience with her own step-mother and she was afraid his girls might think the same of her. But she’s an excellent mother, Rhaena clung to her immediately, missing Laena the most. Laena had often told her stories of the troubles that young Rhaenyra and Laena tend to get themselves into.

Despite her fears when she was younger, motherhood suited Rhaenyra very well. She knows when to be gentle and when to be firm and she’s not shy on showering their children with affections. Baela eased into her more slowly but being around Jace and Luke helped. His eldest is fierce and passionate, she’s happy she now has companions who could keep up with her.

He also assigned sworn shield for his daughters. Rymon Mallister and a freed unsullied opted to be called Grey Shield is tasked with shadowing Rhaena. Both men have twenty men each and both men had served with him in the Stepstones and followed him in Pentos. While Baela is being trained and protected by Ser Gunther Sunglass and another free Unsullied, called Black Fist.

The Queen was scandalized when she found out that he employed unsullied and almost fainted upon learning that Baela is being trained in fighting. She protested but King Viserys reminded her that the Targaryens had boasted numerous warrior Princess’ and Queens.

One of his pages came in and told them that the King had asked for Court to gather. Rhaena took Joffrey from him and peppered him with kisses. Luke and Baela protested again when he motioned for Jace to come with them. Rhaenyra had to promise them a trip to the Dragon pit later to keep them content.

Jace was pulling on his doublet making sure that it was still properly pressed.

“You’re good.” He said as he put his arm on his shoulder. “If you’re too self-conscious the couriers will pick up on it and will further try to intimidate you. Remember that you are superior to them. You’re the third most important person in the Seven kingdoms, they need to bow to you, not the other way around.”

Jace nodded then relaxed his shoulders as they walk towards the Throne Room. Rhaenyra kissed him on the cheeks as thanks. What the f*ck was Laenor doing when he was here? His children are insecure and mostly afraid of being seen in public. He’s trying to rectify it now but it still galls him to think that dragon bloods are being ostracized in their own home. No longer. He will not let that happen anymore.

They were announced by the Herald and they stood at the foot of the Throne Room. Jace stood in between him and Rhaenyra. The King and the Queen came in next, with the Hand and Prince Aemond.

“What’s going on, father?” Rhaenyra asked Viserys as he stops to kiss her on the forehead.

“The Gold Cloaks have reports about Aegon.” He said then put his hand on top of Jace’s head before ascending the Iron Throne.

Yesterday morning the Queen had tearfully told the King that Aegon had been missing for two days. His brother had tasked him to have the Gold Cloaks look for Aegon along with Ser Arryck who was Aegon’s assigned shield. He accompanied the Gold Cloaks until sun down before going back to the Keep. The Queen was angry that he was not out there looking for her child. He only looked at her with disdain and told her that the Blood of the Dragon is not her servant and if she really cares so much she would be out there on the streets looking for her child herself. He knew Rhaenyra would.

Ser Luthor came in along with four of his captains, he looked uneasy.

“Ser Luthor, had there been any news of my son?” the King asked.

“My King, I would like to make my report in private.” The giant of a man said.

“You will tell us where Aegon is now!” The Queen shouted, distraught. He can see her nails bloodied from being scratched raw by her nails.

The Commander of the Gold Cloaks bowed then looked at the King who nodded. He looked back and three Gold Cloaks came in, carrying a bloodied sack. Behind them are young children probably from ages four to ten, they were wearing thread bare clothes and they are shaking in fear. He can see three silver-haired children whose teeth were filed sharply. All of them are terribly thin and have numerous wounds and bruises.

The Nobles and Couriers were whispering, wondering what was going on. The Ladies cried on the state of the children but put their kerchief over their noses due to the stench coming from the children.

“We found him at the back of the largest tavern in the Street of Silk. The clientele are familiar with him, they said he’s the main patron of the biggest underground fighting pit in the city. They had dogs, and even bears but their greatest attraction are children. They had the children fight with loafs of bread as prices.”

The Queen wailed indignantly. “That’s absurd! Aegon would never—”

“May I remind the Queen that she’s the one who wanted to conduct this in front of the whole Court.” Rhaenyra interrupted, her voice loud and firm. “Continue Ser Luthor.”

The Commander bowed in gratitude. “The barmaid said the Prince sometimes spend the night on the rooms of the taverns with his whor*s and he’s mostly always drunk. We found him inside the pig pen.”

The men reach the foot of the Iron Throne and then emptied the sack on the floor. The mutilated body of Prince Aegon poured out, half of his face was missing, his hand rolled towards the Queen who shouted in agony and collapsed on the floor. His entire right side was chewed and his left leg was missing.

Rhaenyra hugged Jace to her hiding his face on her chest. “Don’t look, love! Don’t look!” she whispered. He looked behind him, Sery Erryck and Ser Justin looked disgusted but alert. He ascended the Throne and took the King’s arm on his own as he tries to stand shakily, his brother was pale, his skin is clammy and his eyes never leaving the mutilated body of his son.

“Who did this?!” The Queen shouted. “I want the head of anyone who did this to my son! My boy!”

“The tavern owner said there was no fight on the property, Your Grace, it seems like Prince Aegon drunkenly fell on the pen and the pigs ate him.”

He can hear laughter from the gallery but it was shushed immediately. He would have chuckled too if his brother did not collapse on him.

“Your Grace!’ The Hand cried and was immediately on his side.

“Take the King to his bedchamber, get the Grand Maester immediately.” He commanded Ser Harold who relayed his order.

He turned back to the Commander of the Gold Cloaks. “I want this tavern closed. I want the owner, all his servants and all regular customers apprehended. I want you to investigate why there is an illegal children’s fighting pits right under our noses in King’s Landing and I want to know if there are other establishments like this.”

“Yes, My Prince!” Ser Luthor said loudly, banged his right fist on his left chest then bowed. The other gold cloaks did the same and left.

“Are they going to arrest the pigs too?” someone said sarcastically that almost made him laugh.

Rhaenyra went with the King in his chambers but Jace was still standing at the foot of the Throne, his eyes averted. He took him in his arms and the boy hugged his middle tightly and burrowed his face on his doublet. He can feel him shaking.

“Come on, let’s have the children seen to by the Healers and then we’ll take them to one of the orphanages.” He said.

“Alright.” Jace whispered but did not look up from his chest.

He instructed the servants to bring the children on a side room and call for the Princess’ personal healers. He also instructed them to bring change of clothes, bath water and foods. He saw Aemond trying to collect his brother’s body and put it back in the sack. He huffed at him and guided Jace towards the side room where the children were ushered. He does not have sympathies left for the Hightowers.

He struggled to put the fur-lined clothes on Joffrey as he’s more interested on rolling around on the carpeted floor. He escaped the Small Council meeting on the guise of accompanying the Gold Cloaks on the raids. For a week now the City Watch had been raiding establishment randomly to make sure that there are no more illegal pits being opened again. They appropriated two taverns and a whor* house since, who keeps children as young as six as entertainments.

He only patrolled with them for an hour and went back to the Red Keep. His men knows what they’re doing. He had also taken over Mysaria’s network of spies and installed Mysaria’s second in command in her place. The girl suspects he had Mysaria killed because of her disloyalty, she will not be betraying him yet but he has eyes on her. He’s also tasked her to take over Larys’ Strong’s agents before he can figure what he wanted to do with him.

He just came out of the bath when Joffrey came barreling in their room buck naked. He let the nurses give him the babe’s sleeping gowns and dismissed them. It’s been half an hour and he had only been able to put the thick stockings on him. He sighed as Joffrey rolled away from him with only one arm pulled inside his gown. He snatched the gown off and threw it away.

“One more point for Ser Joffrey!” Luke said as Rhaena seriously wrote the score on a piece of paper she took from Rhaenyra’s solar. It was a scroll of trade agreements with the Vale.

“If you’re helping instead of just watching, we would have been done ages ago.” He said glaring at the children.

“I’m comfortable here near the fire, thanks.” Baela said nonchalantly and continued to peruse the Valyrian Glyph instruction the Archmaester had told them to memorize. He and Rhaenyra normally talk to the children in High Valyrian but they still have a hard time writing in Valyrian Glyphs.

“Come on, he might catch a cold if he does not wear his clothes and then your mother will kill us.”

“Just you, Kepa. Rhaenyra loves me!” Rhaena said but took Joffrey in her arms and peppered kisses on his neck.

“I gots his clothes!” Luke said from across the room and threw the garment at him.

He was barely able to snatched it from air before it smacked him on the face. He missed having only girls. The girls are gentle and soft spoken. They kiss you good night and help you with your braids. These little rascals will throw you things expecting you to catch it or jumped at your back digging their sharp knees on your side.

He glared at Joffrey as he looked up at him with his big brown eyes and gap-toothed smile. Now the little devil acts like an angel. He put his head through the hole and proceeded to do the same on his arms. He made sure that the buttons are properly aligned and fastened. He sighed in relief when Rhaena cheered JOffrey being fully clothed and threw himself on the bed. He groaned as Luke jumped on top of him most definitely rearranging his innards.

“When will Muña come back?” He asked as he laid his head on his chest. Luke and Joffrey are very affectionate. Always wanting to be held not just by their mother but also by their new found sisters and father. Rhaenyra said it’s because although Laenor is a fun and supportive father he’s most often absent, preferring to drink and make merry with his knights and squires. Rhaenyra has to insist for him to take time and spend it with his children. Ser Harwin cannot be seen showing affection to them in public or even in the privacy of their rooms. Jace had been more reserved but he’s getting used to having him around. All three brown-eyed boys are easy to love especially since all of them have Rhaenyra’s smile.

“They have important things to discuss in the Small Council, I’m sure Jace will tell you about it when they come back.” He said and combed his hands on his curls. On Rhaenyra’s suggestion Jace was made the King’s cupbearer like his mother before her.

“But you’re part of the Small Council, Kepa, why are you here?” Rhaena asked as she too laid on his side, Joffrey calmly nestled between them.

“He skipped!” Baela said with a playful sneer as she laid down besides Rhaena.

“That’s bad!” Luke gasped. “The Archmaester said we should never skip our lessons or we will be simple.”

“I’m too old for lessons.” He said. “And all they talk about are the same things we had already discussed the previous days.”

“Did they found out who killed Uncle Aegon?” Luke asked quietly.

“The pigs killed him.” Baela snorted.

“The Queen said someone did.” Luke insisted.

“The Queen is grieving, she sees enemies everywhere.” Rhaena said.

“She’s a bad person. She wanted to take my eye!’ Luke cried.

“It was not your fault. His child was going to kill your brother, you did well protecting him.” He assured and the boy nodded and smiled at him.

“It would have been better if the would-be kinslayer was the one to die.” Baela whispered and was rebuked by Baela. His eldest just rolled her eyes at her twin.

“She’s right, Baela.” He said. “Here in the Red Keep even the walls have ears. You have to be careful, all of you.”

“We know, Kepa.” Baela said, irritated.

If it’s up to Rhaenyra, Baela will be the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms while Rhaena will be Lady of Driftmark. He has no doubt that Rhaena will excel in the role but Baela is too straightforward and too impatient to be Queen. Rhaenyra said she’s still young and she will have time to learn how to maneuver the politics of the Red Keep. Her courage and steadfastness will be a boon for Jace. The children deserved to have Targaryens spouses to make sure that their future children will be Dragon riders.

“Will Uncle Aemond die?” Luke asked.

“One can only hope.” Baela said and she was rebuked again by Rhaena.

“He deserves it!” Baela cried. “Not only did he try to steal mother’s dragon the same night as her funeral, he did the same on his own brother’s. He tried to claim Sunfyre the night they found his body! He’s no shame and no respect for the dragons, for that he deserves to burn!”

He reached out and caressed Baela’s back soothing her. She slumped against her sister’s back calming down. Baela had always been ardent and outspoken, something she unfortunately got from him.

After the King collapse everyone was busy making sure he was okay and no one noticed how the second Prince stole away in the night and tried to claim Sunfyre in the Dragonpit, he was burned by the dragon and it was only with the help of the Dragon Keepers that he did not die. They were able to get him out of the caves and transport him to the Red Keep for treatment.

Because the Maesters were busy with the King it was Rhaenyra’s healers who tended to him. His shout can be heard across the Holdfast and even in the Heirs Apartments as the healers scraped the burnt skins and meat from his bones. One of the maids said that Aemond’s left hand had fused on his left chest, his whole torso was burned and they had to removed his co*ck because it was severely melted. The Essosi healers were able to save him but seventy five percent of his body was burned, some even to the bones. He will forever be in pain. The Grand Maester suggested he be given mercy but the Queen wailed and threatened to have him thrown out of the Keep.

They would never know that it was not Sunfyre who burned the Prince but Caraxes. His dragon had already retreated back to his own cave before the Dragon Keepers arrived and Aemond will forever be high on milk of the poppy to say anything.

Two Hightower princes dealt with, one more to go.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

She closed the door to the twins room and nodded at Grey Shield and another guard who will be guarding the door tonight. Daemon insisted on having two guards at once outside the children’s room at anytime. He’s not comfortable leaving his girls with just one man outside to protect them. It’s not just about their safety but he’s worried that what happened with Ser Cole might happen again. He said that Cole grew bold and thought himself entitled to her because there was no other person there to hinder and check his delusions.

Making sure that two guards are with the children at all times will make them conscious on how they act around them, their fellow guards themselves will be the deterrent to each other if one finds himself getting ridiculous ideas in their head.

He even went as far as assigned Septas to sleep on an adjoining room of the twins and nursemaids to accompany Luke in his room. Luke had recently moved out of the nursery. He’s so excited to have his own rooms but they explained to him that while he sleeps in his own bedchamber there will still be two night-nurses that will stay on his sitting room tending to his day clothes. They promised they will be quiet and will not disturb him the minute he closed the door to his bed chamber. Luke took it in strides as he’s used to having nurses nearby when he was still in the royal nursery.

Jace is already ten name days and is already sleeping alone in his chambers.

They alternate putting the children to bed. Yesterday she stayed with Luke until he falls asleep and said goodnight with Jace while Daemon reads a book with the twins. Today she braided the twin’s hair before putting them to sleep while Daemon took care of the boys. She always knew that Daemon is good with children, that’s why he was her favorite growing up. He not only showered her with gifts but he stayed and played with her.

She was a lonely child, her father was busy running the Kingdoms and her mother was often bed bound pregnant or recovering from another miscarriage or still births. She grew up surrounded by maids and septas. Laena and Laenor were her companions once but after the council of 101 their household went back to Driftmark and only Lord Corlys stayed as Master of Ships. The only time she was happy was when Dameon was around to teach her Valyrian and Targaryen culture and traditions.

She loves Laenor and thanks him for his friendship but he spiraled into depression when Joffrey Lonmouth was killed and his killer allowed to lived. He turned to the bottle and tried to find happiness with other men that further hurt their image in Court. He was not a neglectful father but he was not always present. He has his own demons to fight and her and the children were simply not his priority.

Although Daemon is good with children, he still had problem connecting to Rhaena. Rhaena’s cradle egg did not hatch and he does not know how to console her. He had advised her that treating Rhaena differently to how he treats Baela might not be the proper way solve his problem. He’s still unsure but he has started giving all children equal amount of attention.

She came inside the Nursery which is the nearest room to theirs, the night-nurses said Joffrey had already gone to sleep, tired from playing with his siblings. She made sure that her youngest is warm in his bed before kissing him in the forehead.

Daemon was already in their room drinking a goblet of wine when she came in.

“They did not give you any trouble?” she asked.

“Jace is agreeable as always, Luke was too tired and he fell asleep after just one story.” He said.

She smiled and joined him on the table and eyed the pitcher of wine. “You cannot get drunk, Ser Luthor wants us on the training yard tomorrow to show the improvement of the children.”

“No worries there, the last time I got horribly drunk Baela asked Laena ‘Why Kepa is acting stupid?’ I never drunk more than I can handle after that.” He said.

She laughed at him and he threw a grape at her which she caught in the air with her mouth. Daemon looked at her incredulously.

“You cannot be mother of three boys and not have tricks to amuse them.” She said smugly. “By the way, father knows you’ve been neglecting your duties in the Council Chamber, I don’t think he will let you go early again next time.” She smiled as he cursed under his breathe.

“What were they talking about that we have not discussed a hundred times already this week? We’ve closed the fighting pits, we apprehended the owners and interrogated their patrons. The children had been looked after before being sent to the orphanages. We’re hunting the real people behind the fighting pits. Listening to Alicent talk about a conspiracy against her children without offering any evidence or even plans to uncover it is useless.” He huffed.

Of course, Alicent have the right to be scared and suspicious but all her muttering about plots and schemes to anyone who will listen without putting forth any single proof makes her lost credibility even to her supporters.

“She’s whispering to the nobilities because that’s always been her specialty. She uses gossips and tell-tales to malign people, if enough people talks about it it will be know as the truth. She used that with me time and again.” She said bitterly.

Daemon raised his brows at her. “And why have you not fought back?”

“I did!” she cried. “I tried to defuse the situation but they never believe me.”

“It had not occurred to you to fight whispers with your own whispers? What did Viserys told you before? ‘The truth does not matter, only perception’”

“What do you suggest I do?” she asked.

“One of Alicent’s Ladies-in-waiting is Otto’s spy. Lady Talya.” He said. “One of the maids I installed in the Tower of the Hand heard them talking about Alicent’s increasing private visits with a certain clubfoot.”

“No!” She exclaimed. “That’s disgusting! And Alicent is so stiff with her belief with the Faith it would kill her to do something that goes against its fundamental teachings!’

“Is usurpation a crime that the Faith abhors and did she or did she not do it in your dreams?” He asked seriously

She wanted to correct him that it was not a dream. It was real to her. She loved and mourned and died in that dream but she knows he does not understand fully. It does not matter because even if he was skeptical, he trusted her and are doing thing to change everything. Already he had removed two of the biggest threats to her and her children.

“I trust you have a plan?”

“Oh, I have a lot.” He smirked deviously at her.

Daemon POV

He smirked as he watched his brother down another goblet of Arbor Gold. He prefers the Dornish red and strongwine while in Westeros and sweet reds and blackberry wine in Essos but it does not hurt to have varieties from time to time. But all drinks are perfectly paired with salty cured meat, slices of cheese, hard breads and fruits dipped in heavy cream. All of these are spread in front of him in golden plates and trays.

This is one of the rare nights that his brother wanted to spend with him. Most nights they spent listening to the children relay what they did on their day. Jace, Luke and Baela have arms training three times a week during the early morning until before the noon day meal. Rhaena usually spends that time with Joffrey or embroidering with Rhaenyra’s Ladies. The other days they have lessons with the Archmaester. All his children are being instructed in History, Foreign Policies, Coin Management and Distribution, War Craft, Languages, Economics, Law and Administration. They are also being tutored in Diplomacy, Negotiation, Charity and Literature.

During lesson days they stay indoors in the Archmaesters apartments. He dedicated one big room as the children’s learning room. It was stuffy and severe the last time he visited so he’s commissioning one of the Pavilion in the gardens to be fitted with Glass walls so the children have the option of studying in more pleasant environment which can create a bright and energizing atmosphere. Studying in such an environment may enhance mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Or so the Archmaester told him. He’s probably sick of looking around the red walls of the Keep and wanted a different atmosphere.

The Queen had protested the cost but she stopped running her mouth when he said that all renovations on their apartments and for his family will be paid for by him if the Crown is so bereft of funds. He had emptied one of his vaults in the Iron Bank and had it transferred to the Vaults in Dragonstone. Being a dragon rider had been very profitable for him the last ten years. Magisters paid him thousand of coins just to visit their cities to improve the influx of tourist and better the trades and they paid millions for him to defend their homes. Caraxes and Vhagar had burned thousand of Dothraki and Sell sword companies outside the walls of Pentos, Volantis and Qohor. Aside from coins the locals paid them with jewelries, soldiers, servants and learned men to be added to their household. And all of them are loyal to him and he had bought them here in the Red Keep to attend and shield his family.

He saw how pitiful Rhaenyra’s household was, how utterly devoid of support she and her children had. No more. He will no longer allow the Hightowers to act like they are the masters of the Red Keep.

The last day of the week is the children's rest day when they can do anything they want. It’s the day they can just laze around, waked up at noon and just stay in their rooms in their sleeping gowns all day. The children spend it mostly with their dragons in the pit or in the private beach outside the Iron Gate.

“—they did the same before! The day following my Aemma’s funeral they pushed me about the need to remarry and to secure the line of succession. And now my oldest son is dead and my second one will probably end up dead too and they still push and push… It’s tiring.”

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” He said and took a sip of the wine.

Viserys slumped on his chair, the empty goblet hanging from his hand. “I thought I was done with it you know.”

“What?” He asked.

“Burning my children on a pyre.” He said quietly. “Aemma and I were unfortunate to outlive most of our children so I was happy when Alicent proved fruitful in the birthing bed. I never imagined I will burn my son again.”

“You should have taught him better. Do you know what they call him in the streets?” he asked, his brother closed his eyes and motioned for him to continue. “They call him Aegon the Monster of the Pits. They filed the children’s teeth into sharp points so they can tear each other’s neck out. They keep their nails long so they can easily claw each other’s faces. They keep food from them so they will be hungry and vicious during the fights. All the regular customers had said it was Aegon’s idea to do that. That’s what your son is to the people of Flea Bottom. A whor*monger drunkard who took children from the streets and turn them into mindless beasts for the pits. And you didn’t even know.” He said darkly.

The King cried softly into his hands. “You’re right I didn’t know. My body had been failing me for years now, I can barely precede the Council meetings or even hold Court without being bedbound the following day.”

“And that’s why you do not have any control of your own Court. You do not know what’s happening to your children. Do you know that Jace and Luke were afraid to be seen in public because of the gossips that your own wife had been spreading of them?” he sneered.

“I tried to shield them—”

“You can barely sh*t by yourself, Viserys, you shield no one.” He said.

“If only Rhaenyra—”

“Don’t blame this on Rhaenyra!” he exclaimed. “You’re the one who forced her to marry the man you wanted for her while said man is still drenched in his lover’s blood. You gave her to someone so unfit to be her consort she needed to turn to someone else’s help while you do nothing as your Queen and Hand destroy her image. She had to flee her home, the place where she was born and raised no longer feels safe for her so she had to hide. Did you know she begged me to protect her? When Laenor died she pleaded for me to lend her my strength because she does not have any left anymore. She was drowning and suffocating and you did nothing.”

“I love my children but I am also the King. I needed to be strong for the Kingdom.”

“But you are not strong Viserys, look at you!” he spat. His brother may have been more drunk than usual because if he was not Viserys would have already banished him. “You’ve always wanted to please your council but at the end of the day you please no one. Do you know what I think is happening?” he asked, wanting to see how far he can push him.

“You would tell me even if I don’t want to know.” He sighed tiredly.

“I think the gods are angry and they’re punishing you.” He said. “You have completely abandoned our gods and our Valyrian traditions. Have you seen the numerous tapestries depicting the Seven in the keep? They’ve completely covered up or outright removed the Valyrian ones. I would weep if I found out that your Hightowers had thrown a five-hundred year old Valyrian rug or wall hangings. Rhaenyra said you did not even pray for her mother’s soul when she passed. Your fourteen-year old daughter had to be the one to beg Syrax to accept Aemma’s soul in her realm and she does not know if what she did was enough.”

Viserys whimpered pitifully as if he was in physical pain.

“Your Hightower children barely speak Valyrian. They covet the power of the dragons but they do not respect them. If they did Aemond would not have tried to claim Sunfyre the same night we found out his brother was dead like what he tried to do to Vhagar the night of Laena’s funeral. Dragons are not mindless beasts, they deserve to mourn too. And look what happened to him.”

“You are right, of course you are right.” Viserys mumbled. “Sometimes I think it may have been kinder if Aemond died. He is in constant pain, He can barely make sense of his surrounding given how often they give him milk of the poppy. But I could never do that to Alicent. She would be heart broken.”

He snorted. Of course, his brother will let his child suffer to appease the Hightowers. He does not even make sure that the boy is receiving the best care they have available. He survived that first day because it was their own healer who tended to him first. Once the Maesters took over he had been getting worse. From the gossips his wound had been festering, full of green pus that oozed and smells so foul he smelled like death himself.

He listened more as Viserys rumbled about how wretched and pitiful his life is before he called the maids to tend to the King. The Lord Commander offered to walk him back to the Heir’s Apartment and he did not have the strength to argue with him. They were passing the corridor leading to the Queen’s room when they heard a commotion.

The Kingsguard immediately went to investigate and he automatically followed him. The place was so different when it was Aemma who stayed here. Everywhere he look he can see the Seven-Pointed Star or a depiction of the Seven he thought he may have entered a Sept.

“I’m so sorry, Your Grace, I didn’t know!” he heard someone cry. He can see Lady Talya kneeling just inside the entrance to the Queen’s rooms as tears fell down her face. The poor woman was shaking. He also spotted Princess Helaena standing to the side her eyes fleeting between the Queen and Lord Larys. The maids were left whispering to each other in the corridors holding trays of foods and glasses of milk.

He immediately saw the wet patch in front of Larys’ breeches, the strings still loose. An angry Ser Crispy has his sword on his neck while the Queen was shouting at him to sheathe his sword.

“My, my, what a sight you all make.” He chuckled as the Queen’s large eyes turned to him.

“Prince Daemon, what are you doing here?” she asked, her voice shaking.

“I came from drinking with my brother.” He said. “What were you doing? Or who?” he raised one of his eyebrows looking at her mockingly.

She opened her mouth to respond but he interrupted her. “I don’t really care to know what depravity you do with a mangled man alone in your room deep in to the night.” He said loudly for all to hear, he can see her getting paler. He turned to the still angry Ser Crispy. “You might want to find the Queen her shoes, she seems to have misplaced it… along with her socks.” He said looking at the Queen’s bare feet.

He saluted them then turned around whistling the tuned to The Bear and the Maiden Fair.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

She smiled serenely as the Lords and Ladies bowed and curtsied at her. On either of her sides are Jace and Baela. They will be accompanying her today to listen to the petitions. She’s only allowed to spectate on the gallery along with the other Ladies. Oh how it galled her to see how Otto Hightower sits on the Iron Throne more often than her father and to have Alicent stand at the foot of the Throne whiles she’s relegated to the sides.

But right now, she prefers to be an observer. The Hand tried to conceal what happened in the Queen’s chamber by paying off and sending the maids away from the Red Keep but that proved futile when the same maids were the one who spread it in King’s Landing. There is already a song going around about a Queen rubbing her feet on a gnarled beast’s privates while it f*cks her with the end of a sword. There was a graphic picture that was painted on the door of the City Sept depicting a red-headed Queen wearing a green dress being ravished by a dog, a giant rod and a lion with her enormous feet up in the air. It took them tree days to erased the image, so strong was the paint used. There was also a play about a queen who abused her step daughter by shoving her big feet in her face, kicking her and stomping on her.

The number of times she hears the nobility snicker every time Alicent passed by or even mentioned is ridiculous. It feels good not to be the subject of everyone’s ridicule for once. And this is not just idle gossip, there were people who witness it. The fact that the maids were immediately removed from the Keep and that Larys Strong had not been seen for a week now further fuels the rumors.

Criston Cole still shadows the Queen but the man from the Marches looks like he wanted to be somewhere else altogether. His face so dark it looks like he will skewer a man anytime.

“What is being done, Prince Daemon?” She heard the Queen asked softly.

“The Gold Cloaks are still investigating the how far the reach this Martyn Flowers have to have the capability to have multiple establishments in the City, all we know is he’s a bastard born in the Reach.” Daemon said in a bored tone.

“No, I want to know what is being done to apprehend Aegon’s murderer.” Alicent almost shouted, which made the Lord snort and the Ladies tittered.

It’s been two months with no other clue that Aegon’s death was not a stupid accident but Alicent keeps on insisting that someone had been behind his death, something more terrible.

“There was no evidence that points to—” Daemon was interrupted by Alicent again, a crazy glint in her eye.

“The fact that my son died from such gruesome circ*mstances is evidence enough! I can feel it in my bones, a mother’s heart always knows! My son was murdered and I order you to give me the head of his killer!” She shouted.

She can feel Baela bristled indignantly besides her while Jace stiffened but all she did was put a hand on their shoulder to reassure them that Daemon is more than capable of handling an up-jumped Hightower who feels she’s entitled to command Dragon’s Blood.

She can see a cruel glint in her husband’s eye before he smirks. ““The gold cloaks are doing their best, good-sister, don’t feel defeeted yet.” He said slowly, enunciating his words carefully before looking at Queen Alicent’s feet hidden by her green gown.

She bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing out loud but Lady Redwyne did not have the same compaction. Soon enough the Throne Room was filled with badly controlled laughter from the Lords and giggle from the Ladies.

Daemon smirked at the Queen and the Hand, daring them to do something but father and daughter only looked hatefully at him. “I would personally go now and return with justice.” He said and turned around but not before winking at her and the children.

Baela let out a relieved sigh as Jace continue to look at his stepfather. The Court continued with the Hand telling the supplicants to either complain first to their local overlords or a promise that he will inquire with the King. Something that she’s sure will never happen. There was not even a scribe present aside from the one she brought with her who was busy scribbling on his little book. She will quiz Jace and Baela about it later.

After an hour the Herald announced Daemon back who strode in lazily. He smiled at the Queen with all his teeth showing, like a dragon ready to snap at a prey.

“Prince Daemon, you returned so soon.” The Queen said with a frown.

“You wanted justice, good-sister and I delivered. Here are the menace the Realm should be afraid of!” he said with a flourish and as if on cue a group of Gold Cloaks ushered three pigs inside the Throne Room.

Lady Redwyne gasped then chuckled as she hid her smile behind her fan. Lady Caswell wrinkled her knows and put her kerchief over her nose while Lord Beesbury’s youngest grand daughter started to cough trying to stifle her laugh.

“This one here is Lord Porkington the Merciless.” Daemon said pointing at massive boar with a broad, barrel-shaped body that practically ripples with muscle beneath his thick layer of pink skin. His snout is long and tapered and moves with surprising grace and agility across the marbled floor. “The owner said he will eats half of their supplies in a day if not monitored carefully."

“This black one is Ser Hogwarts the Terrible.” He said to a diminutive piglet with a round, chubby body and stubby legs that seem to barely support his weight. His dark skin is covered in a fine layer of downy fur, and his snub nose twitches constantly as he sniffs his way around his surroundings that the gold cloak needs to constantly use his spear so he will not wander away. “That one was sold because he ate the elderly man who owned him before when he fell on his pen and broke his hips. He wasn’t able to get away from the beast’s greedy chumper.”

“Prince Daemon, enough!” The Hand shouted angrily.

“Shhh Ser Otto, I was commanded to bring justice, you just stay put, careful with the sword on your right, that’s the sword that killed Maegor.” He said smiling insolently at the man who looks like he will explode in anger anytime. Daemon then pointed at the last one with a flourish. “And this dear esteemed member of Court is Lady Porkchop. From our interrogation from the owner she eats about anything, acorn, nuts, roots vegetable, barley, wheat, kitchen scraps and you guess it, meat even human ones.” He said ominously looking at a sleek and shiny sow with a glossy coat that gleams in the dim light like polished mahogany. Her powerful muscles ripple beneath her smooth skin as she prowls, her sharp tusks glinting ominously in the dim light of the room.

“Should we begin the trial?” Daemon asked “Lord Beesbury would you be one of the jury? You too Lord Tyland.” The two Lords look in between being offended and being amused, more so the Lord of Honeyholt who was hiding his smile behind a poorly conceive grimace. “I would also ask Lord Strong but I hear he was sick and still not up to his feet yet.”

Another round of laugher echoed in the gallery.

“Will the pigs be allowed to defend themselves?” a brave soul from the back shouted that caused more laughter.

“But of course, what say you, Lady Porkchop?” Daemon asked. As if replying the pig sorted so loud it echoed in the Throne Room which prompted the Nobility to an unrestrained round of laughter.

Even Jace, who always try to appear serious, had his shoulder shaking in laughter. Baela was rolling her eyes at her father.

“Prince Daemon, you have overstepped!” the Lord Hand’s voice thundered.

“No. You Hightowers overreached, overstep and overvalue yourself.” He said dangerously, his hand resting on Darksister’s pummel casually. “Just because my brother is bed bound you thought yourself the Master of the Red Keep? The illusion of power you have is only based on what the dragons decide you can have.”

No one was laughing now. It feels like everyone was afraid to even breathe loudly. She can see Lady Redwyne fidgeting from the corner of her eyes.

“Good-sister, let me remind you that you are Queen Consort. You climbed the King’s bed while my cousin’s blood is still wet and whor*d yourself for a crown and now that the King cannot bed you anymore you turned to mangled beasts for satisfaction. Everyone knows the depravity you were doing while shrouding yourself with your gods’ relics like the hypocritical bint that you are. You’re fooling no one. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguards, your Sworn shield and your own daughter were there when you were found fiddling Larys Strong’s co*ck with your feet.

Mind your tongue and remind yourself that you do not command the dragon. You’re nothing more than a womb my brother needed to appease the vipers in court. Your only use is to take care of the King, birth his children and take care of them something that you could not even do because since the King had married you his health had taken the worse turn and you couldn’t even keep two of your children alive. Take care of my brother, he’s the only one preventing you from being devoured by the dragons.” He turned back from the Queen who was looking at him with wide terrified eyes and looked at her.

She smiled at him and guided her children down the gallery. She took his offered arm as they walk away, Baela was an elegant young lady on her side while Jace was standing regally next to Daemon.

“Oh, before I forgot.” Daemon said and looked back at the Hightowers who looked horrified. “You can take the pigs, I’m sure they already shat the pieces of your child they ate.”

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

She looks at down at the training yard wincing hard as Jace’s wooden sword crashed horribly on Luke’s shield bringing his sweet boy down. She could see the grimace on Luke’s face as he tried to lift up his arm. Jace took the Shield off his brother and assisted him in standing up. He can see him whisper something in his ear making Luke laugh before he went to Daemon’s side showing him the bruise on his arm.

She does not hear what Daemon said but Luke nodded before Daemon pulled him up and sat him down on the barrel beside him. Since Ser Luthor had taken over her children’s training, they had shown considerable progress. The giant Knight had taught Luke how to properly hold his sword differently because he’s left-handed, the slight changed had done wonders on his development and his confidence. Jace is also not afraid to show his full potential because he is no longer afraid of being mocked instead of praised. The Kingsguards take turns instructing them as well once a week as per the King’s command.

She grimaced when Cole barked for Jace not to be too proud of besting an eight year old child. If it’s up to her Cole will never get to be near her children ever but her father is still King and his word is law.

She heard Daemon instructing Baela to ready to spar with Jace next and her stepdaughter went in the middle of the courtyard excitedly.

“My King, if I may?” Ser Cole said looking up at them with a grimace. Since the night that Alicent’s dalliance with Larys Strong had been known the man had been bitter and more insufferable than usual. The maids and guards said that he never talked to the Queen even if he still shadows her. Alicent also has a hard time even looking at her Sworn shield in the eyes. It’s hilarious how the two most hypocrite people in the world are stuck with each other.

“Yes Ser Criston?” the King asked

“Forgive me, Your Grace, but I am not comfortable training a young girl.” He said and she can see Baela bristle.

“It is well known that women are not suited for combat or military service. Women are weaker and more emotionally fragile than men, making them ill-suited for the rigors of warfare.” He said looking at her with barely concealed disgust as if she had ever attempted to even lift a sword before.

“Now, now, Ser Crispy, that may be true to you Andals but it is different to us with Blood of the Dragons.” Daemon said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. “The Conqueror’s wives were in the thick of fighting during the Conquest, Queen Visenya herself founded the esteemed Order of the Kingsguards that you are a part of and my own mother, Princess Alyssa, would have mopped the yard with your white cloak.” He spat.

Cole did not even look at her husband butcontinued looking beseechingly at her father. “My King, I am a man of the Faith. According to the holy book women are just distraction to men in the yard because women are carnal by nature and will affect men’s concentration. Also moon blood is highly toxic, the expulsion of blood threatened to poison others, causing illness and even death.”

She wanted to laugh, does this man know barely few girls experience moon blood at the age of nine?

She can see Alicent’s face get red at the mention of moonblood. “I agree, my King, look at her wearing tight breeches and without stays!” she whispered.

“Take him.” She heard Daemon said and at once the four Unsullied grabbed Cole’s hands to incapacitate him, two more Unsullied broke two spears on his knees making him crash to the ground.

“Daemon!” her father shouted as he stood up from his padded seat.

“If it does not bother you that a grown man looks at a young girl’s body and are threatened by it, then we are not the same. No man who slanders my daughter in front of a whole audience like that will get to leave unpunished.” Daemon said looking angrily at the King.

The two brothers looked at each other angrily but the King sighed in defeat. “Punish him but do not kill him.” He said.

“Of course, Your Grace!” Daemon bowed mockingly.

The King huffed then stood up with difficulty and went back inside the Palace followed by the Queen who turned away as the Unsullied removed the Kingsguards trousers. She wanted to snort loudly, here is Alicent who birthed four children and is rumored to be bedding every manner of beasts and she’s uncomfortable looking at Cole’s naked behind.

She let her ladies get back in the Holdfast and she went down the yard and stood behind Luke who was still sitting in the barrel.

Muña.” Luke looked at her, feeling afraid.

She put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t look away.” She said. “This is what happens to people who thinks they are better than the dragons and that they can talk down to us without consequencse.”

Luke nodded and sat straighter.

The Unsullied tied his hands together and then pulled him up on a beam so that he was dangling by a few feet from the ground. He was stripped of his trousers and he was bare for all to see.

“The Andal tradition of smothering your women so they become weak and easily abused by their husbands do not have a place in the House of the Dragon.” Daemon said as one of the Unsullied hit him with a thick wooden rod. Cole tried to remain silent but lost it to pain after being hit for the third time. “Ser Crispy here owned his white cloak to Princess Rhaenyra. He was a nobody from the Dornish marches, son of a steward, a man without prospect and yet the princess had saw him fit to be elevated. And how did he repay that? By spreading gossips about her like a common washer woman. He is without honor and is even proud to harassed little boys and little girls in the yard.”

Cole shouted like a wounded animal as one particular heavy stroke bear down on him. Blood started running down his legs and the guards snigg*red as he whimpered pitifully while the squires looked green.

“If anyone of you so called knights and soldiers of the realm are intimidated by women being able to protect themselves, I would suggest to go back to wherever sh*thole you came from. The Red Keep is not the place for you. This is the Home of the Blood of the Dragon. The residence of Kings and Queens and we do not need weak-willed individuals here.”

She can see everyone started to stand straighter as if afraid they will be found lacking.

She relished on every shout of pain, every whimper of agony and every sob of misery that came out of Cole’s mouth. This is the man who had hurt her children, the man who will crown her step-brother and usurped her throne, the person who helped the greens hide her father’s death and let him rot on his bed for days. She does not have any more compassion for people who commit treason as if it’s as easy as breathing.

The Unsullied only stopped when the rod he’s using had broken. Daemon spat on the ground running with Cole’s blood and led them back inside the Keep.

They were served the midday meal at the balcony that opens out of their sitting room. Luke and Baela were enthusiastic as ever, telling Rhaena and baby Joff what happened in the training yard but Jace was uncharacteristically silent.

“Are you afraid of me, boy?” Daemon asked Jace as soon as Luke, Joff, Baela and Rhaena left them to play on the wooden shallow structure that Daemon had asked the builders to make which can be filled with water so the children can play on it anytime they want.

Jace looked at her briefly then at her husband who has an amused look on his face. “No.” he said briefly.

“Then why do you sit there all rigid and tense?” Daemon asked

“I—does it make me bad that I enjoyed watching Ser Criston suffer?” Jace asked in a quiet voice.

“Oh, my boy!” she said and gathered him in her arms. “It does not make you a bad person… It makes you human.”

“It would be more bizarre if you feel bad for that the person who tormented you and your mother for years. I would have caned you myself.” Daemon said and brought the goblet of Dornish red on his lips.

Jace looked at them both then smiled, his body visibly relaxing.

“Run along then, make sure your brothers and sisters do not drown themselves on that pool.” Daemon said which made Jace laughed as he too bolted and joined his siblings in the water.

She squeezed his hands in silent thanks. For so long no one had been able to defend them like that in public. It feels good to know that someone will always have her back no matter what.

Chapter 6

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

The following day all the Nobles had known what happened in the training yard. No one had outwardly shown their distaste at Baela wanting to practice arms again. They had also remembered basic courtesy like bowing and curtsying low to her and her children.

She remembers this happening after father was declared Heir on the Council of 101. She was still young but she can remember the Courtier saying that Viserys will be the first King without a dragon and if it would have been better to have a dragon riding queen or a dragonless king. That stopped when Daemon landed Caraxes in the Dragonpit. She remembers her father welcoming Daemon with a hug and a smile. She wonders when that stopped. Was it because of Otto Hightower and his whispered poison or was it earlier? Did her father resented Daemon’s ability to command both respect and fear from the Nobility and the smallfolk? She probably would never know.

She learned from the maids that the Queen personally visited her Sword shield in the White Sword Tower and stayed the whole day but when gossips spread that she was there to rub her feet on Cole’s member she stopped talking about him altogether. It was refreshing to see Alicent cower beneath the judgmental eyes of the Court like she was still a young girl.

She had always been like that. Alicent preferred to stand behind her, averting her eyes from the Lord and Ladies who wanted to flatter the Crown Princess. She said she had no choice but to marry her father but she was quick to take advantage of the power of Queen.

She had Queen’s Apartments renovated just a day after her marriage to the King was announced, she removed all servants and guards that Queen Aemma had and she even tried to control her spending. It was only Lord Beesbury’s refusal to release the control of her Vault to the Queen that she was able to maintain her lifestyle. She’s sure that if Alicent were allowed to meddle with her funds she will be forced to bedecked herself in mediocre and itchy dresses that contains the image of her beloved Seven.

Otto tried to get Daemon in trouble about him punishing a Kingsguard but even the King said he gave his permission. Even the Lord Commander did not have anything to say except that he had reviewed the vows of Knighthood and the Vows of the Kingsguards to his brothers so an incident like this will not happen again. He had also asked them permission to look for Ser Criston’s replacement because he will sure need time to recover if he ever at all. The Maester also said he broke a bone on his buttocks and it may hinder him from doing his duties. Cole already have an infection because no one had taken him off the yard until Ser Westerling had finished his shift guarding the King. Even his Kingsguards brothers are not fond of him because Cole had always been sanctimonious and arrogant, The Maester said he will likely have chronic pain, and is already experiencing difficulty with his bowel and bladder function.

“The King agreed that I give him the punishment he deserves for maligning Royalty in front of everyone to see. The only condition he gave is that I do not kill him. He’s alive, isn’t he?” He said raising his eyebrow at Otto

The King let the Council go after hours of back and forth barbs with really nothing being solved. It was a typical Council Meeting with Otto and the Grand Maester complaining about the increasing audacity of Daemon and very little of what actually is happening in the Realm.

“Rhaenyra, Daemon, stay you two.” The King said.

She sighed and sat back down on her seat while turning the rings in her fingers around and around. On her forefinger is the Targaryen ancestral ring that Queen Visenya had commissioned back when the Conquerors’ were still planning the Conquest. According to the Journal that Daemon had given her it was the warrior Queen that drew their future House’s sigil and this ring was the first symbol she made depicting it, it was made from dark Dragonglass. She commissioned two more for Rhaenys and Aegon. Aegon’s ring are what all Targaryen Kings uses as their official signet ring, Rhaenys’ were lost in Dorne and Visenya’s ring had long since been unaccounted for until Daemon found it along with her diary in a Catacomb in the Dragonmont. He sent it to her when she was proclaimed Heir. He did not swear allegiance like all the other Lords because he had since been banished and had his war with Lord Corlys.

The package came with the man he usually tasked with giving her his gifts, there was no notes or explanation, just the ring and the journal that was haphazardly wrapped in leather. She hyperventilated when she saw the precious cargo. If the man had known what he was transporting he would have pissed himself.

She knew it was an apology about his tantrum in Dragonstone and no matter how angry he was with her father it will never be transferred to her.

The ring on her middle finger is gold with the Arryn falcon on it. It belonged to her grandmother Daella, her wedding gift from her Grandfather Rodrik which was passed to her mother, Aemma, when she died. It was kept by her father for a long time until he gave it to her when she birthed Jace. It was one of the last things she had of her.

The ring on her ring finger is her wedding gift from Daemon on their wedding day. It was the image of Syrax and Caraxes twining together midflight. This one is made from Valyrian Steel. Daemon had the jeweler put the littlest of rubies and yellow diamond on the scales.

The ring on her littlest finger is the first jewelry that she can remember Daemon gave her at the age of five. It was a simple thin gold band with an inscription of her name on the inside, she can still remember her young self treasure it so much she had not removed it since he gave it to her. It moved from her thumb, to her forefinger to her little finger.

Daemon took her hand in his and squeezed. He knows of course her habit of fiddling with her rings when she’s nervous. His smile conveys that she should never be afraid when he’s around.

“Daemon, you will cease making spectacles every time it pleases you!” Her father berated immediately as the last Council man exited the Room.

“I thought you agreed about why we needed to punish Ser Crispy.”

“It’s not just about that!” The King banged his hand on the table. “What you did in the Throne Room with the pigs! I don’t have any words! It’s so insulting!”

“What’s insulting is you thinking that I will bow down to your upstart Hand and her daughter who’s only achievement to her name is having pushed your children out!”

“That is your Queen and you will respect her!”

“My Queen died years ago!” Daemon shouted angrily. “Or have you forgotten exactly how she died?”

She squeezed his hand in caution.

Her father sat down heavily on his chair she thought it will topple back. He put his head on his hand as if he cannot support it at all.

“So what is it? Another exile?” Daemon asked mockingly. “It would probably be better if we go back to Pentos. I have two Manse in my name there, I have businesses and my own household. Or we could move to Volantis. The triarchs had gifted me a manse near the beach where the Dragons can stay. Bravos is already familiar with my girls, I’m sure they will be happy to give their sibling a tour of the City.”

“You will not take my daughter and her children to those god forsaken cities!”

“I would certainly not be staying here without my husband!” She said angrily. The thought of going back to what they were before was unthinkable. “I have no voice in the Small Council, all my projects are being rejected without even being looked at. I can barely sustain Queen Alyssane’s projects using my own coin because the Crown refuses to fund it further. My children were used as training dummies by your older children encouraged by that man your Hands was so keen to protect! The Hightower are the ones literally sitting on the Iron Throne while I’m relegated on the gallery, I don’t even know why you just don’t remove me from the line of succession and just put the Crown on Otto Hightower’s head!”

Her father looked at her like it was the first time he was seeing her. He put his hand on his chest as if he’s having difficulty breathing.

She sighed. “Husband, please asked the Kingsguards to get the Grand Maester, the King is ill so we will probably be subjected to King Otto’s reign for the next six moons.” She stood up and promptly left the Room.

Daemon POV

He looked at his brother in amusem*nt as his wife banged the door as she went out. “Do I have to call the Grand Maester, Your Grace? I don’t know why we need to since obviously whatever it is he’s doing does not make you better. We’ll as long as you’re alive but incapable to rule I guess it’s a win for your chosen family.” He said and stood up to let the Kingsguards know the urgent need to have the Grand Maester.

He sat down again and poured wine on two goblets and gave the first one to the King who is somewhat calming. He does not grasp for breathes anymore and his paleness had abated.

“How does that work?” he asked, his head tilted curiously.“You get sick whenever you are faced with some uncomfortable truths. I want to learn that.”

“Do you think I want to be so sick I couldn’t even get up to use the privy by myself?!” The King asked angrily.

“See? You’re better now.” He said and sipped his wine. “And you got rid of your daughter just as she tells you how she feels undervalued as Heir. I think that’s a good talent to have especially when Luke asked to be made captain of a ship since he will be Lord of Driftmark next. Can’t quite get up the courage to tell him he’s sh*t at giving command yet. Or when Baela asked why she cannot wear breaches and leathers all the time like she used to in Bravos.” he chuckled.

The Maester came and fussed over the King. After half an hour of Viserys assuring him that he called in rather pre-maturely the Grand Maester finally left with a promise of tonics being sent to his bedchamber.

He was almost nodding off when Viserys kicked his feet jarring him. “f*ck off, Viserys.” He grumbled.

“What Rhaenyra said earlier, about Grandmother Alyssane’s projects not being funded by the Crown, what does she mean by that?” his brother asked.

“You should speak with Lord Beesbury.” He said.

“I want to speak of it with you.” The King insisted to his annoyance.

“The Queen had apparently ordered all coins for charity be given to the Faith to fund their own in the Crown’s name. The Crown gives them twenty thousand gold dragons per moon since you married but the only charity they do it the soup kitchen in Flea Bottom. I went there myself and they only provide food twice a week with questionable bowl o' brown and stale breads. They cannot even feed everyone whenever they decide to give them food, they usually run out at noon. The Faith also owns an orphanage. Now that’s the most pitiful orphanage I’ve seen with one wall crumbling down and the roof leaking. The place is only fit to house thirty people but it currently accommodates fifty children and the staff. If you visit you will see how thin the children are, they look no better than the beggars on the street.”

“What about the projects that Rhaenyra is personally funding?” The King asked, his face grim.

“She mainly maintains the drinking Fountains as it’s one of the most important things that allows the smallfolk to survive. Even if they cannot eat, they will not die if they have something to drink. She also has a food bank that gives free food once a day to families who cannot provide for themselves. I know Rhaenyra had proposed proper sanitation during the first years she was made heir given how filthy King’s Landing is but that one was rejected. Through the years she proposed healing houses to be build, the proper management of sewers, a public bath house but you rejected all of them.”

His brother chocked a sob. “I didn’t—I didn’t know about her projects.” He whispered.

“Given that you don’t even know what’s happening in your family especially with your wife and children, I don’t doubt that.” He snorted callously. “Do you even know that the Riverlands is in the cusp of having a civil war because the Blackwoods and the Brackens are starting their feud again? Lord Tully had asked for helped but your Hand just told him to refer to his overlord for assistance. Tully is a Lord Paramount, his overlord is you.” He said in disbelief at Otto’s stupidity. “Pirates in the Stepstones are emerging again it will not be long until they affect the trade in King’s Landing, the Stormlands and the Vale. It would not be a problem if only you ordered the fortifications Lord Corlys and I advised you to build in those god forsaken island. And Borther, I have a family now, with small children I will not be going to a thankless war again.”

“I never even sanctioned that war!”

“But you benefited from it. You can clean up your messes by yourself now, or you can pretend to be sick again and forget about it like you always do.” He said.

“Be careful brother, I have suffered enough insult from you.”

“Well then exile me, that’s your most preferred method, right? We will gladly leave this sh*thole that gives us little respect and even little love. Since I’ve already insulted you plenty, let me add one more.” He said as he stood up ready to leave. “You have not been a King for years, Viserys. You are only the man with the Crown. The person who holds the true power here is your Hand and your Queen when her father allows it. Congratulations on being more useless than Aenys.” He said, emptied his cup then left his brother spewing in his anger.

He was alert waiting for the Kingsguard to cut him down but none came.

A moon after, ravens about Rhaenyra being appointed as Princess Regent was sent to the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms. It was written in the hand of the Archmaester citing that the King had not been able to fulfill his duties as much as he wanted to due to his ill-health and he wanted to mentor the Princess who will be the first Ruling Queen while he still can. There is also an invitation for her investiture where all the Lord and their Heir will be asked to renew their pledge of allegiance to her and a feast and Tourney in her honor.

He laughed hysterically as Rhaenyra looked at him with her mouth agape.

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

She bid Rhaena and Jace to go before her to the Small Council Chamber and they enthusiastically agreed as they bring with them the important scroll and document she will need for the meeting later.Her father made Jace the Council’s cup bearer so he can observe, like what she did when she was young. She allows Jace to read and review every document that was passed to her whether it be a new trade proposal between two Kingdoms, request for more arms and armor from the City Watch or the progress of the of two small buildings she intend to turn into healing houses. Jace will be King after her, she will make sure that he’s well educated on the issues the Crown is facing and the proper ways to handle it. He will not be left to fend for himself like she was.

Rhaena is her little scribe, she usually pens her letters with her pretty calligraphy and she tends to use sweeter words than she would have done and it helps her with negotiating and keeping good relationship between the Crown and it’s Lords.

The first thing she had ordered after being made Princess Regent is auditing the The Faith. They had constantly asked for support but had little to show what the money was sued for. When the High Septon could not provide a proper list of expenditures she immediately cut off their funding. She wanted so bad to try the Faith for embezzlement and demand they pay them back what was given to them through the years that was supposed to be used for the smallfolk but she did not want to fight with the Faith this early in her Office.

Daemon made sure to tell the High Septon to be grateful he get to keep his head given how big his crime is. The High Septon was angry at first but a threat to have him reported to the Most Devout who will most probably want him replaced stayed his hand. Still, the High Septon is being secretly watched. All his attendants are in their pockets.

She created the Queen Aemma Alms Trust and funneled all coins there. She bought a big Manor that was owned by a merchant who fell on bad times and she transferred all orphans from three separate orphanage there. She also instructed the Gold Cloaks to deliver street beggars and urchins in the orphanage so they can be properly cared for.

The three Soup Kitchen that Queen Alyssane had built was revived and they can now provide two full meals a day.

She’s currently drafting a proposal about building a big Healing Center in Visenya’s Hill where more serious cases will be taken care of. Visenya’s Hill is relatively empty, she’s thinking of expanding the City to alleviate the densely populated Flea Bottom but that will need more gold and more time to plan properly.

What she wants to focus now is the overall health of the City. King’s Landing, as Baela said, is disgusting. She wants to established a group of people solely dedicated to cleaning the streets. They need street sweepers and trash collectors mainly. Maintaining a clean city improves the people’s health and increased their productivity. It also promotes increase trade.

She’s already getting pushback from everyone but the Lord Commander of the City Watch and the Kingsguards. The Hand, The Master of Law, The Master of Ships and the Grand Master is already saying that it is an unnecessary. Lord Beesbury is only worried about the cost.

She stood up and brush imaginary lint of her simple black light-weight silk gown with golden dragon embroidery on the bodice. The only thing remarkable on her dress is the dark pauldron that covers her shoulders. The seamstress had the smith carved designs on it where she put many precious stones on mainly, rubies, yellow diamonds and dark dragon glass. It connects the layers of red sweeping sleeves to her dress. She had not worn a plainer dress in years and it makes her grimaced but it is needed on what she wanted to do today.

She exited her solar, passed her sitting room and down the corridor. Joffrey Arryn, her Sworn Shield, and Ser Erryck Cargyll shadowed her steps along with two Royal Guards and two Unsullied bringing up the rear.

She nodded at the servants she passed. Once she exited Maegor’s Holdfast she had encountered more Courtier and Noble man going through their own tasks. She passed some Ladies gossiping on one of the gardens and they stood up and curtsied at her inviting her to break her fast with them. She graciously declined citing the Small Council Meeting she will be going to and they accepted thoughtfully.

She can hear them giggling and she swears she heard the name Larys being whispered loudly. Larys Strong had been receiving some attention because the man had not been seen since the night of the feet incident. IT was easy to keep him incapacitated by tampering on the dosage of the poppy seeds he takes for the pain in his foot. His attendants said after a weak of nausea and vomiting he is now also hallucinating the death of his father and brother in the fire. She wonders how long he will last with that much opium on his body.

But because the Court had not seen the Master of Whispers in public it was the Queen who bear the brunt of backlash, it was said that a drunk Ser Rickard Thorne had spilled that the Queen indeed visited the King every night on his chamber starting the night of the late Queen Aemma’s funeral and they let her in because of the Hand’s instruction.

The carefully curated image that the Hightowers crafted for Queen Alicent had crumbled to the ground. While some had found her dutiful when she obeyed the King’s command for her to wed him, everyone now knows that it was a carefully planned and underhanded tactic that made her Queen. She compromised herself so the King had no other choice but to marry her even if there was a more advantageous candidate present. The shroud of piousness that she often used to slander her had collapsed. The High Septon had ordered all Septas in the Queen’s employ back to the City Sept. He declined her request for an audience and only Hightower gold is keeping the man at bay to hold a trial of Faith be called for the Queen.

Daemon had instructed the maids to spread that the Hand and Queen had purposely avoided the whispers from reaching the King by keeping him isolated even from his own family a fact that was made easy given that the King is still often bed bound.

It does not really matter if King Viserys knows his Queen’s treachery or not. He will either not believe it or concoct scenarios to justify it. Given that her husband was there when it happened most probably the blame will be laid on his feet. Viserys can live in his land of delusion all he wants, she does not care anymore. She had already given up on her father after he chose the Hightowers over his own family over and over. He could lay with filth if he wants to.

What matter most is that everyone else knows how duplicitous and depraved the Queen is. That every slander that was aimed at her and her children was done to cover her own.

Everyone is already inside with the exception of the Master of Whispers who is still incapacitated and Daemon. Everyone bowed deeply except Otto who gave her a shallow bow. She smiled at them all. She knows it still galls them to bow and show complete obeisance to the girl who used to fill their cups but she really does not care. As long as they do their job properly she does not have any complaints. But their push back on her proposed projects had started to grate on her nerves and she does not have the patience to argue with them anymore.

“My lord, don’t get comfortable on your seats, we are going on an outing today.” She said as she went back out the door. She was already further down the corridor when they caught up with her.

Jace was instantly on her side and she took his gallantly offered arm. She had briefed him and Rhaena of what’s expected of them today. Jace will be escorting her while Rhaena will remain in the Small Council Chamber preparing all materials they needed for later.

“Princess, this is highly inappropriate.” The Hand protested predictably. “Small Council Meetings are important… you can go on your… outing on another time.”

“You’re free to stay, Ser Otto. But where we are going now will be the topic of the more formal meeting we will have later today.” She said.

She can hear them whispers amongst themselves and she smiled at having caught these pompous men unawares.

Daemon was already present at the Outer yard with four scores of Gold Cloaks ready to escort them to King’s Landing. He initially did not want to be seen because he does not want her first public venture out in the King’s Landing be overshadowed by his presence. She laughed at him and said he’s delusional if he thinks he can overshadow her to anything. Her husband laughed loudly and agreed.

Daemon is wearing his usual tanned leather with pressed sigil of their house on his left chest. Besides him is Baela wearing a white linen tunic with a black sleeveless leather over dress with a slit on both sides giving her ample space to move. She’s wearing comfortable breeches and knee high leather boots. She had commissioned quiet a lot of leather dresses for her, what she’s wearing now has leather bodies that lace up at the front that she can easily do herself. She also commissioned ones with skirts made of thick silk, it’s something girly and comfortable at the same time that she will not feel out of place if she’s ever in the company of Ladies. She was so happy she hugged her so tight. She can also use the dresses to tend to Moondancer whenever she wants too.

The Gold Cloaks lead the procession outside making sure that they are protected. They descended unto the Street of Seeds where the biggest Herbalist and Apothecaries are located. This is where the florist and seed merchants had set up their shops and where more botanical curiosities can be seen.

After fifteen minutes of walking she stopped in front of one of the largest stores. The man who was wearing a brown tunic and a grey apron was looking at them apprehensively. She stopped in front of her and he immediately fell on his knees.

“Rise, please.” She said and smiled at the middle aged man who looked at her apprehensively. “What’s your name, my good man?”

“Tis Aldric, Princess.” the man said.

“Do you work here?”

“Yes, Princess. My Pa owned it and he pass it to me.”

“Will you be passing it to your own child?”

“I would hope so, Princess, only my son prefers being in the City Watch instead of helping in the shop.” He said bitterly.

She laughed at that. “We can only guide our children but most often than not they will be much happier doing what they really wanted to do.” She said and looked back at Baela standing besides Dameon who have a hand on a dagger on her side.

The man smiled at her in understanding.

“It has been a few months since the King had named me Princess Regent. I tried to proposed projects for the City but my Council had told me most of them are not necessary.” She said and looked at the Councilmen behind her who all looked uncomfortable. “So we are taking an early day today to meet the people and asked you what it is you need exactly.”

She can see Aldric looked at the Councilmen with a glare, she can also hear angry whispers from the people who had gathered around while they were talking.

“Well, Princess… the thing that concerns me the most is the woodswitch that lives just beyond the walls of the City, in the Kingswoods. She prescribe and give tonics and medicines to the people but most of her concoction brings more harm than good.” He said.

“It’s because you charge bloody awful for your tonics!” One of the people from the back shouted.

“You think a washer woman from Flea Bottom has a silver coin for one of your vials?!” another one said.

Aldric looked at her in alarm and said that the ingredients are getting expensive especially the ones they need to buy from other port cities with the piracy in the Stepstone being a problem. She nodded at him.

“What do you think Lord Wylde, do we need a new law regulating who can prescribe medicine?” she asked and look at the normally grim man. He looked surprised at her question but answered in that boring and droning tone of his.

“That is something that we will have to review further, Princess.” He said not really answering her question.

She smiled at him and bade goodbye to Aldric. They spoke more with the herbalists and the florists. Daemon had ordered flowers to be delivered in the Castle for her and the twins, Jace looked offended that he was not included on the ones getting flowers but said he’s a man so he does not need flowers. She laughed and hug him to her side tightly.

Then they turned to go to Flea Bottom. The Councilmen tried to protest and she said they are free to turn around but a lot of people is already lining the streets and looking out the windows of the surrounding establishments.

“Go home Lannister pretty boy!” someone shouted that caused a lot of laughter. She saw Tyland Lannister got red in anger but stood up straighter and held up his chin. He never complained again the entire day.

The minute they entered Flea Bottom it was like they were transported in a completely different place. The streets of Flea Bottom are narrow, winding and teeming with people and animals that reside together and near one another. It has open sewers, stagnant waters, and piles of garbage contributing to unsanitary conditions. The buildings are run-down and decrepit, with crumbling facades and sagging roofs. The people live in overcrowded tenements or makeshift shanties constructed from scavenged materials like salvaged wood, metal, and cloth.

She can see the Councilmen wrinkled their noses at the of stench of stagnant water and sewage hangs heavy in the air. She almost gagged when she smelt the acrid tang of human waste mingling with the rank odor of decaying organic matter.

The Gold Cloaks shouted as a small child managed to evade their lines and barreled directly to her. Jace was able to intercept him and pulled him up to his arms.

“Hey, aren’t you fast?” he said while bouncing the little boy in his arms. The boy was probably around four or five name days, extremely thin and only wearing a soiled greying pants, he was bare from the waist up.

“We’re sorry, Princess.” The Gold Cloak who tried to stop the child said. She smiled and waved him off.

“What’s your name little one?” she asked.

“Timi!” he said and gave her twig with three leaves. She took it gracefully and thanked the little boy. A woman wearing tattered dress came over to take the boy in her arms while apologizing profusely. She talked to her for a few minutes finding out that Timi’s father is a fisherman in Fishmonger’s Square and she sometimes clean on one of the whor* houses to bring extra coin. She discreetly pressed a gold dragon on the woman’s hand before they left.

They met more gaunt and emaciated children with prominent cheekbones and pale and sallow skins whose hands and faces were streaked with dirt, and clothes that were stained with grease, mud, and other stains acquired from the streets. Most people wore faded and threadbare fabrics, with seams frayed and stitches hastily repaired.

She told them the same thing she told the proprietors in the Street of Seed. Most children just wanted food and perhaps some toys and clothes. The mothers all complain of the dirty surrounding, they said that most often than not they sleep near piles of rotting garbage that litter the streets. She made sure to let them all know that she only need to convince the Council to allow her projects to be approved and street sweepers and garbage collectors will be made available for the city, she might even be able to have some builders help with the repairs of the buildings.

The men and women looked at the Councilmen with distrust. Lord Beesbury was talking to an elderly man who boasting a leg wound he acquired during Maegor’s time while Baela and Jace were playing with the children.

They went to the soup kitchen owned by the Faith next and they fell in line to get food. Otto tried to protest and said it is not safe to eat anything from the place but she reminded him that it was him who told her that the food situation in King’s Landing is not a necessary concern so what the people eat here will be good enough for the whole Council. Baela and Jace only ate the stale breads, she tried to eat bowl o’ brown but she wanted to hurl it out immediately when she swallowed a spoonful, Daemon ended up finishing the bowl.

Her Councilmen grimaced but ate both bowsl o' brown and stale breads without further complains. Lord Beesbury reminisced about the campaign against the Myrish during King Jaehaerys reign and said the bowl o’ brown is actually tastier.

Jace asked what the ingredients are and the children shouted dogs, cats, pigeons and someone even said mice. She thought Grand Maester Mellos will faint in horror.

They then went to the Street of Silk. The women wanted more protection, they said that the Gold Cloaks patrol is not enough to discourage drunk men from putting hands on them. They also said that the apothecaries charge them insane amount for moon tea and they can barely afford to have maesters examine them whenever they encounter heavy handed customers. She boasted that she have the highest ranking maester in the land with her and the Grand Maester was swarmed with girls asking him to examine them. The girls were charming and propositioned the member of her Council, she rolled her eyes at the way Lord Tyland and Lord Jasper accepted the gestures while The Hand and the Grand Maester looks like they sucked on lemons. Lord Lyman flirted good-naturedly with the girls. Surprisingly, Daemon was the one who had Jace on a tight grip beside him discouraging the girls to flirt with her young son as well. Baela held her hand the entire time.

They doubled back and went to the docks where everyone was complaining about the high prices of goods from the East. The merchants are worried about what’s happening in the Stepstones again, a Stormlander said that the pirates took people from the Stormland and sold them to slavery last time, he’s worried it may happen again. That was something that even Lord Tyland, Lord Jasper and Lord Lyman was not aware of. Lord Lyman hounded the Hand why the Council and even the King was not privy to that information. He was still questioning the man when the carriage that Daemon had sent to transport them back to the Red Keep came.

The Master of Coin pulled the Hand on one of the carriages and continued his interrogation while the children, her and Daemon occupied the Royal Carriage. She slumped against Daemon's wide chest as he laughed loudly at Otto’s sour face.

The sun was already setting when they reached the Red Keep. She let Baela and Jace retire, they barely ate anything the whole day and was obviously tired. The two kissed them on the cheeks and went with her Ladies without protest.

The Councilmen did not have the same luxury as she instructed them to eat, freshen up and report back to the Small Council Chamber in an hour. Inside, Luke acted as their cup bearer and Rhaena her secretary and scribe along with three of the Archmaester’s acolytes. They had prepared and laid out the books that contains her proposals for each of the Council members to peruse.

It took five days straight of intense deliberation. Despite seeing first hand how important it was to improve the life of the people in the City the greens still pushed back. Lord Lyman is only worried about the amount such major projects would cost. She instructed the acolytes to write and post the updates of the deliberation on the City Square where the ones who can read recited it loudly for everyone to hear. The people know what projects were being proposed and exactly who was against it.

On the third day Lord Jasper came in with a bruised eye, busted lip and scraped knuckles. She found out from Jace that the Master of Law went out drinking last night and complained loudly about the long hours their discussion is going for some unnecessary plans and the people who heard him got angry. A group of fishermen had attacked him and his men. The Gold Cloaks were involved and they had to detain the fishermen. They will be released after three days as no serious injury was made. It was being discussed loudly at the training yard where Jace spent his early morning training with Ser Luthor.

Weather the Councilmen know it or not, the city is aware that they are the only hindrance on the improvements she wanted to implement in the city. They actions will have consequences and nobody should underestimate the ire of a hundred thousand smallfolk. Daemon is already receiving reports animosities between the smallfolk and anyone wearing Hightower and Lannister sigils.

In the end the only thing that Otto can use to prevent her proposals from being implemented is their lack of funds. Building a Healing House, public lavatories and bath houses, maintaining the sewers, paying workers to keep the city clean are all expensive projects. It was Lord Lyman was the one who solved their problems.

“The Princess’ dowry is still seating untouched in Dragonstone.” He started.

She looked at Daemon who only blinked at her.

“That alone is worth five million gold dragons, not including the gems and jewelries, fabrics, artwork, the ten merchant ships and the iron ore mine in the Vale. If the Prince and Princess will agree, we can use part of her dowry to fund the projects. On my estimate, we will need a million gold dragon to complete all project proposal from the Princess.”

She chuckled when she saw how pale the Hand was. Within an hour, everything had been approved by the Council. Tyland Lannister even wanted to expand the Harbor, he wanted to replace the wooden docks with stone and build breakwaters to protect vessels from waves, currents, and storms. Lord Jasper also mentioned about funding for the expansion of the City Watch.

She asked Lord Lyman to calculate how much it would cost if they expand the sewage system and build a residential area in Visenya’s Hill. The older man nodded and whispered about needing to talk to the Royal Builders while he scratch his quill furiously on his small book.

The following day, she had gathered all the people in the City Square and announced that as per Lord Lyman Beesbury’s advised and with permission from Prince Daemon, they will be using part of her dowry to build a Healing Center in Visenya’s Hill where the ill can be tended to. They will be expanding the sewage system, building public lavatories and bath houses to improve public health and sanitation. She informed them that they will be needing workers as this will be long term and continuous endeavor. She asked for their cooperation and patience while the city undergoes big changes.

She was not expecting the roar of approval from the people. They really seemed happy with the initial changes she wanted to implement. They were cheering for her not because she was the Princess but because she just gave them hope for a better future.

Chapter 8

Chapter Text

Alicent POV

She watched as Helaena gave the command for Dreamfyre to burn the pyre. Just five moons ago it was Aegon they burned on the same pyre, they weren’t even able to burn him whole because he was savaged so brutally. She does not for a minute believe that what happened to her son was a simple freak accident. At seven and ten name days old he was already familiar with the streets of King’s Landing. And only a year after Prince Daemon’s return her son died. That is a coincidence that she cannot ignore.

She knows how depraved and cruel the Rogue Prince is and she will not push it past him to have her children killed. Especially with Rhaenyra whispering in his ears while he’s between her legs. They really are the most terrible match. She’s convinced they were sent from the depths of the Seven Hells to destroy the Seven Kingdoms.

Not even half a year later she’s saying goodbye to her second son, her precious boy. He only wanted to have a dragon, something that Rhaenyra’s bastards had constantly mocked him for not having. No matter how many times he assured him that he is the legitimate Targaryen and not Rhaenyra’s plain-featured sons his desire to be a dragon rider was strong and it cost him.

She demanded to have the dragon butchered for killing a Prince of the Blood but even her husband who was supposed to be advocating for her son refused. She shouldn’t have been surprised since he did absolutely nothing even when Aemond was injured severely by Rhaenyra’s barbaric bastard.

Her mouth curled in disgust as said bastard looked at her then immediately looked away when he caught her eye. His hand was held firmly by Rhaenyra as she ushered her get inside the Royal Carriage. Even Prince Daemon’s two daughters were with them while the Rogue Prince had the unfortunately named Joffrey in his arms, drooling on the clip of his cape. She saw Prince Jacaerys looked at her with a frown on his face and she sneered openly at him only to be faced with Prince Daemon who hid the boy with his body. The Rogue Prince smiled predatorily at her, all his teeth showing like that of his infernal dragon.

She does not understand why Rhaenyra cannot see how dangerous Prince Daemon is. Does she think after Daemon is done with her children he would not do the same to her bastards? Dameon Targaryen is the most elitist person she knows, his disdain for her children comes from the fact that she is their mother, an Andal. At least her children have the typical Targaryen coloring unlike Rhaenyra who have very strong First Men feature.

She has no doubt in her mind that Daemon will be killing off Rhaenyra’s bastards next. Children are so fragile and easily damaged and Prince Daemon had proven himself very a very capable kinslayer.

She felt her father’s Hand on her arm and she let him guide her to one of the Carriages that will bring them back to the Red Keep. She knows that Viserys was in the Royal Carriage with Rhaenyra and her lustful spawns. She wanted to protest and shout to everyone that she is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and she should be the one riding in the Royal Carriage with the King but her father squeezed her arm tightly and motioned for her to get inside the carriage.

“Daeron should be here. He deserves to say goodbye to his brother.” She said.

“With Prince Daemon in the City he will be safer in Old Town.” Her father said scowling at her. “Hobert will make sure that he’ll be protected.”

“He will perish in green fire.” Helaena mumbled besides her, eyes looking outside unseeingly.

“He needs to be here so that Viserys will not forget his existence!” She insisted. “He’s sick and will not be long in this world and he needs to be reminded that he still has a son who should inherit the Throne!”

“Stop being hysterical, Your Grace, it will not do you good to be emotional in front of the Court.” The hand said firmly, shooting her a glare. “You will make sure that King Viserys is healthy and will live until Daeron reaches his majority to take up the mantle of King. Once he is of age he will marry Helaena to consolidate their claim.”

“I will marry the gods.” Helaena mumbled again

“And will we let them Lord their position over to us? Princess Regent? It is unseemly and defies the teaching of the Faith!” she cried. What her husband did was absurd. Of all the stupid things he could come up with he made Rhaenyra a Regent. A girl who does not know anything but spend gold on extravagant gowns and jewelries will beggar the Realm.

The many projects that she’s doing in King’s Landing now is a desperate grab to appeal to the people. A show.

Rhaenyra’s reputation had been in tatters for years now. The Princess had done nothing but spit on tradition, first by allowing her sword swallower husband to corrupt the younger squires and knights in the Keep and then birthing lustful creatures and parading them shamelessly in Court. She will burn the Seven Kingdoms to the ground.

The Faith and the Nobility will not allow her to sit on the Throne for long before they too drag her down and parade her in King’s Landing for all

“You just worry about the King, Your Grace. Be a comfort to him, use your shared grief to endear yourself further to his side. I will take care of the Dragons.” The Hand said confidently.

She relaxed her shoulders.


She knows her father is cunning and is not above using under handed tactics to eliminate his rivals. All she needs to do is make sure Viserys will be strong to wait for Daeron to mature. Then everything will be as it should be.

Daemon POV

He groaned as he heard a loud knock on the door before it was opened and he could hear the clink clank of the Kingsguard’s armor. “My Prince, My Princess… the King request your presence at the Throne Room, post haste.” He could see his silhouette beyond the Archway that leads to their bedchamber, the Myrish laces softly blowing in the wind hiding them from view.

He cursed under his breathe and groaned his answer, burying his nose on Rhaenyra’s neck, Ser Erryck bowed and went back to his post. Rhaenyra is also already awake and looked at him in question.

“Must be important if your father interrupted his much needed rest.” He wiped the sleep off his eyes with his hand as Rhaenyra’s maids came in and gave her a wet towel to wipe her face then helped her put on the heavy robe over her thick silk shift. The over robe is one of the most extravagant things he had ever seen, it hugs her upper body delicately, the neckline dipping enticingly showing her collar and the very top of her chest tastefully. It has jades as buttons that closes her sleeping gown until it reached her upper thigh then flowed freely downward sweeping the floor. The bodice has a hundreds rubies sewn into it to resemble big and small fire daisies and emeralds that make up the leaves. Little sapphires hemmed its edges as well as her sleeves.

It was little Joffrey’s favorite because Rhaenyra let him play with the precious stones adorning it.

He put on a simple white tunic and a heavy fur lined black robe before taking Rhaenyra’s hand and guiding her to the Throne Room. He nodded at Royal Guards and instructed to double the guards assigned at the children’s rooms. One of Joffrey’s night nurses were peeking out the door but immediately closed it when she saw them passed. There are two unsullied guards in front of the nursery.

He looked at his wife and saw her hiding a yawn behind her hand, she did not bother the maids to tighten her braid, there are wisp of hair that now frames her face softly. If Viserys woke them up for something stupid he will burn his Valyrian model and blame it to the Queen.

The Queen had become the laughing stock of the Red Keep, they call her mad for insisting that someone is out to get her since Aemond died of infection a week ago. It was a mercy that the boy died, Viserys said his whole body was covered with green pus that the maesters had to scarp every night only for it to rot again in the morning. It was cruelty how they let the boy linger in pain like that. Even during the funeral people had been making fun of the Queen, Lord Grafton actually said ‘May his sole rest in peace.’ in front of the King and Queen. Alicent looked livid while his brother was gracious in his acceptance.

The stupid fool.

Just like with Aegon they let Helaena burn Aemond in the fire. He and Rhaenyra will not give respect to this people by letting their dragon burn them.

He saw a small boy tending to the brazier that lines the courtyard, he looked at him and nodded very slightly you will not even see it if you’re not looking for the gesture specifically. He’s one of Aelle’s little workers.

One of the people he had brought on his household is Aelle, Aunt Saera’s third daughter on a Volantene Triarch. She had always been fascinated by her mother’s homeland and he knows that given how many children and great grandchildren Saera has she will be lucky to be given a brothel of her own. He offered her a place in his employ with a condition that she can expand her mother’s business in Westeros or she can create one of her own. Aelle is ambitious and took him up to his offer. With Saera’s blessing and some of her money Aelle is now the proud owner of the Black Pearl, a chain of brothels in the Crownsland and has plans to add more on the other Kingdoms as well. From what he can remember she already got one in Lannisport and in Old Town.

She is currently their unofficial Mistress of Whispers. She has whor*s, stable hands, barmaids, travelling troupes, bards and orphaned children listening to intoxicated Lords and Knights relaying their whispers to them. Mysaria’s spy network had been taken over easily, they can provide them with more food, coin and security. Soon enough the brothel that she manages will be added to the Black Pearl and she will be no more than a common whor*.

One of his pages, Alyn from Hull, passed him a folded paper. There was only a big spear drawn on it. He crumpled it and throw it to the brazier they passed. He smiled at his wife who looked at him curiously and squeeze her hand to reassure her.

He motioned for Alyn to stay with them which he did. Alyn and Addam of Hull are Corlys’ bastard children. He took them in his employ because he does not want Corlys to have spares that he can legitimize that will undermine Luke’s position in Driftmark. Alyn serve as his page and Addam as Ser Damian’s squire. Now that his children are dead there is no guarantee that the Sea snake will still allow Luke to be the next Lord of Driftmark. Addam is often around Luke given that Ser Damian Celtigar is one of his Sworn shields, the boy is only a year older than Luke and often plays with him when he does not have duties. He can already see the seed of friendship being sown. He only needs to cultivate it and Luke will have a very loyal man at his back when the time comes to take up the mantle of Lord of Driftmark. Alyn is ambitious and crafty, something that will be a boon on Luke’s Court in High Tide when the time comes.r

The Herald did not announce them and only bowed when they entered the Throne Room. There was very few candles lighted, only enough to light their path. He can see his brother at the foot of the Iron Throne only in his sleeping gown and a thick robe as well as the Queen who was slumped and crying besides a corpse.

Ser Luthor and three Gold Cloaks were with them.

They hurried their steps and he heard Rhaenyra gasp when they saw who was lying dead on the ground. It was Otto Hightower with a big whole on his chest.

“Good, you’re here.” The King said. “The Gold Cloaks just returned with an initial investigation. Ser Luthor, did you find out who did this to the Hand?” The King asked.

“From what the people we apprehended said, Your Grace, it was an accident—”

“There’s a lot of accident surrounding my family lately.” The Queen said sharply. “First it was Aegon, then Aemond and now my father? My King you cannot possibly believe this anymore!”

“Being hysterical would hardly help, good-sister.” He said then looked back apologetically to the Commander of the City Watch. “Forgive the Queen, my good Ser, it seems we started on the wrong foot.”

He can hear the guards snickering while the Queen had gone pale. Viserys is clueless as usual.

“The warehouse he was found in was owned by bastard from the Reach.” Ser Luthor said.

“Don’t tell me it’s the same Martyn Flowers?” he asked.

“The very same, my Prince.”

The number of illegal establishments this bastard has only point to him being a bastard of a wealthy House or having a very rich benefactor. Aelle’s agents are working tirelessly to uncover it.

“What was the Lord Hand doing outside of the Red Keep in the middle of the night?” Rhaenyra asked.

“One of the people we apprehended said they were commissioned specifically by the Hand and tonight is supposed to be an exhibition but something went wrong and the Hand died because of it?”

“What did he commission?” The King asked.

Ser Luthor shouted for the men to bring something inside the Throne Room and he felt dread in his stomach as he saw what it is. It was made of wood with a sharp metal tip and twenty foot long. It took four soldiers to carry it inside.

He can feel Rhaenyra sag against his side so he encircled his arm on her making sure she will not collapse on the ground.

“A scorpion.” He said darkly looking at the King. “You commanded your Hand to commission a scorpion?!”

“I would never!” The King shouted angrily. “Everyone in the Throne Room whose name is not Targaryen, out! Even the Kingsguards, get out all of you!”

He can see Ser Harrold wanting to protest but he ushered all the others without question. Ser Erryck only went out after receiving a nod from Rhaenyra.

When it was just the four of them and the Hands’s dead corpse Viserys took Alicent’s shoulder in is hands and shook her so hard she wailed pitifully.

“Why? Why would your father order one of the only things that can kill a dragon? Why? Answer me, damn you!” he shouted angrily.

“I don’t know, I don’t know, my King please, I don’t know!” was Alicent’s only answer.

“You don’t know? You don’t know? Your father was going to kill my daughter and her children! You don’t think I don’t know the whispers in Court? How you spread your legs for cripples and beasts? I turned a blind eye on it because I thought you could never do it but here is a proof that you and your father had been conspiring against my family!” Viserys threw Alicent away in a surprising show of strength. The Queen skidded away towards the swords at the foot of the throne and nicked one of her arms on one of the dusty swords.

Her cries were ignored by the King who went and gathered Rhaenyra in his arms. “I’m sorry, my daughter! I’m sorry!” he said as tears went down his face.

He can see Rhaenyra’s shoulder shaking as she hugged her father tightly.

“Daemon, make sure that you destroy any other scorpions they have, include the plans, all their equipment, everything! I want all people involved in the design, creation or even transportation of this thing be dead whoever they are. Make it discreet, nobody needs to know about this less they get an idea.” His brother said.

“And your friend Otto?” he asked.

The King’s face darkened once again. “I will write to the Hightower that he died and nothing else. As for his body, feed him to the dogs.”

The Queen wailed again and crawled to her father’s body but no one paid her any attention.

“As you wish, brother.” He smirked at him. He let the Kingsguards back in and let the Gold Cloaks dragged the body to the kennels.

With the King’s permission he ordered the Hand’s household to be disposed. They called all of them in the stable to let them know about the Hand’s passing and then had his men slaughter them all. From the oldest servant, to the littlest squires to the highborn Knights. No one was spared and then he let Caraxes burn the bodies.

The Queen was transferred to the Inner Vault in the Maiden’s Vault where even the windows were bolted. She only has two maids allowed to interact with her and they are strictly rotated. No two maids are permitted to be around with her within two months to prevent her from gaining their sympathies. Princess Helaena is only allowed to visit her once a week, chaperoned by one of her two ladies which were both chosen by Rhaenyra. All communications with Daeron are read by the King first.

Everyone thought that the Queen’s dalliance with Larys Strong was the reason why she fell out of favor from the King, something that King Viserys never corrected. Even Old Town did not protest aside from a single letter asking why the previous Hand’s body was not returned. The King answered that the former Hand died a traitor to the Crown and his body was disposed of accordingly. They never wrote about him again.

That same night started the hunt on the people trying to kill the Dragons. He insisted that Jace be part of the investigation, he may not be allowed to go down King’s Landing and join the raids due to his young age but he let him read all reports coming from the Gold Cloaks and Lady Aelle.

Rhaenyra disagreed first wanting to shield him as long as she can, she knows how brutal and graphic those reports tend to be but he told her that if he is to be King he should be aware of the dangers their House is facing. The Lords of Westeros will never really accept them, they harbor deep-seated resentments and suspicions that prevent them from fully embracing their family. Their customs and traditions often differed from those of the Westerosi nobility. Some lords still view the Targaryens as foreign invaders rather than legitimate rulers of the Seven Kingdoms.

Jace needs to be aware early on what problems they are facing so he can anticipate it and prevent it or if he cannot how he can navigate through every obstacle. His appearance and the unfortunate circ*mstances of his birth is already a hindrance to him, no doubt it will be used against him when he takes the Throne. He needs to be perfect. He needs to possessed a better political acumen than Jaehaerys, he needs to install fear like Maegor but be beloved like Alyssane. He needs to be everything Viserys is not.

Because if he is anything than perfect, he would pluck the Crown from his head and install Luke in the Throne himself. The Gods did not give them another chance just to f*ck it up.

Chapter 9

Chapter Text

Rhaenyra POV

She ate lemon cakes as she read the reports from the North, Lord Cregan Stark had already come of age but Bennard Stark is still the one ruling in Winterfell. Aelle’s agent said that there is little clamor for the young Lord to take the mantle fully, Bennard seems to have support from some of the Lords.

She cannot have the largest Kingdom be ruled by a usurper, not when she has a future usurper of her own. She thought the North is more loyal than that. She had already sent instruction to assist Cregan if he decides to act. They do not have a lot of spies in the North, the people there are more steadfast and honest, not easily swayed by coins or jewelry. The man they have is one of Daemon’s friends from the East. The man was part of the Company of Roses then joined the campaign in the Stepstone before going back North to retire. He’s currently a man of arms in Winterfell’s garrison.

She looked up as she heard Joffrey’s high pitched laughter only to see Daemon holding him upside down on both feet. Her husband lowered him as he grasped a fistful of Luke’s hairs then pulled him up. Luke wailed in pain and jumped to hit his brother in the back before Daemon pivoted and threw him on the pool. Joffrey went down for a few moments before resurfacing up, his little hand and feet trashing on the water. Jace was beside him and gathered him in his arms as Luke was also thrown on the water followed by Daemon who made a big splash. His head barely broke the water before he was shoved back by the combined forces of Jace, Luke and Joffrey.

She chuckled as Luke proclaimed the Rouge Prince vanquished before he too was shoved underwater.

The shallow wooden pool they had on their balcony was made an inspiration for Daemon to have a proper pool built in one of the gardens. He said that it was a luxury even in Essos and of course he wants one in the Red Keep too. He had men dig six foot deep into the soil and they lined it with basalt stone to retain heat. Then the Pentoshi stonemason put slabs of the most beautiful lapis lazuli that was shipped from the East. At the bottom of the pool, spanning a significant portion of its surface, the stonemason created an awe-inspiring mosaic depicting a magnificent blue dragon in flight. The mosaic is crafted entirely from lapis lazuli tiles, each piece carefully cut and polished to accentuate the stone's natural hues and patterns.

Helaena was so happy seeing it saying that it was Dreamfyre swimming. She had made it an effort to always include Helaena on most of their family outing. She’s been isolated for so long with the Queen forbidding her to play with her nephews. She absolutely adores Joffrey and loves it when Luke brings her different insect they dug from the Godswoods.

Daemon also ordered for a pavilion to be erected near the pool where they can stay. The servants had put a lot of wroth iron chair inside and three day beds they can used if the children gets tired. The garden was made private for them and the courtiers were told to stay away. Guards were also installed to discourage everyone from trespassing.

“I’m glad you have boys.” Rhaena said besides her. She’s wearing simple tunic dress with lightweight fabric as she paints different patterns on Baela’s hands with henna, this one is apparently all the rage in Dorne. “I’m not playing like that.”

“Barbarians.” Baela said.

“Brutes.” Rhaena agreed.

“Savages.” Baela again.

“I hope you have a girl.” Rhaena said and put her hand on her stomach caressing the considerable bump there.

She smiled at her, she has a feeling that Rhaena will be disappointed when she gives birth. Because this too will be a boy. She carries the same way she did with her three older children. No, this one will be another boy. They waited for Joffrey to turn four name days before trying for their first child, monitoring her cycle and Daemon not spilling inside her had been working for them. Daemon abhors moon tea, the healers also said it does not prevent pregnancy but ends one and very toxic to a woman’s body.

She prays that the child she carries is her Aegon, her last boy. The child who had to watch her be burnt and devoured by her brother’s dragon. She did not even know if he followed her in death or if he grew up as a hostage to her vile brother.

She made sure that will not happen here, they got rid of Aegon, the elder and Aemond, the most dangerous of their rivals. All she has to do is to maintain peace so her children will never know war. But that is proving to be difficult. The King had put Princess Rhaenys as Hand of the King which was probably one of the most intelligent thing her father did. The Princess Royal was trained by Prince Aemon to be the next ruler, she possessed keen intelligence, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of politics, law, and governance. She’s good at navigating the complex web of intrigue and diplomacy. She gives sound advice based on experience, judgment, and foresight.

Princess Rhaenys would have been a glorious Queen. If only Westeros is not afraid of their women, maybe Aemma Arryn would still be alive. She shook her head, no use crying on spilt milk.

One of Princess Rhaenys’ attendant approached them. She looked at her curiously, Rhaenys never usually disturb her on her off days. She makes sure that the Seventh day of the week is always free. It is a day dedicated to spending with her husband and children and Rhaenys had never once call on her on this day.

“Princess, the Lady Hand would like you to know that she received a raven from the Stormlands that needs your urgent attention. She requests that you be at the Small Council Chamber after the noon day meal.”

She nodded at her and ordered the maids to serve them an early meal. The children can stay, her Ladies are very competent and Lady Amanda is one of the few people that her children fears so she’s sure they will be cared for properly.

She called for her husband and children who came running at them. She pulled up Joffrey in her arms and wrapped him in a cotton towel drying his body and his hair. His hair is even curlier than Luke's. After making sure he was dry she wrapped him in a thick robe with a hood, Rhaena and Baela stitched dragon horns on it and Joffrey loves it so much often chasing his siblings on the hallway with it on. She passed him to Baela who already has cut pieces of strawberry and apple slices on a plate which she gave to her youngest.

Luke is only wearing linen breeches that Rhaena cut above the knee, his hair is dripping on his soup but he does not mind as he tries to spoon it on his mouth.

“Sweet boy, the soup is not going to run, eat slowly.” She said and took another towel to dry him before putting him in a robe.

Jace was already on a robe but his hair is still dripping wet. She let him be, Jace is at an age where he wants to be as independent as possible, as much as she wants to hug and cuddle him she knows she cannot do that especially since Jace will be King after her.

She looked at her husband who was busy admiring the decorations on Baela’s hand.

“Princess Rhaenys called a Council Meeting after the noon day meal.”

Daemon groaned. “We’re going to find out who can hold their breathe longest under water.” He whined like a child that made her laugh. Daemon is an excellent father to Rhaena and Baela, he’s sweet to them, letting them braid his hair and listening to them re-enact the plays the Royalpuppeteer performs for them in one of the pavilions. He’s generous, always bringing them precious gems and jewels and expensive fabrics but girls are delicate. Rhaena is the perfect little Lady, always gentle and kind. Even Baela who loves training in sword fighting are always poised and dignified.

Her boys are the exact opposite, they love to rough house and play-fight with each other. Daemon relished the ability to share his savagery with three boys who does not seem to run out of energy. While Baela and Rhaena prefers more docile activities like embroidering, gardening, reading books, watching puppet shows and listening to the castle bards the boys like to be more active. Just last weeks they went out fishing in the Black Water while the girls and her lounge and waited for them in the beach. Baela does not like the feel of sea salt in her hair so they decided to stay. The week before that they went out hunting. Luke went home and excitedly told her how he learned how to skin the rabbits that Jace caught. It was served for dinner.

Once they lived like this too. In Dragonstone away from the whispers of Court, they were a proper family. Until her father died and war happened. She will not let that transpire. She will use every underhanded tactic in the books to ensure that their family stays like this.

She had to pacify the children when she told them that Daemon and her would need to leave early. Joffrey was tearful until Baela took him in her arms and dive in the pool with him. She gave strict instructions to her Ladies that she did wants the children out of the water and in the Keep before the sun goes down.

They had to bathe and change their clothes quickly on their rooms before going to the Small Council Chamber but they’re still the last one to arrived.

“Cousin, this better be good, I was going to win the title of Sea Dragon with how long I hold my breath under water.” Daemon greeted the Hand who stood up glared at them before curtsying.

“I have grave news, unfortunately.” The Hand said.

She sat down at the Head of the table and smiled at her husband who pulled the chair for her. He just smirked and sat on her right, his chair angle towards her as he stretched his legs crossing it on the ankles.

“We received ravens from Stonehelm, Storm’s Ends and Greenstone. Pirates had sack some villages and took people with them with the intention of selling them in the Slaver’s Bay. Lady Cassandra Baratheon was visiting Stonehelm when it happened, they took her.”

Daemon cursed. “I guess we’re going to war with the Crown’s permission now unlike before when it was just a daughter of House Swann that was taken and sold to a pillow house.” He said harshly.

“If the Council was not deceived by Otto we would not have allowed you to go alone, My Prince!” Lord Lyman said harshly.

Lord Beesbury was the one who did not care what happened on the previous Hand especially as they found out that he had been purposely hiding things from the Council and the King.

They had seen numerous letters from minor Houses asking for help but those were deemed unimportant. There had been a letter from the Vale asking help when Arnold Arryn tried to usurp her cousin Jeyne, they did not send a letter the second time it happened. Letters from Lord Tully asking counsel to prevent a brewing war between the Blackwoods and the Bracken. Letter from White Harbor reporting that Bennard Stark had been taking more grains from the farmers to the point that they were left with nothing and so much more.

The Grand Maester Mellos feigned ignorance and said that all ravens were given to the Hand and he was unaware that he was not properly relaying it to the King. Lord Tyland was quick to withdraw support from the Greens when he saw the multiple tragedies that befell them but she knows it is really Jason Lannister whose decision matters and that one was still bitter for his rejected suit. Lord Jasper is just trying to survive under Rhaeny’s hard glare.

“Should we call the banners to take the Stepstones?” Lord Tyland asked. “Whoever controls it gives strategic dominance over maritime trade routes in the narrow sea.”

“We can build a Military Garrison there. We can levy tolls on passing ships, block enemy fleets, or launch raids against coastal settlements when needed.” Lord Jasper said

“The cost alone to build these Military outposts will be astronomical not to mention manning and maintaining them.” Worried Lord Beesbury, he’s head is already on his hand as if he already has a headache.

“I agree.” Her husband said. “It would be possible if it was only two or three islands but there are dozens of them. It’s not just pirates we’re going to have to contend with but the Free Cities and Dorne. It’s more headache than it’s worth.”

“So, we don’t need the Stepstones?” she asked.

“Actually, we need it gone.” Daemon said as he smiled predatorily at her.

“Then I want it gone.” She said to the Councilmen’s shock

“Gone? What do you mean Princess?” Lord Lyman asked.

She smiled pleasantly at the older man then turned to the Hand who was looking deeply at her. “Send a raven to Lord Boros and Lord Corlys that their priority is the people that was taken. I want them returned back to the Seven Kingdoms. Tell them to pull back their forces but I want a blockade. I don’t want any more pirate ships coming to our shores. The Master of War will be coming to the Stepstone in a moon.”

“I want Jace with me.” Daemon said looking at her.

Her heart thudded in her chest, she was transported back when she was told that Jace was felled by arrows in the gullet trying to save his brothers.

She felt Daemon squeezed her hand. “He’s a dragonlord of two years now, he’s competent in the air. He will not be fighting, he will just act as messenger between the ships but the men needs to see him. He’s to be King, he cannot remain a child forever.”

She wanted to slap and scratched his face, how dare he try to take her child away from her?! Her first born! The only light she had during those dark years alone in the Red Keep.

But he’s right, Jace will face so many challenges before he sat on the Iron Throne, he needs all the experience and advantages they can give him.

She nodded at him, not trusting herself to speak. They continued with the meeting with Rhaenys and Lord Beesbury discussing all the logistics.

Three moons later, they received a raven informing them that all the people that were taken from their shore had been rescued. Prince Daemon came in the Stepstones on his dragon’s back followed by the behemoth Vhagar, when Caraxes started burning the pirate ships Vhagar did the same. After obliterating the pirates the Prince turned his attention to the islands. It took five days for Caraxes and Vhagar to melt all the islands in the Stepstone. Lord Corlys had to order all their ships back to Driftmark because the sea had started boiling at some point. Only the Sea snake and The Fury remained in the vicinity to make sure that the Prince will remain unharmed.

There was a moment of panic when after destroying the last of the islands Vhagar flew towards Dorne until she was turned back by Caraxes. The sailors said in her old age, the dragon must have thought she was still trying to conquer Dorne.

And just like that their Stepstone problem was solved. The Free City was reminded how lucky they are that the Conqueror’s turned west instead of east and Dorne was again forced to acknowledge that the Dragons are powerful as ever. They can obliterate entire islands without batting an eye if they so desired. With the number of adult dragons and dragon riders the Royal Family currently has it will be a harder fight compared to what they faced with Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

Daemon POV

He looked on amused as Baela run full speed and jumped off the cliff and fearlessly dived into the open water. Rhaena and Joffrey cheered for her as she surfaced and swam towards their boat.

He looked up and saw Jace still trying to persuade Luke to jump with him. Luke is a gentle boy and sometimes too cowardly. But he’s the sweetest of their children.

He transferred Aegon to Rhaenyra’s arms and kissed them both on the head before he too dived on the water. “Come on Luke, I’ll be here!” he encouraged him.

He saw him looked down at the drop which is thirty feet and saw him audibly gulped. He made sure that the place they choose to go cliff diving does not have any big rocks protruding that might endanger their children. Luke went back a few paces then run and jumped screaming delightfully. He immediately swam to where he is and took him in his arms.

“I did it! I did it!” Luke said then shouted and pulled himself up on his shoulder as Jace splashed down near them. He remained behind him, his arms across his neck while his legs are wrapped around his torso like a snake.

Jace’s name day is always celebrated with a Tourney and a Feast in King’s Landing. Luke never had anything special since he was only a spare but he is also the next Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. He had written to Corlys that it is time that the people of Driftmark finally know their future Lord. The Sea snake was very agreeable and prepared a grand celebration for Luke’s name day in High Tide. There was a Grand Opening feast where the children danced and made merry with the Nobles of the Island. There was a fifty people bard that entertained everyone through the night.

Corlys Velaryon did not spare any coin to show everyone that House Velaryon is still the richest House in the Seven Kingdoms. He had a table dedicated only to kegs and drums of wine from what seems like every city in Essos. Food from different parts of the world was being served non-stop.

The following day they went to a fair market where merchants from different parts of the Seven Kingdoms came to present their wares, vendors from Pentos, Braavos, Qohor, Norvos, Myr, Volantis and as far as Yiti were there to join the festivities. Baela had purchased a whip and spear from a Qohorik Master as well as twenty very thin gold bangles that she uses at the same time, ten bangles on each arm. Rhaena bought bolts of Myrish silks and books about Valyrian festivals from Volantis. Jace bought leathers to be turned into his riding suits. Luke was gifted a cyvasse board made of shells by Lord Corlys while Joffrey had a craftsman carved a granite stone in the image of his little hatchling Tyraxes. He commissioned a teething wood carved from Weirwood for little Aegon. Rhaenyra ordered bolts of Norvosi cotton, velvet and felts. The Citadel had said that in a few years summer will pass and she wants the children to have beddings that will be more suitable for a colder climate compared to the silk that they use now.

On the second day the boat races commenced where Vaemond Velaryon’s team emerged victorious against the teams from Gulltown, Storm’s End, Lannisport and The Arbour, once again proving the might of the Velaryon’s superior skills in the sea. There will be an archery competition tomorrow and horse race on the beach. He knows that Lord Corlys will also present Luke his very own ship on the closing feast.

Today he decided that he had enough of trying to be pleasant to the nobles in Driftmark and the Courtiers King Viserys dragged here from King’s Landing. So early in the morning, he woke his children up, made sure they have proper swimming attire and they sailed aboard the Realm’s Delight, the ship he gifted Rhaenyra when their own son was born almost a year ago. The children swam and they admired the pretty corals on the shallower parts, Rhaena decided to accompany Rhaenyra on the ship content just looking at them. They had a big tent set up on the deck of the ship to shade them from the sun and where the servants had spread numerous kinds of sea foods. He took Aegon swimming for an hour before he handed him off to Rhaenyra as the babe was already tired and the sun is not too good for him. When they saw a cliff, he told the children about his adventure cliff diving in Gulltown when he was young and Joffrey insisted they do the same.

He had to climbed up two times and jumped with Joffrey before he tired and asked to be bought back up the ship while the older ones still enjoyed hiking and diving. When the children got tired of hiking he was delighted to see Vermax, Arrax, Moondancer and Tyraxes came swooping by. Jace took Luke up on Vermax while Moondancer took Baela. Soon enough the dragons were diving into the sea before flying back up with their charges atop them. Joffrey and Luke take turns with Vermax and Jace because Baela has not ridden Moondancer for long yet. Tyraxes was annoyed and kept on snapping at Vermax when Jace took Joffrey with him but one harsh word from him sorted him out. He was now contented to fly besides Vermax aside from the occasional deliberate splashes of water on the older dragon.

Aegon fell asleep and he’s sure he will demand to be taken up as well on Vermax once he woke up. Stormcloud was recently hatched and not even bigger than a dog, Syrax and Caraxes is taking care of him because they cannot have him inside High Tide with all the people, the servants are also not used to having a hatchling around.

It still angers him when he knew that Otto did not allow the hatchlings to be near their bonded when they hatched. They were immediately sent to the Dragonpit. When Syrax hatched he personally tended to the dragon, making sure that she’s always with Rhaenyra to cultivate the bond between dragon and rider. That’s probably the reason why Rhaenyra was able to fly at such a young age, both she and Syrax were ready. Viserys should not have listened to people who do not know anything about dragons make decisions about them. Good thing Otto was disposed of easily.

All it took was for one of his agents, Cheese, to integrate himself to the people who were tasked with the scorpions creation and misfire during the presentation and Otto Hightower was ended.

The Hightowers were not docile enemies. When Aegon died they tried to poison Rhaenyra and their children. The servants commanded to do the task was beheaded and made food for the dragons while he sent the same poison to the Hightower. Hobert Hightower’s heir along with his grandson died of the same poison.

When Aemond died the Hightowers sent Septons and poor fellows to preached about the how monstrous and unnatural the dragons were, there was even a plot to storm the Dragonpit to kill the dragons. Blood pretended to be part of the mob and led them to all places where they all hide during the day. Fifty poor fellows and someone they called the Sheperd were fed to the Dragons that day. He also instructed his agents in Old Town to discreetly kill all the Septons preaching against House Targaryen. Right now, Cheese had already been admitted as a rat catcher inside the Hightower itself. All he needs is his command and he will be ready to kill everyone in the Hightower be it through poison or other more brutal means.

He sat beside his wife who had the sleeping Aegon on her arms and kissed the side of her head. “Are you sure you do not want to swim even just a bit?” he asked as he took little Aegon from her.

“You know what seawater does to my hair.” she said vainly as she leaned on his shoulder.

“I can help you wash your hair later.” He said as he put Aegon on his chest while he reclined on the many pillows on the day bed.

“I’m fine, husband, truly.” She said and kissed his cheeks. She laughed as they saw Tyraxes dive to the water, come back up only to be pushed back in the water by Moondancer’s wing. The hatchling roared furiously then circle the ship and landed near them. Joffrey was quick to comfort him and offer him bacon while Rhaena asked the servants to get some slabs of meat.

“Poor Tyraxes.” Rhaenyra chuckled.

“He will learn to be equally as fierce as he grows.” He said and burrowed his nose on Aegon’s hair. The faint smell of milk still lingers on him. He was his spitting image, from the straight silver hair to the color indigo in his eyes. He was also a quiet child, they thought he was dead when he was born, he did not cry at all. He felt his heart stopped beating then pumped twice as hard when Aegon cried briefly after being slapped on the bum by the midwife. Rhaenyra was concerned, all her previous babes were criers but Maester Gerardys said each babes are different and some are really quiet. He had flown the Maester to King’s Landing when Rhaenyra started her labors. He’s the only one of the gray rats he trust to take care of his wife.

He did not sleep the first night Aegon was born, he sat by his cradle making sure that he was breathing the whole time. The only time he cried was when he was angry, soiled or cold. He slept in their room for six moons until the Archmaester berated them that not allowing the child to sleep in his own cot will only give both them and the child separation anxiety. Joffrey was happy to have a companion in the nursery

In a few months he will have his first name day. He will make sure that they will have a feast for his day, he will order a festival for the smallfolk where free ale and wine and food will flow in King’s Landing. Often Feasts are only for the nobility in Court, he will change that for Joffrey and Aegon’s name days. They may not have grand celebrations like Jace and Luke but he will make sure that their name days will be the one that the smallfolk will anticipate more.

Rhaena and Baela preferred to spend their name day in Dragonstone, they normally spend it with a picnic at the beach until noon and then they request to explore the catacombs in the Dragonmont. They’ve already discovered two more vaults within the volcano with various armors and weapons that they had sent back to the Castle. They also came upon two dragon nests with a broken membranes that encased newly laid eggs were covered with. It was probably Vhagar’s previous cave when she was still smaller.

Right now, Vhagar is too big for any caves in the Dragonmont, she stays at the rocky beach at the back of the Dragonmont where it’s too steep and the rocks are as big as a house, it’s the part of the Island that they cannot develop or post a watch, she’s the perfect sentry to guard the Island.

HE was jolted when the dragons landed on deck and made the boat dipped dangerously. Rhaenyra commanded the sailors to stay away and went to assist Luke and Baela in dismounting. After Jace dismounted as well the dragons took off rocking the ship again. He watched as Rhaenyra ushered the children under the tent, the servants dried the children with fluffy towels then put them in robes.

Lunch was a ruckus affair, as is usual, Aegon woke up and demanded bacon and strawberry tart while the older ones enjoyed roasted meat, potage fish, buttered shrimp and oysters. Rheanyra let the older ones drink a cup of watered summerwine each while Aegon and Joffrey had chilled milk.

They enjoyed the whole day in the coast, looking at the pretty corals and letting the sailor teach the children how to use a canoe. After they docked, the children spent the rest of the afternoon looking for shells and other treasures that the sailors said are often washed ashore by the waves. The only thing they really found was a pair of wet boots and golden plated tray that they use to put their shells on.

Joffrey and Aegon fell asleep on their arms coming back to the castle and they let their nannies put them down in their room early. They had to bathe and dress quickly so they will not be late for the evening feast.

He grimaced when he saw the Hightower bitch seating besides his brother. He does not know why the King insisted that the Queen accompany them in High Tide. Was he perhaps saving face because of the scandal his wife was embroiled in? Larys Strong died after being bedridden for half a year in King’s Landing. The Courtier are whispering that it was King who had him killed. Even more people are saying that it was the Queen because the Master of Whispers knew a lot of things about her. The truth was it was just overdose from poppy seeds.

Her former sworn shield, Ser Crispy, had been suffering from chronic pain and incontinence. He was sent back to his father’s hut along with proper compensation befitting a former member of the Kingsguards. Ser Adrian Redfort was raised to be his replacement.

The former Greens supporter had started to distance themselves, deigning their cost lost.

Luke was seated on Viserys’ left as the celebration was to honor him. He was charming and polite to the Nobility and generous and charitable towards the smallfolk, often talking to the servants as if he was their equal and playing with the children. The people of Driftmark will not find it hard to love their future Lord.

One exception is Corlys Velaryon’s bitter nephew and his cousins. Even now while everyone is enjoying the foods and drinks and the music Vaemond Velaryon was looking at them with barely concealed disdain. He was looking at Jace and Luke particularly. He saw him talking with the Queen a few days ago and he knows that Alicent had been spreading her venom again.

It does not really matter, Vaemond Velaryon is nothing but a grasping relation who rules in a damp and cramped castle. Everything he has he owes to Lord Corlys and he does not even have the skills to elevate his own station. During the war of the Stepstones all he ever did was complain but is unable to give any solutions. He is a small man who thinks he was owed more.

They stayed until most of the guests had already left and they even went to the Velaryon’s private sitting room o continue talking. The children were on the floor pillows, taking turns heating Rhaena’s egg on the fire. Contrary to other people’s belief, he does not really care if Rhaena’s egg hatch or not. He’s just happy his daughter is healthy. And of course he’s sure that the egg will hatch, it never turned cold, still as hot as the day he put it on her cradle. The dragon was just taking its time, it will come whenever it’s ready.

The children were regaling their grandsire of what they did the whole day, they’re often speaking at the same time, their voices excited and high pitched. Luke and Baela are the more animated with big gestures and often changing voices.

Viserys was looking at them fondly, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at appropriate times. The Queen as always looked like she sucked on lemons beside him, her hands holding Helaena to her side tightly. She had not let the poor girl out of her sight the whole time they were in High Tide, even when the pudgy girl begged to join her nephews and cousins on their adventure the Queen was adamant to separate her from them.

“Well, what would you do when you become Lord of the Tides?” he heard Corlys asked Luke who told them that the people at the Fair Market had insisted on calling him Lord Lucerys.

“What would I do?” he asked, confused.

“Growing up we were poor.” Corlys said. “All we had was a grim castle, dank and over-crowded with salt-stained walls. That’s why when I got enough money I built High Tide and moved the Driftwood Throne here and filled it with riches and I built the greatest armada in the Seven Kingdoms. What would you like to do when you’re Lord?”

“I want to build a shipyard!” Luke said enthusiastically then scrambled up Corlys’ lap.

“A shipyard?” Corlys was surprised. “Whatever for?”

“So we don’t have to buy ships in Bravos anymore!” Luke answered.

“We don’t have lumbers here. That’s why we don’t have a shipyard.” Vaemond said derisively. He was already drunk but still keep on filling his cups.

“We buy in the north.” Jace remarked as if the solution was that easy. “That way we can strengthen our relationship with them.”

He smirked, he can see that Viserys and Corlys were impressed by both boys. They obviously did not expect an answer with such wisdom.

“And how would you know about it?” Vaemond spat bitterly, standing up and sauntering to them in unsteady feet.

“We are heirs of both our Houses, we’re trained for it!” Jace said indignantly

“Heirs of what Houses? Bastards don’t inherit anything!”

“Vaemond!’ Lord Corlys shouted as he cradled Luke to his chest who was obviously frightened.

Viserys stood up with difficulty unsheathing his dagger. “Say that again, I dare you!”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but look at them! Everyone knows they are bastards and their mother is a whor*!”

“Kingsguards, give me his tongue!”

With a discreet nod from Rhaenyra he pulled Dark Sister with such a speed that barely anyone had been able to react.

It was Helaena who shouted, her hand on her ears as she turned away from the bloody mess that was a drunk Vaemond Velaryon a few minutes ago. Right now, he’s nothing but meat and bones and blood that feed Dark Sister.

“He can keep his tongue.” He sneered and wipe the blood from the dead body’s cape. He looked at the Queen who was pale and shaking as she stared at him. He then looked at Corlys daring him to do something but the older man just sagged on his chair. The children all looked more angry at Vaemond than shocked at his death except for Luke who was staring wide eyed at him. He will talk to him later.

The King collapse, of course he did, and the Kingsguards had to carry him back to his bed and to drag Vaemond out to be fed to the dragons. He waited for Corlys to protest how his nephew was being treated but none came. Rhaenyra kissed him on the cheeks and ushered the children to their own rooms. Rhaena kissed him on the cheeks too while Baela hugged him briefly with a smug smile on her face. Jace shook his hand and Luke mumbled goodnight.

He went to the table on the side where the servants had laid food and wine. “Corlys, Rhaenys, let’s talk.”

The two looked at each other and sat in front of him. He filled their goblets with wine and then leaned casually on his seat.

“I do not appreciate murder in my own home, Daemon.” Rhaenys chastised sternly.

“We’ll perhaps you should have taught your subjects to keep their mouth shut.” He said.

“You cannot fault Vaemond—”

“You should be thankful to Rhaenyra.” He interrupted her. “What you did… wedding the Heir to the Throne to your son knowing his predilection is treason.”

He saw Rhaenys eyes widened in fear then anger.

“IF i didn't know any better, I would think that you were in cohorts with Otto Hightower in sabotaging Rhaenyra's Royal position. If she was not so fond of Laenor she would have reported his inability to bed her and sire heirs to the King and your family will be put to death. Instead, she supported his vices, tolerated his blatant lasciviousness and had to find someone else to give her the heirs your son couldn’t provide. She saved you from humiliation at best and death at worst.” He snapped.

“We understand, Daemon and we are thankful to her.” Corlys said simply. The Sea snake is a proud man but he knows when to humble himself.

“No matter what you think of me Rhaenys, I did not kill your son.” He said looking at his once favored cousin. He used to toddle behind her when he was little, she was the one who tutored him in High Valyrian after all and taught him everything he knew about dragons.

Rhaenys looked at her deeply, looking for any deceit and let out a sob when she found none.

He sighed and took his cousin’s hand in his. “Rhaenyra said he was drowning in depression since Ser Lonmounth’s murder, Laena’s death, it seems to push him further. I did not know what happened to him and Ser Quarl but I had nothing to do with it.”

“I believe you.” She whispered.

“We need your help, especially the children. From what I know if there is something that Laenor was good at it was being a father. He may not be the best father but he loved those boys and took them as his own and they need your protection now.”

Lord Corlys nodded. “I had never wavered in Lucerys’ place in Driftmark, but perhaps we need to strengthen his claim. How about a betrothal with one of Laena’s daughter?”

He nodded in understanding. “I will have to talk to my wife but she once told me that she wants Baela to be Jace’s Queen and Rhaena to be besides Luke when he takes Lordship.”

The Sea snaked smiled widely at him. He wanted to roll his eyes. Of course he would like that. His blood on the Throne and his legacy in Driftmark secured.

“That will be good. The children already know and like each other.” Rhaenys agreed.

The festivities continued after that small inconvenience, even Vaemond’s two children and his cousins who were sneering at the boys before were reasonably cowered. His worry that he may have scared Luke was unfounded, the boy was just concerned that a life was not worth a few barbed words towards them. He had explained to him how important he is and insult such as what Vaemond said will not be tolerated. He understood and hugged him tightly.

Slowly the concept of not being worthy and being their mother’s cause of shame due to their coloring is being purged from them. If he could pass on some of his arrogance to the boys that will be good.

Chapter 11

Chapter Text

Jace POV

He removed a silk doublet from his satchel and put a fur lined linen one instead. He smiled, his mother will be horrified to see him in such a rough and simple clothing but he’s going to the Vale and the North where men are made from hardened stock. He will stand up more if he shows up with the more pretentious frock Court is more fond off.

Luke and he will be going on a Royal progress just the two of them. No that’s not true, servants and guards had already travelled towards the Vale and the North months ago. They will just be alone travelling on their dragons but their entourage will be waiting for them. Lady Amanda Arryn is already at the Vale preparing the palace to received them. Once they spent enough time in the Vale they will fly to White Harbor where Lord Corlys will be waiting for them to accompany them to Winterfell. They might even visit the wall. While in Winterfell, Lady Amanda will then journey towards Riverrun where they will go after Winterfell.

He will not lie, he’s nervous. He knows their appearance will always be caused for strife for their mother. But Luke will be with him as well, he needs to be strong for his brother.

When his mother first proposed the Royal progress the King was reluctant to let them go. King Viserys had seldom left the capital and does not think it will be necessary for him to do so too. But his mother knows how important having a strong relationship with the Kingdoms are, and in their case, it is doubly important that the people get used to a King with non-Valyrian coloring.

He was contemplating using a cape or a coat for the dragon flight when the door to his room open forcefully it banged loudly on his wall. A crying Viserys came barreling towards him trying to climb up his lap.

He looked up at the two nurses who were running after him and the four guards who remained outside his room.

“What happened?” he asked as he pulled his brother up his arms and check if he’s hurt anywhere. Aside from the swollen eyes and his red nose, he appears fine.

“Forgive us, My Prince, Prince Viserys was upset when he found out he will not accompany you on your journey tomorrow.” One of the nurses said. “I can take him back to the nursery, My Prince, I’m sorry we disturbed you.”

“It’s no problem.” He said. “I’ll take him back, go back to your post.” He said

The nurses looked at each other with reluctance. He knows that his mother does not like the youngest ones to roam around without their nursemaids and their guards. There was an episodes a few years ago where an assassin was able to enter the nursery and killed the nurses. It was fortunate that Aegon and Viserys were in Rhaena’s room and the assassin was not able to complete their nefarious plot but it had caused his parents and the King to be slightly more paranoid.

Daemon took him and Luke through the secret passages and together they installed gates on each opening that leads outside of the castle that can only be opened by a series of hidden mechanism that can only be seen by someone who knows what to look for. It took them six moons to complete since his step-father did not want anyone outside of the family to know about it. He had also augmented the locks of the opening that leads in the Castle.

It boggled his mind that there was a hidden room behind the Small Council Chamber where you can eavesdrop as well as in the Throne Room. There were opening on the wall in their parents’ room, the King’s room, the Queen’s room, the nursery and many more that he can scarcely remember them.

“My Prince, please, Prince Daemon will not be happy…” one of the nurses said.

He sighed but he understood, Daemon Targaryen is a scary man and he had sent incompetent servants to the blackcells or outside of the Red Keep permanently.

“Stand outside but close the door.” He said. He cradled his youngest brother in his arms and walked towards his bed chamber where the fire is crackling, he reclined on the pillows as he patted him on the back soothingly.

“Little Viserys, what is the matter?” he asked softly.

“Why can’t I go?” he asked as he hiccupped. “Whitefyre is small but he is fierce! I can ride with you on Vermax and he can fly beside us, he does not eat much so we will not take much food!”

He chuckled at him. Viserys’ cradle egg hatched when he was two name days. He was a pure white dragon with purple eyes and horns all over his head, he’s about the size of a pony now, still too young to be mounted but very quick to obey his future rider’s command. He named him simply because of his color and his fascination with Blackfyre, Viserys said that when his dragon is older, his teeth will be as long as Blackfyre.

Muña is already sad that Luke and I will have to go imagine her pain when I take you with me too?” he said softly, combing his brother’s curls away from his wet face.

“Why can’t we all go?!” Viserys whined and stomped his foot that he hissed when he accidentally hit his leg.

“Because Muña is Princess Regent, who would take care of the Realm is she goes? And she has to take care of the babe in her belly.” Muña is carrying her sixth child, the midwives said she is four moons along. He hates to leave her in her delicate condition but he understood the importance of this progress. Muña is trying her hardest to strengthen their claim. “Listen, Joffrey will be here to protect Muña and Kepa, Aegon will also stay to accompany them and you will remain to make sure that they are not too sad while Luke and I are gone, can you do that?”

His littles brother frowned at him but nodded. “You will bring me gifts.” He all but ordered.

He laughed at him and wipe the tears and snot off his face. “What gifts would you want me to bring?”

“The Wall.” He said seriously.

He laughed again. “Valonquar, the wall is too big for Vermax to carry.!”

Viserys frowned. “Not all of it just some of the Wall.” He clarified.

They talked more until he eventually fell asleep. He stood up while still holding his brother and opened the door, the nurses and the guards are still there and he declined their offer to take the Prince back to the nursery.

Their rooms are located a few corridors away from the Royal Apartments but the nursery is located near their parents’ room. He can hear Joffrey and Aegon talking talking loudly inside Luke’s rooms probably asking him to stuff them in his traveling satchel, Rhaena’s door are slightly open and he can hear her singing softly in High Valyrian while Baela’s rooms had been empty for a week now.

Baela was the first one to ask for a tour but she wanted to do it in Essos. Daemon is not a strict father and he easily acquiesce. To her annoyance Daemon gifted her with her own ship Lady Laena where her guards and servants will be housed as they accompany her on her travels. It is big enough for Moondancer to land and sleep on while they are on the sea. Baela complained loudly that she wanted to travel alone on dragon back but Daemon made her choose, either she travels by ship or The Rogue Prince will accompany her himself. Baela chose the ship, not wanting his father’s eyes on her and not wanting him to travel with Muña’s pregnancy.

He put Viserys on the bed and made sure that he was tucked in properly. This had been his room for the first seven years of his life, five of them with Luke. All of them was moved out of the nursery at age seven, next year Viserys will have a room of his own and this nursery will house another pureblooded Targaryen babe.

Sometimes he thinks it will be easier if Aegon can be Muña’s heir. Surely people, especially the Nobility, will prefer him compared to a First Men looking bastard on the Throne. He shook his head mentally and left the two nurses to care for little Viserys.

He was about to get back to his rooms when the door to the Royal Apartments open and an agitated Daemon came out.

“You.” He said and opened the door wider. “Get in.” he said then stalked back inside without waiting for him.

He looked at Ser Erryk who only grimaced at him. He entered and saw his mother on the sitting room, she was sitting near the fire, resting her back on a padded chair with two pillows on her back, her feet were put up on a padded stool. She was wearing a thick silk sleeping gown with a heavy velvet robe on top of it.

“Sit.” Daemon again.

He bristled but sat on the chair in front of his mother. The way Daemon is so agitated he did not want to inflame him further. Really, all the gossips about the Rogue Prince were true. He’s brash and arrogant, violent and vicious, unhinge and ambitious. But he’s also very loyal. And that loyalty belongs to his mother, Princess Regent Rhaenyra Targaryen.

The Queen once told him that Prince Dameon will have him and his siblings killed after Aegon was born. That he will never allow bastards to be a hindrance on his son’s path to the Throne. Once he might have believed her but the only thing that Prince Daemon will not do is upset Princess Rhaenyra. And their death will upset her so much indeed.

He looked at his mother who gave him a folded piece of paper.

‘The blue dragon came back to the Tower after visiting the west. They received support from the lions and they will go on the progress in the Greenland next. Septons and Good Fellows had been preaching about his divine right to rule. A travelling Troupe had been performing about a vicious godless princess who used sorcery on her father to keep her as Heir while killing her brothers one by one. The Queen was only able to save one by putting him on a Tower but a dragon saved him and slayed his vicious sister so he can seat of the Steel Throne. This play had been very popular in the Greenland and The Gold Land and is making their way to the land of storms.

Please say how to proceed next.

-Not Cheese’

“How come we didn’t know that Daeron left the Hightower?” he asked.

“We’re rectifying that.” His mother said. “What do you think we should do?”

Muña, I don’t know exactly what we should do…” He said haltingly looking at Daemon who was looking at him impatiently with his arms crossed on his chest. He looks imposing and fierce. He looked back at his mother who was smiling encouragingly at him. “But what I know is they will not stop until they put Daeron on the Throne. The assassins just a few years ago was not the first time they tried something, right?” he asked.

“No, it was not.” His mother confirmed.

“That’s what I thought given how the security was suddenly tightened after what happened in Driftmark.” He said. “If… when Grandsire pass, the Reach and the Westernland will not allow you to ascend the Throne in peace, Muña. Even if they give you their oath, even if Daeron renounced his claim to the Throne, even if he swore himself to the Wall or the Citadel or the Faith, they will still crown him King against you.”

He wanted to take back his words when he saw the hurt in his mother’s eyes but Dameon was already there taking her in his arms.

“It wasn’t you, my love. The Westerosi, the Andals specifically, are afraid of women in power. It diminishes them whenever they see a woman thrive on Appointments the t men think the gods created for them.” He heard Daemon murmur to his mother as he kissed he forehead.

He averted his gaze, it feels illegal to watch the Rogue Prince comfort his mother. This kind of intimate interaction should not have any audience.

HE was angry when mother got into a relationship with Prince Daemon almost immediately after his father died. He knows that her mother and Ser Leanor marriage is just a political arrangement. He’s not so young that he did not understand the whispers surrounding his legal father. And mother did not hide her affection for Ser Harwin from them.

It galled him that his mother endured years of mockery just so she can be with Ser Harwin but the minute Prince Daemon returned it’s like she completely forgot about Ser Harwin Strong. He was so angry but he cannot act out as he’s the oldest and his siblings need him to protect them.

The servants at Dragonstone had told him how close his mother and Prince Daemon was since she was just a babe. That it was Prince Daemon who taught her High Valyrian, it was him who accompanied her on her first dragon flight and they were expecting them to be married. It was such a shock when the King declared that the Princess will marry Ser Laenor instead.

He tried to keep his distance from the Rogue Prince, he was used to it anyway. Ser Laenor had a schedule he used to keep up appearances to be with them but otherwise he remained reserved. But Prince Daemon was different. He couldn’t shake him off easily because it seems that wherever his mother was, he needs to be there as well.

He did not understand at first why he couldn’t just leave them alone! He was always breaking his fast with them, he was always there to listen to petitions with his mother even the nights that they normally spend in front of the fire talking about their day was intruded by him.

He couldn’t understand why Luke was never bothered by his presence and was instead happy with Prince Daemon’s constant presence in their life. When he asked, Luke whispered shyly at him that ‘It was nice to have a Kepa around.’

That made him angrier but he refused to make it show. It was the first time he saw his mother really happy and content. Everyone calls his mother the Realm’s Delight and he thought it was because she is the most beautiful woman in the world but whenever she’s with Prince Daemon his mother glows.

It was the first time he saw his mother truly happy. He decided to be civil for his mother’s sake and the Prince never did try to impose his presence in his life. He’s also thankful that he never treated them differently than his blood-related children and had given protection from anyone trying to hurt them.

He does not know everything Prince Daemon had done to shield them but he knows he had done truly horrific things, he had a suspicion that he was behind what happened to Prince Aegon the Elder. It should make him afraid especially with the Queen whispering her venom to anyone who will listen but he truly believe that Prince Daemon would sooner fall on his sword before he hurt anyone one of them.

“What would you have me do?” He heard Prince Daemon asked.

“I had given them the chance to abandon their cause because Daeron was only a little bit older than Jace. I hoped that given Otto’s death Alicent will see the foolishness her chosen path was but I see now how naïve I was.” His mother said. “I want them gone, pluck from root and stem. I do not want to worry that in twenty years the Hightowers might try to destabilize the Targaryen’s again. I want total annihilation.”

He swallowed hard at the look on her mother’s face. This is not the Realm’s Delight he’s facing right now, it is the Dragon Queen.

Daemon Targaryen smiled predatorily and kissed his mother on the forehead then stood up held his head between his hands uttered “Good job, boy!” and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead as well. Before he can push him away, he was already out the doors.

He looked back at his mother, stunned, who only laughed at him.

They left King’s Landing early morning the next day. All of his siblings were present at the Dragonpit, Viserys was sniffling, holding tight on Luke’s hand, trying not to cry while Aegon had been reciting items that he wanted them to bring back since they entered the Royal carriage that brought them to the Domed Pit. Joffrey was a sentry besides their mother while Rhaena was smiling at them encouragingly.

“Be polite, be diplomatic, be sensitive but be firm.” His mother said as she kissed his head. He nodded at her and hugged all of his siblings with a promise that they will be going back as soon as they can and will bring them treasures from each of the Kingdoms they will be visiting.

With a wave and a shout command he and Vermax soared through the air. The exhilaration of flight filled him with a sense of freedom unlike anything he had ever known. As they soared high above the red-tiled roofs of King's Landing, he felt the weight of the world fall away, replaced by the vast expanse of sky stretching out before him.

Beneath him, the city slowly receded, its maze of streets and alleys shrinking into insignificance as they climbed higher and higher. The hustle and bustle of the city faded into the distance, replaced by the serene beauty of the Crownlands unfolding below. As they crossed into the Riverlands, he marveled at the patchwork of fields and forests spread out beneath them. Rivers glittered like silver threads in the sunlight, snaking their way through the landscape, while villages and towns nestled among the trees like jewels in a crown. this is exactly how it is when he looks at the Painted Table. that table was commissioned by the Conqueror with the vantage point of a dragon rider in mind. It was very

With each beat of the dragon's wings, they left civilization behind, venturing deeper into the untamed wilderness of the Riverlands. Rocky outcrops and craggy hills rose up to meet them, their rugged beauty a stark contrast to the orderly fields and pastures they had left behind.

As they flew on, the air grew cooler, and the landscape grew wilder still. Mountain ranges loomed on the horizon, their peaks obscured by wisps of cloud, while dense forests cloaked the valleys below.

It was already midday when he saw Maidenpool came into view, Jacaerys had been feeling fatigue and hunger so he motioned for Luke to land. The bustling port town sprawled out before them, its harbor filled with ships from distant lands. The dragon descended gracefully, wings outstretched as they glided down towards the docks.

They were met with a flurry of activity. House Mooton's banners fluttered in the breeze, signaling their welcome, and a small crowd had gathered to catch a glimpse of the royal visitor. His mother had sent ravens months prior on the castles that they will be visiting. They will be staying in Maidenpool for five days before continuing to the Eyrie.

Lord Mooton himself stood at the end of the dock, flanked by his retinue, waiting to greet the princes. He wore a welcoming smile as they got down from Vermax. He looked at Luke who was already unchaining himself. The Lord did not try to get near them and audibly let a big sigh of relief as the dragons went back to the sky. He saw one of his sworn shield Ser Cornelius Cobray with the assembled Lords. he had travelled in advance to meet them here.

Lord Mooton kneeled down along with everyone,"Welcome, Your Highnesses, Maindenpool is yours!" Lord Mooton said warmly.

He smiled at the man. "Arise, my Lord, thank you for receiving us."

"It is an honor to have you grace on our shores. Please, allow me to extend the hospitality of House Mooton. You are most welcome to join us at Mooton Keep so you may rest before the feast in your honor later tonight.”

Jace and Luke exchanged a glance before Jace stepped forward, "Thank you, my lord, for your gracious invitation," he said. "However, we would be honored to dine at one of Maidenpool's fine inns instead. We wish to see the Town and speak with its people.”

Lord Mooton's smile faltered slightly at the unexpected request, but he quickly recovered, nodding his understanding. "Of course, Your Highnesses," he said. “I will personally accompany you to Maidenpool’s finest Inn and if you want we can escort you through the Town as well.”

He smiled at him and gave his approval.

Chapter 12

Chapter Text

Jace POV

As the dragon descended gracefully into the main courtyard of the Vale of Arryn, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. He exchanged a wary glance with his brother, Luke, both puzzled by the stunned expressions that greeted their arrival.

It was so different from the normal awe and fear that normally greets them and their dragons. Stepping down from the dragon's back, Jace couldn't help but notice the whispers that rippled through the crowd, the curious glances cast in their direction. It was as if they were intruders in a place where they didn't belong, and the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. He swallowed hard, he knows most people are aware that they do not have the ethereal Valyrian coloring surely they are not that stunned by the confirmation?

But just as doubt began to cloud his mind, a petite figure approached, her face etched with a mixture of surprise and astonishment. It was Lady Jeyne Arryn, her eyes wide with disbelief as she took in their appearance.

Without hesitation, Lady Jeyne kneeled before them, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke. "My Princes, forgive us for our astonishment. It's just... you bear an uncanny resemblance to our own kin.”

Jacaerys felt a flicker of hope ignite within him as Lady Jeyne explained further. She gestured towards him, her words tinged with reverence. "You, Prince Jacaerys, you have the same features as our beloved Rodrik Arryn, whose portrait hangs proudly in our family solar. And you," she turned to Luke, "my Prince you bear a striking resemblance to the late Queen Aemma, a cherished member of our house.”

A wave of relief washed over him, his heart swelling with gratitude as he realized that they were not seen as intruders, but as long-lost kin. He offered Lady Jeyne a warm smile, and bid her rise, feeling a sense of belonging settle over him at last.

The Lady ushered them to the quickly to inside, gave them salt and bread and all but pulled them towards the family solar. It was a grand chamber, adorned with portraits that lined the walls like silent sentinels of the past. As they entered, Lady Jeyne led them to the left side, where the imposing figure of Lord Rodrik Arryn was displayed. In the portrait, Lord Rodrik stood tall and proud, clad in a regal blue tunic and cape adorned with the sigil of House Arryn. His features were depicted with remarkable detail: brown curly hair framing a stern yet noble visage, and piercing eyes that seemed to follow the viewer's every move. Lady Jeyne said Lord Rodrik's most distinctive feature was his prominent pug nose, which lent a unique character to his face. It was said that his nose was even more pronounced in person, a trait that came from his mother who was a Darry.

In the Capital where the Targaryens reign supreme it, they were surrounded with people bearing the other-wordly beauty of Old Vlyria with their porcelain skin, flowing silver hair and piercing violet eyes he couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in his own family. He couldn't help but feel like the odd one out with his plain brown hair and brown eyes.

As Jace gazed upon the portrait of Lord Rodrik Arryn, a sense of reassurance washed over him. There was a comforting familiarity in the features of his ancestor. The strong jawline, the determined gaze—it was as if he was looking at a reflection of himself in the distant past. A smile tugged at the corners of Jace's lips as he contemplated the idea that he had inherited his coloring and features from Lord Rodrik. He looked at his brother and saw the same awe in his eyes. There was a sense of pride in knowing that he carried within him the legacy of his forebear, a connection to the ancient roots of House Arryn that transcended mere physical appearance.

Luke POV

He left Jace with Lady Jeyne as they talk about the history of the Starwatch to look around the tower. The Lady of the Vale had let them rest the first night and day when they arrieved so they can recuperate from the long flight. And then she started dragging them everywhere on the Castle telling them about the most important parts of the Castle. She showed them The High Hall, the grand chamber which is the heart of the Eyrie, where the Lord of the Vale holds court and dispenses justice. It houses the Moon Door. Perhaps the most iconic feature of the Eyrie, the Moon Door is a large opening in the floor of the High Hall that leads to a sheer drop down the mountainside. It has been used for centuries as a means of executing traitors and criminals, sending them plummeting to their doom.

Carved into the sheer cliffs of the Eyrie, the Sky Cells are infamous for their use as a place of imprisonment. Prisoners held here are exposed to the elements, with nothing but a narrow ledge separating them from the abyss below. The most terrifying aspect of the sky cells is their sheer drop into the abyss below. Positioned hundreds of feet above the valley floor, these grim chambers offer a breathtaking view of the mountainous landscape stretching out into the distance. But for those unfortunate enough to be imprisoned within, the view is one of unrelenting terror, as they teeter on the brink of oblivion with nothing but a low stone parapet separating them from a deadly fall. He wouldn’t want to stay there even for an hour.

Today she brough them to the Starwatch. High atop a craggy peak in the Vale of Arryn stood the ancient observation tower, perched on the edge of the world, it offered a breathtaking view of the night sky, unobscured by the lights of civilization below. For generations, the lords and kings of old would ascend to the Starwatch to study the stars, seeking wisdom and guidance in their celestial dance.

At the center of the tower, a vast domed chamber housed a gleaming brass sky-gazer, its lenses polished to perfection. It was a clear night in the Vale of Arryn, and the heavens seemed to stretch on endlessly. He attempted to use the sky-gazer, frustration gnawed at him as he struggled to make out any distinct shapes amidst the sea of stars above. He squinted through the intricate instrument, but all he saw were blurry specks of light dancing against the darkness.

Sensing his struggle, Maester Cleyton approached, his presence a reassuring presence. "Having trouble, Prince Lucerys?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet filled with knowledge.

He sighed in frustration, lowering the sky-gazer in defeat. "I can't seem to make out anything clear, Maester. It's all just a blur to me.”

The Maester nodded understandingly, reaching out to adjust the settings of the sky-gazer with practiced hands. "Patience, my Prince," he advised, his tone calm and steady. "Observing the stars requires a steady hand and a keen eye. Let me show you.”

With a few deft adjustments, Maester Cleyton handed the sky-gazer back to Luke, guiding his hand as they aimed the instrument towards a particularly bright cluster of stars. "Now, focus your gaze on that point there." The Maester instructed, his voice a steady guiding presence.

Luke followed the maester's guidance, squinting through the lens as he honed in on the designated spot in the sky. And slowly, as if by magic, the blurry specks of light began to resolve into distinct shapes, forming the outline of a familiar constellation.

A smile of wonder spread across his face as he beheld the sight before him, the stars suddenly clear and sharp against the velvet backdrop of the night. "I see it!" He exclaimed in amazement, his eyes alight with wonder. "I see the constellation!”

Maester Cleyton nodded in satisfaction, his own eyes twinkling with pride. "Well done, Prince Lucerys." He praised, his voice tinged with approval. "Observing the stars is a skill that takes time and practice, but with patience and perseverance, you'll soon become a master of the skies." And as they continued to gaze up at the heavens together, Luke felt a sense of accomplishment.

The Maester smiled knowingly, his gaze drifting upwards towards the celestial canopy. "Ah, they hold fascination for many, my Prince. But did you know that the stars also serve as guides for sailors navigating the seas?”

He smiled at the elderly man. The Maester no doubts knows that he will be the next Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. He has large boots to fill with Lord Corlys being so well travelled and seasoned sea battle commander.

“Can you teach me, Maester?” he asked and the elderly man smiled.

Jace POV

As Prince Jacaerys and his companions traversed the rugged hills of the Vale, the crisp mountain air filled their lungs, invigorating them as they pursued their quarry with hawk and hound. The Knights of Houses Cobray, Royce, Grafton, and Harding and many more men-at-arms rode alongside them, their spirits high as they reveled in the thrill of the hunt.

He can see Luke talking to Ser Grafton about the different kinds of hawk they normally use for hunting.

But their idyllic outing soon took a dark turn as the tranquility of the hills was shattered by the sudden onslaught of mountain clansmen, their savage cries echoing through the rocky terrain. With ruthless force, the clansmen descended upon the unsuspecting party, their sheer numbers and ferocity catching them off guard.

In the chaos of battle, he found himself face to face with a burly clansman, his eyes filled with bloodlust as he brandished his weapon at him. He did not know how he was even able to keep up with the brute, he fought only with all the skill instilled in him by years of training.

As the battle rages around them, Jace spots Luke fell to the ground with a manster of man towering in front of him.

Without hesitation he thrust his sword on his opponent’s neck killing him instantly and he charges towards Luke's side, his sword flashing in the sunlight as he parries blow after blow, deflecting the relentless assault of their attacker. With each strike, Jace maneuvers skillfully, his movements fluid and precise as he defends his brother with unwavering determination. His brother will not fall here, he will make sure that Luke will return to his Muna safe and whole.

As the clash intensifies, Jace's focus narrows, his entire being consumed by the need to keep Luke safe from harm. With a swift and decisive strike, he manages to disarm their assailant, his blade finding its mark with lethal accuracy.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Jace pulls Luke close, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surveys their surroundings, ensuring they are out of harm's way.

“Are you hurt?” He asked looking at his brother, aside from a few scratches and a purpling bump on his head he seems fine.

His brother looks shaken but unharmed. He pulled him into a one-armed hug, Lucerys is only four and ten he is too young to be subjected to this kind of savagery.

As the dust settled and the surviving clansmen fled into the hills, Jace stood amidst the aftermath of battle, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surveyed the scene. Ser Cobray, his armor stained with blood, approached the young prince, a look of solemn respect in his eyes.

"In the face of danger, you proved yourself a true knight, Prince Jacaerys." Ser Cobray declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "For your valor and bravery on this day, I deem you worthy of knighthood, please kneel.”

He looked at Luke who despite his tiredness looks ready to jumped in happiness. He knelt down in front of Ser Cobray as he recited the words.

They trudged back up the Eyrie where the men had told everyone about their encounter. Lady Jeyne and Lady Amanda fussed over them as the Maester look at their wounds before sending them for a bath. He had a cut on his left arm and some bruised ribs while look got a hit in his head and is slightly limping from falling off his horse but they were otherwise good. He ate his supper with Luke while they talked about what happened. He’s still not sure what to write to their mother, he does not want their progress halted because of it.

The following day a trill was heard in the Eyrie followed by a low menacing whistle. He stopped in the middle of the training yard, he was having a bout with Ser Hardying. He looked up and saw a red strike in the sky going down towards the Main Courtyard.

“It’s Caraxes!” Luke said as he threw the wooden sword aside and run towards the Courtyard.

He smiled and walked briskly behind his brother. He saw Ser Hardying grimace as he walked beside him.

“Anything the matter, Ser Hardying?” he asked.

“Forgive me, Your Grace, the Rogue Prince does not have the best reputation here in the Vale.” The Knight said quietly.

He heard about how Prince Daemon despised his first wife, a Royce. Even until now whenever the topic of his first wife was mentioned Prince Daemon could go on a full night’s tirade about his Bronze Bitch. Of course, from what he knows the enmity was not one-sided, he heard that the late Lady Royce also disparaged the Rogue Prince, calling him godless.

He just entered the yard when Luke all but flew to Prince Daemon who took him in his arms as if Luke was not four and ten and almost as tall as he. He wanted to wince, he does not want Luke to appear child-like in the eyes of the gathered nobility but they’ve been travelling for more than a month now, probably the longest they’ve been without their parents since they were born. He will not begrudge his brother’s happiness at seeing a parent.

He saw surprise on everyone’s face that he had to stop himself from outwardly grimacing. Everyone seems to think that there is hostility between the older Targaryen Princes and the Rogue Prince. He will not be surprised if words are being spread that there is resentment between Princess Rhaenyra’s older children and the children she has with Prince Daemon. That is something he would not tolerate. No one will be allowed to get between him and his brothers, they will face dragonfire first.

“…and then he disarmed the brute and killed him! He was so good, Kepa!” he heard Luke said as the Prince looked down on him with a grimaced. “And then he was Knighted! By Ser Cobray!”

Prince Daemon looked at him in wonder then smiled widely. “Ser Jacaerys now, eh?” he said, pride obviously in his eyes.

He stood taller and smiled at the Prince. “It was necessary, he was going to hurt Luke.” He said.

“Now, that’s not how you should say that to your brothers, you should tell them the brute was a giant as big as a boar with a sword as big as a tree!” he said.

Luke laughed and agreed.

Lady Jeyne came out of the Courtyard her eyes guarded. She knelt down in respect and welcomed the Prince to the Eyrie.

“Forgive us, Your Highness, we were not expecting you.” The Lady of the vale said, a quiet rebuke in her voice.

“You can’t expect to send a raven about an attack on the princes and expect me not to be here as soon as I can.” Prince Daemon said with raised eyebrows.

“Of course, Your Highness, forgive me for not thinking ahead.” Lady Jeyne said and bid them inside where a warm bath and food for Prince Daemon had already been ordered.

He felt his stepfather’s heavy arm slung on his shoulder and he unknowingly melted unto his side like he was still a small child. He did not know how much tension his body was on since the attack until he relaxed under his Kepa’s arms.

Ugh, he cannot act like a child in front of all this Lords and Knights!

The dinner was full of Luke’s chatter as he recalls what seems to be every single thing they had done since they left home from walking around Maidenpool, to his nightly lessons on how to map the skies and their frequent hunting and hawking excursions.

He chimes in from time to time correcting some information but otherwise let Luke regal Prince Dameon of their exploits. He in turn told them what their siblings had been doing.

“Joffrey swore to be a Queensguard.” Prince Daemon said with mirth in his eyes. “We decided to make him Ser Darklyn’s squire first and when he earned his Knighthood he might want to enter the City Watch and we’ll see if he still wants to be a Queensguard then.”

He won’t change his mind.” Luke Said with clear conviction. “He always said he wanted to stay by Muna’s side, guarding her.”

“He’s young still, when I was his age, I wanted to build my own sellsword company in Essos. He may change his mind yet.” Daemon snorted.

“You don’t want him to be a Queensguard.” He noticed. “Why?”

Daemon laughed at him and stretched his legs. “A Targaryen Prince should not be made to stand outside someone else’s door to guard it no matter if that someone is a King or Queen. And I’m building him a Castle at the foot of the Red Mountains, on the land that Lord Borros gave me when we saved his daughter from the Triarchy pirates, seems rather ungrateful to exchange a Lordship for a White Cloak.” He rolled his eyes.

He laughed at that, The Prince had been building said Castle for six years or so now. He always thought he will give it to Aegon but here he was apparently building it for Joffrey instead. He wanted to be ashamed for all the times he thought ill of his step-father but he knows it will also be foolish to put his complete trust in him. Out of the three strong bastards he’s the only one who is a bit cautious of the Rogue Prince, Luke absolutely adores him and Joffrey had never known another father but him, he needs to be the level-headed one.

He slept better knowing that Prince Daemon is sleeping on the room across from him. They broke their fast with Lady Jeyne, Lady Jessamyn and Lady Amanda and then Luke had decided to give their step-father a tour of the Eyrie. Caraxes, Vermax and Arrax can be seen flying in the distance with Arrax playfully ramming into the bigger dragon’s body with a mighty shriek as Caraxes snaped at him with his teeth, Vermax, who was flying peacefully besides them did not escape the bigger dragon’s ire as he too was swiped hard by his horned tail.

“Is it still safe?” She heard Lady Jessamyn asked.

“Don’t worry, my Lady, they’re just playing.” Prince Deamon reassured

“Really? They looked like they’re trying to kill each other.” Lady Jeyne said.

“I promised you, my Lady, if the dragons are trying to kill each other you will know.” Prince Daemon said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Kepa, will you come to White Harbor with us?” Luke asked

The Prince shook his head. “I only came here to make sure that both of you were safe. I am needed at the capital by your Muna, I worry that Aegon might really throw young Viserys out of one of the Towers with his whining without me there to distract both of them.”

“Joffrey will take them to hand.” Luke said

“Joffrey is now a squire, he does not have time for childish plays and this is your Tour, not mine. I will be going back tomorrow morning.”

“Fine.” Luke said with a pout then pulled Daemon’s hand to show him where they encountered the bandits.

He was going to follow them when Lady Jeyne came out holding a raven scroll, a worried look on his face. She looked at him and approached holding the scroll out.

He took it and read.

‘There’s a strange green light that boomed in Old Town that was followed by a big rumble in the Earth. Urgent inquiry warranted. Await further tidings.'

He looked at Prince Daemon who is still talking enthusiastically with Luke. What did he do?

Chapter 13

Chapter Text

Maester Jonnel POV

In the dimly lit chamber of the Hightower, Maester Jonnel meticulously finalized his calculations for the provisioning of the army. Surrounded by stacks of parchment covered in scribbled numbers and diagrams, he leaned over his desk, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across his furrowed brow. His hands feel numb from hours of writing and making sure all numbers are correct. He cannot assign this task to an acolyte because of its importance and on his sole shoulders bares the responsibility to make sure that everything is proceeding properly

With a well-practiced hand, he tallied the required grain reserves, taking into account the estimated consumption rates for soldiers on the march from Old Town to King’s Landing, noting places where they can replenish their supplies. He carefully allocated supplies for each contingent of the army, ensuring that both the cavalry and the foot soldiers would have sustenance for the journey ahead. The cavalry, with their greater mobility, would receive lighter rations to accommodate their swift pace, while the foot soldiers, burdened by heavy armor and equipment, would be allotted a larger one.

As he worked, Maester Jonnel also made provisions for the thirty scorpions stored in the dungeon below. These formidable siege weapons would require dedicated crews to man and transport them, along with ample supplies of ammunition. He drafted plans for the logistics of their deployment, considering the most efficient routes and methods for their transport to the front lines. It is the most important of their weapons, scores of men had died in Dorne trying to steel the plans to construct it much less operate it. They made sure Dorne do not have any knowledge of scorpions anymore and everything is stored here in the Hightower. Lord Hobert did not even let the Citadel know they have these kinds of intelligence.

Rising from his desk, he gathered the scrolls and parchments storing it in a strong box in his rooms. They still have three moons before the banners are officially called. The Maester at the Red Keep says three more moons is needed for King Viserys to finally breathe his last with their help. The Red Keep had been cleansed of any Hightower support so they will have to rely on what little servants they still have in the castle. They already have soldiers in King’s Landing dressing themselves as merchants, sea farers and visiting soldiers who will help them secure the Keep when the time comes. More people will be sent in the next moons.

He knows Lord Hobert tried to infiltrate Dragonstone but the people there are too loyal, too unyielding. The only one they were able to sway on their side is Ser Alfred Broome the Knight who was passed over as Castellan and some ten soldiers under his employ. Even with Ser Broome inside, he is practically useless. He does not have any sway on the servants and the guards and can barely send them any messages with him being unable to access the rookery.

He stretched his back and proceeded to go down the many steps in the tower towards the Grand Ballroom where all important Lords of the Greens are gathered for a final conference. This was done in guise of a betrothal feast for Lady Desmera Hightower to the second son of Lord Crakehall.

The grand ballroom of the Hightower was a sight to behold, filled with the finest lords and ladies of the Greens, their rich garments and jewels glinting in the soft candlelight as if they are really attending a grand feast and not a usurpation discussion. It is good that with Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen’s arrogance they never looked at Old Town even once, writing them off as innocuous.

As he entered the opulent chamber, he was greeted by the lively chatter of the assembled nobility. Lord Unwin Peake, resplendent in his sigil-emblazoned doublet, laughed heartily as he clapped Lord Owen Fossoway on the back, their conversation punctuated by the clinking of wine goblets. Nearby, Ser Hobert Hightower held court, his commanding presence drawing the attention of all those around him particularly Ser Adrian Tarbeck and Ser Clarent Crakehall.

Some lords spoke fervently of battle, their voices filled with anticipation for the glory and honor that awaited them on the field. Lord Jason Lannister, his golden mane catching the light, regaled his companions with tales of past victories, while Lord Humfrey Lefford, Ser Jon Roxton, Ser Tyler Norcross and Lord Marq Ambrose listened intently, nodding in agreement.

On the side he can see the young Prince Daeron, soon King Daeron I, talking with the Most Devout and the Senechal. Numerous Archmaesters and influencial Maesters are present as well no doubt advising the soon to be King on the best ways to make his reign glorious. With the help of the Citadel and the Faith, King Daeron will be the best King Westeros had ever had.

Since Aegon had burned their lands and subjugated them the Faith and the Citadel had vowed to rid themselves of the dragons. Aenys was a weak King and it was easy to rouse the people to rebel against him because of his indecisiveness, his endorsem*nt of the incestuous marriage between his children was the catalyst to make the Faithful see what an abomination the Targaryens truly are. They were successful on ousting the weak King from the then Aegonfort while his heir was besieged in Crakehall. Queen Visenya did their work for them when she, no doubt, had him killed. It would only be a matter of time before they can kill Aegon the Uncrowned as well. But Maegor came back and seized the Crown. They had to contend with the most cruel King in recent memory.

The Faith was almost destroyed by that man. Thousands of years of tradition was almost ended by the Dragons. They had to recuperate after that, it was a relief that King Jaehaerys was more agreeable than his uncle and with the guidance of Septon Barth was able to bring stability back to the Realm.

But The Faith and the Citadel had never forgotten their true goal, to rid themselves of the dragons, the beast and humans alike. With Prince Daeron being raised in the center of Faith themselves they will be sure that he will uphold the teachings and the traditions of the Seven. Lord Hobert wants him betrothed to his own daughter, Patrice Hightower, who is only four years older than the Prince. In two or three generations they will be able to thin out Valyrian Blood from the Targaryens and install a truly Andal King. The new King will be taught what an abominations the Dragons are and will be a great help in getting rid of them. He sat beside one of the Archmaester when a loud explosion was heard atop the Hightower making his ears ring.

He saw Lord Hobert snapped to his attendant to find out what is happening before another explosion sounded this time making cracks in the walls of the Hightower. He tried to stand to find safety but another explosion, this time more volatile, threw him across the room. He can feel the hot sticky blood running down his face as he tried to open his eyes against the sudden heat of flames. He can hear Lord Jason Lannister cursing a storm trying to put out the green flames that suddenly engulf the whole room and also his feet. Across from him, their future King lies under a chandelier, half his face caved in from the being buried under tons of metal and rocks.

Guard POV

He never expected the chaos that would unfold before his eyes. Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion from the top of the tower, sending shockwaves through the air. He flattened himself on the floor trying hard to center himself and avoid being thrown off.

Amidst the chaos, he spotted the ladies who had been enjoying tea with Lady Hightower and her daughters moments before. Lady Patrice and Desmera were crying, sporting bleeding wounds on their heads. He can see Lady Swyft buried under a toppled bookcase. He stood up and tried to assist the Ladies out of the room, they need to go down and get out of this trap, as the tower shook violently, Lady Rodden and Lady Cuy, along with their daughters and nieces, met their demise as the stairs gave way beneath them, trapping them beneath tons of debris.

Desperate to save himself, he fought against the rubble, removing himself from the rocks that trapped him, his muscles straining with every effort. The air was thick with dust, making it difficult to breathe as he struggled to crawled out from the wreckage. He can hear more people who were lucky not to be buried under the tons of rocks and walls crying besides him. The harbor were filled with panicked screams and cries as people fled from the collapsing tower, their faces twisted in fear and disbelief. With a gasp of relief, he managed to free himself and dived towards the water surrounding Battle Island. It offered temporary respite from ash and dust gathering in his lungs, but his relief was short-lived. In a blinding flash of green flames, the Hightower erupted into a fiery inferno, the explosion so intense that it even the stone is melting. Confusion and disbelief washed over him as he watched in horror, unable to comprehend the devastation unfolding before his eye.

The Hightower had been a beacon of hope for the people of Old Town, every little boys and little girls dreamed of being accepted as guards and servants so they may have a permanent roof over their head and earn coins to send to their family. No matter how arrogant and cruel some of the people who reside in the Hightower is everyone wants to be admitted inside.

He couldn’t understand. The explosion happened at the beacon where the acolytes are testing the copper fire they might use in case of war. It was a loud explosion for sure but it should not be enough to cause this much damage. And the later explosion happened from under the tower.

As he looked up, he saw the majestic blue dragon Tessarion attempting to escape the inferno, its chains preventing it from fleeing to safety. It freed one of it’s chains when the high walls dropped on top of it trapping the blue dragon. Another violent explosion and he could feel the water starting to boil. With a shout he forced himself to swim towards the shore only to be crushed under a big slob of rock. The other wall of the Hightower collapsed towards them.

Rhaenys POV

She sighed at the chaos that is the Small Council. Tyland Lannister sat on his seat, his shoulders slumped, his eyes red from trying hard not to cry. Lord Lyman was busy looking at his book and mumbling to himself no doubt calculating the deficit this will cause on their taxes while Lord Jasper was cursing up a storm, Grand Maester Orwyle is pale as death while Ser Harrold was asking him what had caused the explosion in Old Town. Ser Luthor Largent, the Commander of the Gold Cloaks were asking if they need to bring Prince Daemon back from the Vale.

She looked at the Princess Regent who had a contemplative look on her face. She would not be surprise if this is something that was done by Daemon with her permission. She had known how Prince Daeron had been Touring the Reach and Westerland visiting prominent Green supporters , she’s even surprised how Daemon took this long to do something about it. It would have been better if he did something less destructive.

From the more detailed report they got from the Citadel the Hightower is completely gone. The initial explosion started from the beacon, the City Watch barracks and the military harbor were affected when massive chunks of stone and debris rained down upon the surrounding area. The Lord’s Sept was reduced to a crumbling heap of rubble.

There are a total of two hundred fatalities and three hundred and sixty-three injuries. But the names

are too great.

Prince Daeron Targaryen

Lord Hobert Hightower, his son and Heir Lord Ormund Hightower and his wife Lady Samantha Tarly along with their daughters Patrice and Desmera.

Lord Owen Fossoway, Lord of Cider Hall

Ser Jon Roxton

Ser Tyler of House Norcross

Lord Unwin Peaked, Lord of Starpike

Lord Owen Fossoway, Lord of Cider Hall

Lord Marq Ambrose

Lord Richard Rodden

Lord George Graceford, Lord of Holyhall

Ser Victor Risley, Knight of Risley Glade

Lord Leygood

Lord Jason Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock

Lord Humfrey Lefford, Lord of the Golden Tooth

Lord Swyft of Cornfield

Lord Reyne of Castamere

Ser Adrian Tarbeck

Ser Clarent Crakehall

Ser Emory Hill, Bastard of Lannisport

Archmaester Walgrave

Archmaester Theobald

Archmaester Vaull

Ser Gunthor Hightower (Captain of the Hightower Guard)

Ser Alfred Cuy (Master-at-Arms of the Hightower)

High Septon Allard

Septon Martyn

Septon Durran

Septa Ellyn

Septa Lyra

And so many more names. She raised an eyebrow when she saw how many prominent names were in the Hightower but the Grand Maester said they were there to celebrate the betrothal of Lady Desmera Hightower to the second son of the Lord of Crakehall.

“What of Tessarion?” The Princess Regent asked which quieted everyone.

“Dead as well, Princess, it got buried when the walls came down and died in the following explosion.” The Grand Maester answered, beads of sweat on his forehead.

“Let them send his remains to Dragonstone, he will be laid to rest with the rest of his kin there.” She said. “And Daeron?”

“Many surviving servants confirmed he was in the Grand Ballroom along with Lord Hobert, Lord Lannister and most of their guests. It caved down completely and they are still unable to shift through the wreckage because the fire is still on going.”

“Princess Rhaenys, I will trust you to deliver this news to the Queen while I talk to my father.”

“Of course, princess.” She agreed already cursing under her breath. The last thing she wanted to do is to talk to the unstable Queen. No doubt she will be making litany about her children being killed as if Aegon and Aemond’s death were not their own doing.

They sent a letter to the Citadel to let them know if they needed more help and another to High Garden asking them to send as much provision as needed. More letter of condolences will be sent to the Castles of each Lord that died. This will create some big problem in the Reach and the Westerland sincemost of their prominent Lords had died, she's aware some was even there with their wives and heir.

Ser Tyland was given leave to return back to Casterly Rock to help his good sister with things on the Rock. Lord Jason left five daughters and a four name days old son, who will need a Regent. No doubt Ser Tyland will not let this chance pass him by.

She stood up as the Princess left and went directly to the Vault behind the Sept where Queen Alicent is now housed. As expected the Queen's grief was palpable, her cries echoing through the chamber, each wail a testament to the depth of her loss. But Rhaenys couldn't help but feel exasperated by the woman's erratic behavior and wild accusations.

From her vantage point, Rhaenys watched as attendants tried to console the distraught Queen, their efforts seemingly in vain. Alicent's eyes were wide with terror as she recounted tales of being hunted by unseen assassins, her words a jumbled mess of fear and desperation.

“I want his body here! You will bring me his body back, my Daeron!”

She scuffed and opened the door with a loud bang. “You are free to go to Old Town and bring his body back from the still burning ruins of the Hightower, Queen Alicent.” She said coldly, having no patience for her hysterics, she has to many responsibilities to attend to.

The Queen sat down in a heap in the middle of her room. “Everyone of you is so cruel…” she whispered.

“You should have thought of that before laying with Dragons, Your Grace. When you play with fire, you get burned.” She nodded at her and left the woman to her grief.

She hopes with the last of King Viserys’ son dead Daemon will stop making more spectacles.

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

Jace POV

With practiced ease, he notched an arrow onto his bowstring, his movements fluid and precise. His breath misted in the cold air as he scanned the surroundings, his senses keen and alert. There it stood, majestic and imposing—the largest stag he had ever laid eyes upon. Its antlers stretched skyward like the branches of ancient trees. Jace felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he focused his aim, his heart pounding with anticipation.But before he could release his arrow, a sudden thud echoed through the stillness of the forest. Startled, Jace turned towards the source of the sound, only to see the magnificent stag collapse to the ground, a single arrow embedded in its eye.

Confusion and annoyance welled up within him as he followed the trajectory of the arrow, his gaze settling on Sara Snow. Her dark curls adorned with dustings of snow framed her face, and the glimmer of sunlight dancing on her hair lent her an ethereal quality. But despite her beauty, Jace couldn't shake the frustration that gnawed at him.

Sara met his gaze with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. She looked every bit the snow goddess, comfortable and at ease in her element. “You’re too slow, my Prince.” She said and went to her price.

“On that I agree, Lady Sara. “ he said hiding the bitterness of his words.

As Sara expertly began to skin the stag, Jace watched in awe as her hands moved with practiced precision. With a deft flick of her hunting knife, she made a shallow incision along the belly of the beast, carefully peeling back the thick hide to reveal the warm, steaming entrails within. With steady hands, she reached inside, deftly removing the organs and setting them aside.Next, Sara worked her way up the stag's body, carefully slicing through the tough sinew and muscle, separating the hide from the flesh beneath. Each movement was deliberate, each cut made with calculated efficiency. Jace couldn't help but admire her skill, the way she moved with such grace and confidence.

As she worked, Sara glanced over at Jace with a small smile, her dark curls dancing in the chilly breeze. "This skin will be perfect for my nephew Rickon." she said, her voice tinged with warmth and affection. he smiled tightly at her, not wanting to appear rude in anyway. Lord Cregan had welcomed them with open arms, ordering a grand feast that he knows would have been better use to feed Winterfell for a month. That's why when they met his grandfather in White Harbor, he made sure that they brought their own provisions. They gave White Harbor wheat and grains and made sure that the galley that brought sheep and goats and cows as well as barley and salt had continued to said the White Knife arrived at the same time as them at Winterfell. Their offer of food and promised of trade had done wonders to endear them to the North but as Lord Corlys said, the best way to cultivate friendship is to learn their way of life.

So he walked in the Godswood with Cregan, striving to absorb as much knowledge about the Old Gods as he could. He trained alongside him, honing his skills in wrestling, and ventured into the Wolfswood to partake in hunts. However, this also meant being in constant proximity to Sara Snow, Cregan's younger sister. Sara, merely two years his senior, possessed a remarkable array of talents and accomplishments.

Renowned as the finest archer in Winterfell, Sara's prowess was such that she could effortlessly nock three arrows onto her bow and strike three separate targets with unerring precision. Cregan boasted of her skill as the premier horsewoman in the North, a claim validated when she effortlessly outpaced him in a recent wager. Now, she had also proven herself as a proficient hunter.While he harbored no resentment towards women excelling in traditionally male pursuits — having grown up with Baela routinely outmatching him in the training yard — he couldn't shake the sense of inadequacy that lingered in Sara's presence. It wasn't emasculation he felt; rather, it was a gnawing awareness of his own shortcomings, amplified by the shadow of her remarkable abilities.

Their companions soon arrived, their footsteps crunching softly in the snow. Luke, ever curious, peppered Sara with questions about her tracking skills and her expertise in skinning the stag. She answered each inquiry with patience and humor, her eyes sparkling with amusem*nt.

Meanwhile, Lord Corlys approached Jace, his weathered face etched with a mix of pride and contemplation. He grasped Jace's shoulders firmly, his gaze intense yet gentle. "The beauty of the North is a novelty even for me." He said, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I have traveled the world, but coming home is still the best feeling, especially when greeted by the people who await our return.”

Jace nodded in agreement, though he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion at the way his grandfather looked at him, as if he knows something he did not.

Rhaenyra POV

Dear Princess Regent Rhaenyra Targaryen,

I hope this letter finds you well. It is with a heavy heart and great trepidation that I write to you today, seeking your assistance in a matter of utmost importance to my family and the future of House Lefford.

As you may know, my beloved husband, Lord Lefford, recently passed away tragically in the Hightower explosion, leaving behind a legacy of uncertainty and turmoil. With his passing, our house finds itself in the midst of a succession crisis, one that threatens to tear us apart from within.

You see, my lady, we had three daughters who are all married with families of their own, leaving his brother, Ser Garlan Lefford, in a position to potentially seize control of Golden Tooth and all its lands and titles. While I hold no ill will towards Ser Garlan, I fear that his ambitions may lead him to take drastic action to secure his claim to power.

In light of these troubling circ*mstances, I come to you with a humble request. My husband had a son, Ser Harrold Hill, from a previous liaison, whom my late husband had publicly acknowledged and though he is a bastard by birth, he has proven himself a loyal and capable warrior. I implore you, Princess Regent, to grant legitimacy to Ser Harrold and recognize him as a trueborn son of House Lefford.

By legitimizing Ser Harrold, you would not only ensure the future of our house but also safeguard the stability and prosperity of Golden Tooth and its people. With your support, we may yet weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever before.

I understand that this is a bold request, and I would not make it lightly. But in these uncertain times, desperate measures are called for, and I can think of no one better to turn to for aid than the noble and benevolent Princess Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.

Please, my lady, consider my plea carefully, and know that any assistance you can provide would be met with the deepest gratitude and loyalty from House Lefford.

Yours faithfully,

Alyanna of House Lefford, Lady of Golden Tooth.

She sighed as she put the letter on one of the trays on the side of her table. She looked at little Viserys and her husband who was teaching their son how to read Valyrian Glyph. Viserys is the most intelligent of her children. At only six name days he’s already very proficient in reading and even better in his numbers.The Archmaester absolutely delights in teaching him everything he can but Daemon insists on teaching their children High Valyrian and the Valyrian Glyphs.

Aegon was sitting in front of them, drawing the scene in earnest. Aegon is the artist in the family, he learned how to draw even before he learned his letters.

With a keen eye, Rhaenyra watched as Aegon's hand moved across the parchment with fluid precision, his young fingers deftly shaping the lines and curves that brought the scene to life. Despite his tender age of eight, his skill surpassed expectations, his rendering of his father teaching Viserys Valyrian Glyphs possessing a lifelike quality that belied his years.

Daemon's likeness emerged on the page, his features rendered with such accuracy that Rhaenyra could almost feel the warmth of his presence. Each strand of his hair seemed to dance in the imaginary breeze, every contour of his face etched with a depth of emotion that spoke volumes.

Beside Daemon, Viserys appeared equally vivid, his brow furrowed in concentration as he focused on the ancient tome before him. Aegon had captured the intensity of his father's gaze, the determination in his expression evident even in the simple lines of the drawing. It was a scene frozen in time, a precious moment immortalized on parchment by the hands of a child wise beyond his years.

She remembers Aegon showing the King one of his first drawings when he was just three name days old and even though King Viserys had praised him with well-intentioned words, it had always carried a weight of expectation and tradition, urging Aegon to prioritize martial pursuits over his artistic talents because as a fourth son he will have find his own fortune.

She remembers Daemon being so angry that they did not come back to the Capital for more than a year after that. Even if Aegon was not old enough to understand what he means, Daemon did. He said had been subjected to the same speeches from Viserys since they were just boys. She would have thought that her father will understand and appreciate Aegon’s talents since he was also not even passable at holding a sword and spent most of his adult life carving his Valyrian models.

In turn, Daemon had gifted Aegon with different seizes of parchments and Quills and charcoals he can use to draw. When he’s old enough he plan to hire a Master Painter from Essos to teach their son how to put colors on his drawings.

And since Joffrey is intent on his decision to be part her Queensguards someday the Palace Daemon is building in the Stormsland will be going to Aegon. It would be prefect, Aegon has an appreciation with beauty and that one is a pleasure palace if she ever saw one with gleaming white stones, domed ceilings and arched windows. Since it is placed at the foot of the Red Mountains he had an enormous pool built and a smaller covered one constructed in one of the gardens only for the ruling family’s usage.

Aegon had fallen in love immediately with the place and they had already constructed a room just for his artwork and gallery where he can proudly display all his hard works on.

Perhaps they will build another Castle for young Viserys. Rhaenyra and Daemon were determined that their children would not experience the same challenges and injustices that Daemon had faced in his youth. They vowed to create an environment where their children would be valued and respected for their individual talents and contributions, rather than being relegated to the sidelines or forced to plead for recognition

One of the key aspects of this commitment was ensuring that their children would not have to rely on the favor of their older siblings for positions of importance within the court. They understood firsthand the frustrations and limitations that came with being overlooked or dismissed by those in power, and they were determined to break this cycle for their own offspring.

Instead, Rhaenyra and Daemon sought to foster an atmosphere of equality and opportunity within their family. They encouraged their children to pursue their passions and interests, whether they lay in the arts, diplomacy, or martial prowess, without fear of being overshadowed or marginalized by their older siblings.

Furthermore, they made it clear to their children that they would always have their support and guidance, regardless of the challenges they faced. They instilled in them a sense of confidence and self-worth, teaching them to stand tall and assert their place in the world, rather than seeking validation from others.

She looked up when Lady Elinda came to take the children for their naps. Both had protested immediately deigning themselves old enough not to need naps like babes but promises of candied apple and cakes if they behave placated them.

Daemon smiled at her and then winced when he saw the mountain of letter on her table. He sat on the padded couch, putting his feet on a stool then opened his arms to her. She grinned at him and gladly removed her shoes and leaned her back on his chest while she stretched on the couch, her feet hanging off the arm rest.

“More letters from the Westernland?” he asked as he curled his arm around her.

“Yes. This time from Lady Lefford.” She groaned. “She wanted me to legitimized her husband’s natural son to prevent his brother from staking his claim.”

“Sounds reasonable, I know that the late traitorous Lord Lefford acknowledged his son publicly.” He said playing with the rings on her fingers.

“Garlan Lefford is saying that she’s sleeping with the natural son so she can keep her tight hold on the Golden Tooth.” She said raising her eyebrows.

Daemon gasped dramatically, like a gossiping fishwife. “Is it true?”

“She’s f*cking them both.” She said

“Real intelligent our Lady Lefford. She’ll continue her rule if she got the uneducated son legitimized and will do the same if the brother got the title.”

“But Garlan Lefford’s wife is a Lannister of Lannisport, she will not go down without a fight.” She said.

“Ohhh… things are really interesting in the Westernland. Our dear Lord Tyland is already at the Rock noh?” he said

“Yes, but he will find that Johanna Westerling is more formidable than he thought previously. It was really her managing the Kingdom while Jason Lannister drinks and sire bastards after bastards when he’s not entertaining treason. She will not relinquish the Regency of her son to Jason's brother.” She said with a giggle.

“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing.” She said. “It’s better they worry about the succession of their own Houses than ours. This should keep them occupied for the next years.”

“It’s funny that the Greens have more supporter in the Westernland than in the Reach.”

“I think they have plans to marry one of the Lannister girls to Daeron although no official betrothal was made.”

“And now, they’re all gone.”

“Your… friend? He will not talk, yes?”

“Cheese is downright despicable but he had always been able and trustworthy. Did I tell you he was the one who showed me the many secrets of the hidden passages?”

“You said you got lost when you’re seven name days old and he was the one who found you.”

“Yes, he helped me get back to father and then helped me familiarized myself with it. He even assisted me on clearing some of the passage ways that had already been collapsed. He practically lived in there. He will be pissed when he found out I had all the exits gated when he was gone.” He said with mirth.

“He’s already here?” she asked, scared of this person who had killed one of Helaena’s children in her previous life and blown up the Hightower in this.

“I don’t know where he is yet, he’ll just show up when he already used all the coins we paid him. He’s most probably blowing it up on the brothels or gambling houses.” He chuckled.

She understand that Daemon had a particular fondness for this so called Cheese. He was basically his only friend when he was young. Cheese became Daemon’s guide to the underbelly of the city, introducing him to the myriad establishments that dotted the streets of Flea Bottom. Together, they ventured into dimly lit taverns where the air was thick with the scent of ale and intrigue, rubbing shoulders with thieves, cutthroats, and other colorful characters who called the slums their home.

But it wasn't just the seedy establishments and shadowy figures that Cheese exposed Daemon to; it was the unwritten rules and unspoken alliances that governed life in the city. In Flea Bottom, power and influence were not measured by noble lineage or wealth, but by cunning, resourcefulness, and the ability to navigate the intricate web of loyalties and rivalries that defined the underworld.

Under Cheese's tutelage, he learned that true power lay not within the gilded halls of the Red Keep, but within the hearts and minds of the people who walked the streets of the city. It was here, amidst the poverty and chaos of Flea Bottom, that Daemon discovered his own strength and resilience, forging bonds of loyalty and friendship with the very people that the Nobility often forgot and dismiss.

“Why don’t we offer to set him up to run his own business in the city? Does he not want to have his own house where he can raise his family?”

“I offered that to him on two different occasions and he refused twice." He said then sighed when she looked up to him in confusion. "Not everyone yearns to establish a home and start a family, Nyra. There are those who possess an inherent restlessness, preferring the thrill of exploration and adventure. Cheese, for instance, seems to thrive in perilous circ*mstances. He served as my informant within the castle during my absence.He said. “Don’t worry, Cheese is equal parts afraid and dedicated to me. He will remain loyal to us.” He reassured kissing her on the side of her head. And if he tried to f*ck him over he can easily be disposed of.

They would have been content, talking to each other like that all afternoon but an urgent knock sounded on the door. She sighed and burrowed herself deeper into Daemon’s arms as she called for Ser Erryk to come inside.

She did not expect all of the Kingsguards not accompanying Jace and Luke on their tour of the Riverlands now to enter and kneel in front of her.

Ser Harrold looked up at her. “The King is dead, Long lived the Queen.” He said which was echoed by his brothers.

She felt Daemon’s breath hitched. She felt numbed.

She already lost her father, in that other life, it did not make it hurt less.

“W—hat happened? He was fine when we supped together last night.” she asked.

“It was Queen Alicent, she killed King Viserys, my Queen.”

Chapter 15

Chapter Text

Helaena POV

Helaena stepped into the grand chamber, her gaze immediately drawn to the figure of her father, King Viserys, hunched at the head of the table. Her father had always been sickly, there was not a week she can remember that he will not be ordered by the Maesters to stay abed. He was only a few years past his fiftieth name day but he looks close to eighty with his thinning hair, papery and mottled skin and his missing limb.

Her mother, Queen Alicent, followed closely behind, her expression composed yet tinged with a hint of anticipation. She did not know why her mother insisted that they visit the King today. Ever since news of the explosion of the Hightower had come, she’s been extremely emotional, more so than normal. One minute she will be crying for her brother Daeron and the next she’s raving about the Blacks coming to kill them all. The other day, she put her in a trunk for half a day saying that her grandsire will come to save them and she will smuggle her out of the Castle.She had to remain quiet even if she was shaking from being in the dark for so long because she did not want Princess Rhaenyra to prevent her for seeing her mother even if it is for her own safety. Alicent Hightower is a lot of things but she is still her mother. She had lost three sons and all of her family aside from her, the only thing she could do was be there for her during her dark times.

"Father." Helaena greeted warmly, approaching the table with a graceful stride. "It's good to see you.”

The King smiled warmly at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "And you as well, my dear Helaena." he replied, gesturing for them to take their seats at the table. "Please, join me. I just finished my meal.”

As they settled into their chairs, Helaena's gaze wandered to the intricate Valyrian model displayed on the table before them. The craftsmanship was exquisite, each delicate detail meticulously carved with skill and precision. She couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of it.

"Is this your latest creation, Father?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued, even if it had been years since her father had personally carved a piece, it was still her father’s visions and designs.

Viserys nodded proudly, a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes. "Indeed, it is, my dear. I call it the Temple of Draco." He explained, tracing a finger along the miniature spires and arches. "It is said to be the sanctuary of the god who bestowed dragons upon the Valyrians.”

Helaena listened intently as her father spoke, peppering him with questions about the mythos and symbolism behind the Valyrian model. Viserys answered each inquiry with patience and enthusiasm, his love for the ancient tales evident in every word.

As she looked at him, something shifted in her perception, and for a fleeting moment, she saw not the familiar visage of her father, but a ghastly apparition—a twisted semblance of a man, with one eye missing and half of his face consumed by rot. Her breath caught in her throat as she recoiled in horror, her mind struggling to comprehend the grotesque vision before her. The bones of his skull seemed to protrude unnaturally through thin, taut skin, casting grotesque shadows across his ravaged features. It was a sight that chilled her to the core, sending shivers of fear coursing through her veins.

Helaena was no stranger to such visions—phantoms of the past, glimpses of the future, or echoes from another life. They were strange and inexplicable, often leaving her gasping for breath and trembling with fear. But over time, she had learned to steel herself against their onslaught, drawing upon a reserve of inner strength to weather the storm of uncertainty that they brought.

And so, with a steadying breath, Helaena forced herself to push aside the lingering specter of her father's ghastly visage, focusing instead on the man before her—the king, her father, a beacon of warmth and stability in a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty. She held her hands tightly in her lap, the tremors of fear still coursing through her, but determined not to let them show.

She smiled at her father as he continued with her tales. Things are actually getting better. When her beloved brother Aegon perished, the relentless visions of plummeting into a sea of spikes ceased, leaving her nights blessedly free from the terror that had once gripped her. When Aemond passed, nightmares of blood and cheese had stopped haunting her. But perhaps the most profound shift came with the death of her grandfather, with his passing, the nightmares of a sea of boiling blood receded, leaving behind a sense of emptiness and loss that weighed heavily upon her soul.

And now, as news of the Hightower explosion and Daeron's death reached her ears, Helaena felt a tumult of conflicting emotions wash over her. Grief for the lives lost and the upheaval that rocked the realm mingled with a strange sense of relief—a recognition that with each tragedy, a burden had been lifted from her weary shoulders. For with Daeron's death came the end of the haunting vision of burning camps and soldiers, a relentless specter that had haunted her dreams for longer than she cared to remember. And though her heart ached for the pain and suffering that surrounded her, there was also a glimmer of hope—a belief that perhaps, amidst the ashes of tragedy, new beginnings could take root, and the promise of a brighter future could yet emerge.

She started and hugged herself when her mother suddenly spoke, her brows furrowed in a grimace, her lips tight.

"It was Daemon." Alicent declared suddenly, her voice trembling with conviction. "He's the one behind the explosion at the Hightower. I know it in my bones.”

The King sighed in exasperation, running a hand wearily through his silver hair. "Alicent, we've been over this. The Citadel's investigation concluded that it was an accident—a tragic mishap caused by the volatile chemicals used to light the beacon.”

But the Queen refused to be swayed, her eyes ablaze with fervor as she pressed her case. "You know as well as I do, Viserys, that Daemon has always harbored ambitions for the throne. Not even a year after his return, Aegon died, followed by Aemond, my father, and now Daeron. It's no coincidence. He's orchestrating these deaths to clear a path to the throne.”

Helaena watched in dismay as her mother's words grew more frantic, her accusations bordering on hysteria. She could see the fear and paranoia etched into Alicent's features, the desperation in her voice as she pleaded for justice.

But Viserys remained unmoved, his expression weary but resolute. "Alicent, I understand your concerns, but we cannot jump to conclusions without evidence. If you wish to pursue this matter further, you are free to coordinate with Oldtown and launch your own investigation. But until then, we must trust in the findings of the Citadel.”

Helaena watched in horror as the scene before her descended into chaos. Her mother, Queen Alicent, grew more desperate with each passing moment, levying accusations against her uncle with increasing fervor. The air crackled with tension as Alicent pushed Helaena out of her seat and clung to the king's remaining hand with a vice-like grip.

"You must kill him, or he will kill Helaena next, then me, and then he will finally kill you. You must punish him now!" Queen Alicent's voice rang out, filled with desperation and fear

Helaena's heart clenched as she watched her father grimace, his unhealed wound on his palm now seeping red and bloody from her mother's tight grip. She felt a surge of panic rising within her, knowing that the situation was spiraling out of control.

"Stop this nonsense, Alicent!" Viserys pleaded, his voice strained with pain

But the Queen was relentless, her grip on the king's hand tightening as she whispered harshly, "Not until you promise me you will protect my daughter! You have to protect my daughter! My only daughter!”

Unable to bear the escalating madness any longer, Helaena retreated to the safety of the shadows, hiding beneath the table near the window. She pressed her hands against her ears, trying to block out the cacophony of her mother's hysterical cries. Helaena trembled uncontrollably, the sound of her mother's pained shout echoing in her ears, followed by the sickening gurgle that made her blood run cold. She clamped her eyes shut, unable to bear the thought of witnessing the gruesome scene unfolding before her.

In the darkness behind her eyelids, she could still hear the desperate struggle—the sound of her mother's ragged breaths, the muffled cries for mercy that fell on deaf ears. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to block out the terror threatening to overwhelm her.

It wasn't until Ser Harrold's gentle touch on her shoulder that she dared to look up, her heart pounding with dread. Slowly, hesitantly, she opened her eyes, bracing herself for the horror that awaited her.

And there, in the dim light of the chamber, she saw her mother—Queen Alicent—screaming and crying, her hands still clenched around her father's neck. Viserys lay motionless on the ground, his eyes vacant and lifeless, a crimson stain spreading across his chest.

Helaena's breath caught in her throat as the reality of what had transpired sank in. Her father was dead, murdered at the hands of her own mother. The world spun around her, the room tilting dangerously as waves of nausea washed over her.

She staggered to her feet, her limbs trembling with shock and disbelief. Her mother's cries for forgiveness fell on deaf ears as Helaena stumbled away, her mind reeling with the enormity of the tragedy that had befallen her family. She realized the truth—her father was dead, and her world had been shattered irreparably.

Baela POV

She held Aegon’s hand tightly as the guards and the silent sisters lay the King’s wrapped body on the funeral pyre. She was already on Driftmark when they received a raven about the King’s passing. She and her father agreed that she can visit different Cities Essos for three moons and she had extended that to nearly four before Ser Gunther Sunglass, one of her sworn shields convinced her to return. She agreed to return on Dragon back while Lady Laena travels back after her.

She really enjoyed her time there, she visited Pentos and Bravos, two cities she was already familiar with. In Bravos, she found solace in the familiarity of childhood memories, rekindling bonds with her dearest friend amidst the bustling streets and winding canals.

Then she travelled to Lorath, Norvos and Qohor. She enjoyed the funny way the Lorathi referred to themselves as ‘A man’ or ‘A woman’ instead of using their own name, a fascinating quirk she found endearing. The sealskins she acquired in Lorath proved to be a practical boon, with it being very effective in keeping water away and providing warmth promising protection against the biting chill of winter that loomed on the horizon. she had given it to the Royal Seamstress to be made into a riding gear.

Norvos, governed by the melodious chime of three bells, captivated her with its quaint traditions and rhythmic cadence, a stark departure from the political machinations of King's Landing.

And Qohor is simply exotic with people freely talking about sorcery, blood magic and even the dark arts a stark contrast to the superstitions and taboos that gripped the hearts of the Westerosi who will sooner deliver you to the High Septon for cleansing if you so much as give a hint of being fascinated by magic.

She hugged her smaller brother to her side and he sniffled lowly as the Queen ordered Syrax to light the pyre after the Valyrian Priest said his prayers and the High Septon blessed him with Holy Water.

She looked at her stepmother whose eyes are red and swollen from crying. She worries for her. She’s already passed seven moons in her pregnancy and this stress plus the pressure of the Crown could not be easy. Her Coronation is set to be held in two day and invited the Lords to the Capital to swear fealty to her in a moon to give the Lords time to travel. A moon is really pushing it but the Queen and her father wanted everything sorted out before she gives birth. The Lords from the North is coming to King’s Landing via the fastest ship to swear fealty.

If it was up to her, she would have preferred for their family to stay within the secure confines of Dragonstone, where loyalty flows steadfast like the tide against the shores. King's Landing, however, is a wretched hive of scum and villainy, where every soul seems eager to snatch a morsel from the dragon's grasp with their treacherous tongues. Alas, her father holds the title of King Consort, and her stepmother now sits upon the throne as Queen, leaving her no choice but to navigate the treacherous waters of courtly intrigue.

With siblings in need of her protection against the pressures of courtly life, she must stand as a bulwark against the storm, shielding them from the malicious whispers and dagger-sharp stares that lurk within the shadows of the Red Keep.

Normally a funeral pyre burns for six hours or more but dragonfire burns hotter and it was not even an hour until the last of King Viserys, the Peaceful, was reduced to ashes. She watched as Jace, Luke and Joffrey gathered the ashes and put it in a dark dragonglass urn that changes color depending on the way the sun hit its surface.

Unlike her siblings she’s not very fond of the King, she saw how much he derides her father with his sweet tongue and she does not appreciate that. Even Rhaena, who’s the sweetest girl alive, rolls her eyes at the back of the King every time he tries to undermine her father in front of her stepmother and brothers. As if a Crown on his balding head made him superior to the Rogue Prince, the deadliest and most dangerous Targaryen.

“Why did they burn Grandsire? Was he cold?" She heard Viserys asked.

Rhaena kissed their little brother in the head as she hugged him tightly to her chest. “Do you remember the stories we talked about, the ones from the old books with dragons and heroes?"

"Yes! They were cool!" Viserys exclaimed

“Our ancestors believe that that fire had special powers, not just to keep us warm, but to cleanse our spirits too.” Rhaena said.

"Really?" the child whispered, captivated by the tale .

"Yes. When someone passes away, like your Grandsire did, they believed that the fire could burn away all the bad things, like worries and pain, leaving only peace behind. It's like a journey for their spirit, guided by the flames.

"So, Grandsire’s spirit is okay now?" the child asked, hope shining in their eyes.

"Yes, sweetheart. The fire that we saw today, it was like a special goodbye. It's sending your Grandsire on his journey with warmth and love, so he can find peace wherever he goes.

"Thank you." Viserys said softly, leaning into Rhaena’s embrace

"You're welcome, my dear." the adult replied, holding them close. "We'll keep your Grandsire’s memory alive in our hearts, always.

She smiled at her sweet sister and wipe the tears off Aegon’s face.

She saw Princess Helaena standing alone with just her Lady-in-Waiting. To witness one's own mother commit such a heinous act, to see the one who gave you life take another's away, your own father at that—it was a burden too heavy for even the strongest soul to bear. She does not know how she would feel if that happened to her. She knows that her father witness as her mother commanded her dragon to burn her and she feels like throwing up just thinking about it.

She saw Aegon look up at her and then hugged her tightly. She smiled at him reassuring him that she’s okay.

After Jace, Luke and Joffrey had finished collecting the late King’s ashes, they gave the Urn to Princess Helaena who hugged it to her chest tightly.

“Let’s go.” Her father said as he supported the Queen with his whole body. She was completely leaning on him while his right arm was around her waist and his left hand was holding her hand tightly.

They should have just burned the old man in the Dragonpit, but the Queen wanted it to be on a cliff as per Targaryen Tradition, beneath the open sky, surrounded by air and land and water. But since they cannot go to Dragonstone due the King being worried about the Queen’s pregnancy, they had to do it outside of the Capital. The carriage ride alone is three hours back and forth but it was better than being stuck on a ship for three days.

Jace, Luke and Joffrey will be flying back to the Keep on their Dragons but she opted to stay in the carriage. Her father is too busy making sure that the Queen and the babe are comfortable and she did not want to leave Rhaena having to mind two heartbroken children alone. She knows her father and the Queen will not have a problem cuddling with the children but she wanted them to focus on their own pain and find comfort with each other.

Moondancer flew with the three dragons while Caraxes and Syrax were flying above them, escorting them back. Princess Rhaenys, the Hand, opted to stay in the Keep to await them.

The King nodded at her, thanking her on keeping an eye on her younger siblings and she smiled at him. They got inside the Royal carriage, they put what looks like a day bed inside with a thick padding spanning half the carriage so the Queen can lean back comfortably. They waited for the Royal Carriage to be closed before they too entered their own carriage.

The carriage that they will be using is bigger, it has three wide padded chairs inside, almost the size of small beds where Aegon and Viserys can lay with plenty of room for one more person to sit. Rhaena immediately put Viserys on the bed at the very back so they will ride facing backward, She took the one on the left and Princess Helaena use the one on the right, directly in front of her. Helaena’s Lady-in-waiting and his brothers two nurse maids sat on the last one facing them.

Aegon and Viserys laid down head to head but then both rolled on their stomach and started talking in a hush voices.

Viserys curled his arms on the soft dragon doll that has an uncanny resemblance to Caraxes. His egg had yet to hatch but it remained hot, just like what their father said to Rhaena, they always tell Viserys that his egg will hatch when the dragon is ready.

She can hear them talk about the funeral and she and Rhaena pretended not to hear them to give them privacy. She observed her sister's attempt at small talk with Princess Helaena a mixture of amusem*nt and frustration.

“Princess Helaena, please accept another condolences.” Rhaena leaned towards Helaena, her tone gentle. “Do not hesitate to come to us if you need company. We are family, after all, it is regrettable that we spent so little time with each other in the past.”

She wanted to snort at that, feeling the frustration bubbling up within her. It was the Mad Queen who kept her beloved daughter away from them, fearing that their influence would corrupt her. As if Princess Helaena were the image of a perfect princess.

She's always so... odd. Always mumbling to herself and staring in empty spaces. The few times Helaena had joined them on outings, she could barely tolerate her presence. She was too disconnected from reality for her taste.

Gosh, she cannot even pretend to like a simple girl and they expect her to be the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. There was no formal betrothal yet but there had always been an expectation that she will be Queen to Jace and Rhaena will rule Driftmark with Luke.

Rhaena and Luke are perfect.

Rhaena had always been the perfect Lady. Even when they were staying in Pentos, merchants and Princes, Triarchs and Magisters always seek Rhaena out. All of them captivated by Rhaena’s charms and her silver tongue. Even her in King’s Landing, Rhaena is the darling of the Court, something that always makes the former Queen grimaced. Rhaena, with her refined demeanor and keen intellect, epitomized the essence of a perfect diplomat.

She’s the perfect partner for Luke who is always the gentlest of her brothers. Rhaena had a knack for lifting Luke's spirits when the burdens of court became too heavy to bear. And in turn, Luke's presence brought warmth and laughter to Rhaena's days.

Lucerys looks the most like the Queen in appearance but his coloring made him striking. With the typical ethereal Valyrian features Luke is very compelling, he’s the most charming of them all making everyone fall in love with him in just one conversation. Lord Corlys, ever the astute observer, recognized the potential of this dynamic duo. He often remarked that Rhaena, with her grace and intellect, and Luke, with his charm and gentle demeanor, complemented each other perfectly they will make Hightide richer.

While she abhors court.

Despite her noble birth and the expectations placed upon her as a Targaryen, Baela found herself at odds with the trappings of courtly life. While she admired the beauty of her gowns and enjoys draping herself with jewelry, she harbored a deep disdain for the superficiality and pretense that permeated the halls of power.

The flowery words and thinly veiled insults disguised as compliments grated on her nerves, and she found herself longing for the freedom of the open sea and the boundless skies above. The thought of being confined within the suffocating confines of court, forced to endure endless feasts and balls, filled her with dread.

Baela's true passion lay in the thrill of adventure and exploration, the rush of the wind in her hair and the salt spray on her skin. Her mother, Laena Targaryen of House Velaryon, had spent her life travelling from Cities to Cities seeking adventures and enlightenment. She was not content to be confined by the walls of a Castle or the expectations of her noble birth. Instead, Laena sought to explore the far corners of the known world, eager to experience everything life had to offer. Marrying Daemon Targaryen had given her the freedom she wished for since she was a child.

Her father had never been strict, as long as all her duties are done properly, he gives her free reign of her days and when the time comes when she told him her desire to travel, he gave her a ship, her own capable crew and a long list of names of his contacts in the free cities. She’s sure her father will understand that she does not want to be Queen.

She was a daughter of the sea and the sky, and the thought of being tethered to the rigid protocols and stifling etiquette of court life filled her with a sense of foreboding. She really thinks with all her heart that Court will kill her or make her a murderer. King Daemon Targaryen will surely understand her stance.


Baela Targaryen stood in the grand courtyard of the Red Keep, her eyes scanning the surroundings as she waited for Lord Stark's retinue to arrive. The Coronation had taken place only two days after the late King was interred in Dragonstone's hallowed grounds. The Queen had appeared resplendent yet somber in her flowing black gown, her gravid belly a poignant reminder of both loss and new beginnings. She looked every bit a Targaryen Monarch, her black dress accentuating her regal stature, while her bulging stomach only seemed to enhance her commanding presence. The smallfolk had taken to calling her "the mother reborn," a testament to the awe and reverence she inspired.

Now, a month later, the Red Keep buzzed with activity as Lords from every corner of the realm converged to swear fealty to the new Queen. From the icy halls of the Last Hearth to the sun-kissed lands of Sunhouse, from the rugged shores of Hammerhorn to the ancient walls of Runestone, they had all journeyed to King's Landing to pledge their allegiance.

Amongst the throng, Lord Stark's retinue was expected to be one of the last to arrive. Beside her, Baela sensed Jace's excitement, his youthful energy practically crackling in the air. He had forged a friendship with the venerable Warden of the North, and she couldn't help but feel relieved knowing that Jace had found camaraderie amidst the uncertainties of the realm.

Cregan Stark made his entrance atop a sturdy northern steed, his fur cloak billowing behind him in the crisp breeze of early evening. With him rode his retinue of imposing northern lords, their serious faces betraying little emotion as they dismounted alongside their liege lord.

She watched as her brother Jace stepped forward to greet them, a sense of anticipation evident in his demeanor.

"Lord Stark, it is an honor to welcome you and your lords to King's Landing." Jace began, his voice filled with warmth and familiarity.

"Prince Jacaerys, your hospitality is appreciated." Lord Stark began, his tone respectful but distant. "Though it is unfortunate that our meeting comes under such somber circ*mstances.. ‘

Instead of the expected camaraderie, the Northmen responded with a formality that seemed out of place for old friends. Baela noticed Jace's demeanor deflate slightly at the unexpected stiffness of their greeting

Sensing the need to ease the tension, Baela swiftly intervened. "Lord Stark, it is a pleasure to see you. Please, allow us to escort you to the Throne Room where my mother, the Queen, eagerly awaits your arrival.”

As they walked, Baela sensed the tension radiating from Jace, his shoulders stiff with apprehension. She fought the urge to reach out and comfort him, instead keeping her arms folded in front of her.

Upon reaching the Throne Room, the Queen greeted Lord Stark with a warm smile. she watched the preoceeding as she stand beside Jace at the right side of the Iron Throne. Lord Stark immediately went to his knees and offered his condolences.

"It is regrettable that our meeting takes place in such dire circ*mstances." Lord Stark began solemnly, his voice carrying the weight of his words.

"I appreciate your hastened journey to the capital at such short notice." the Queen added, her tone conveying genuine appreciation.

After the exchange of pleasantries, the Queen gestured for bread and salt to be brought forth as a symbol of guest right. "Please, partake." she invited warmly, as the Northmen stood up to accept the offering.

"Prince Jacaerys, Lady Baela," the Queen addressed them, her voice regal yet warm, "please see to it that our guests are comfortably settled in their chambers.”

"Your Grace," he began, his voice steady and respectful, "I would be grateful for a private audience, if it is not too much of an imposition. My lords can be escorted by a guard or a maid.”

The Queen, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected request, glanced to the side. The Castellan, stepped forward, offering assistance. "Lord Stark, my name is Lord Alun Caswell, the Castellan of the Red Keep. I can personally see that your lords are well housed in their rooms.”

Lord Cregan nodded in acknowledgment. "That will suffice, thank you, Lord Caswell.”

As the King Consort assisted the Queen down from the Iron Throne, they guided the Warden of the North towards the Small Council chamber through a side door, bypassing the throng of people in the main hall. However, the tranquility of their journey was shattered the moment they entered the chamber as Lord Cregan punched Jace in the face amking him stumble.

Reacting swiftly, Baela shouted in alarm, rushing to her stepmother's side to ensure her safety. Before any of the Kingsguard could intervene, her father, Daemon, had already drawn his sword, pressing it against the Northman's neck with a controlled yet menacing demeanor.

Despite having a sword on his neck, Lord Cregan seemed unperturbed his eyes never leaving Jace who was looking at him in shock.

"That's for impregnating my sister, you c*nt!." he spat out, his words dripping with disdain and righteous anger

It Started in Driftmark - ciemai (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.