Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1 - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    Andr Ibaque

    The Golden AgeThe Golden Age

    Chapter 1Takashi BluAgumon is missing

    Translated from Portuguese by Daniel Flaman and Giovanna


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    Skip to page 6 if you want to start readingnow.


    Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13

    It contains verbal aggression, violence, romancemid-level,sadism, philosophy of average difficulty ofunderstanding

    and details requiring previous knoledge!


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    Thanks to:

    I thank Daniel Flaman for the support he gave me for thecreationof thisfanfic.

    To Shewdon for the partnership with his seriesDigimon:D-Invasion

    To Luz Junior !" the firmed partnership and the drawings ofthecharacters

    To #iovanna that translated this to english with Daniel

    $nd to You that kindl" downloaded m" work for "our reading.


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1



    Digimon: War Between Gods


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1



    %riterAndr Ibaque

    Translators#aniel $laman%iovanna &rauer

    Re&ision'(ortuguese version)Shedon de Sou*a &arcelosAndrIbaque

    '+nglish version)

    %iovanna &rauerAndr Ibaque

  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    Cop'right (s )arning

    Some elements of this ork is licensed underAttribution!oDerivatives ".#$nternational% hich means you can shareand sell, but cant create derivatives!#igimon., for being aproperty of /oei, can not be sold! So, you cant sell#igimonAdventure0 /he %olden Age!

    $ull license0http0creativecommons!orglicensesby-nd!2deed!pt&4

    (art of the ork is also protected by copyright, hich includesShedonSou*as draings and characters of independent creations thatmake a specialor permanent participation!


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    5:47 AMTuesday, August 1st, 2028

    An apartment, in Tenth Floor To!yo

    $t Fu"uki 3amamoto4s mind pla"ing all night was not a pro!lem.$nd it reall"wasn4t if he didn4t have a terri!le temper.

    In his sealed from sunlight room on the complete darkness Fu"ukipla"ed all night inhis ultra revolutionar" video game console !"Fosorci5 the Full F" #eality. 1is concentrationwas so into theporta!le that it looked like a monk in a deep moment ofmeditation.6othing could interrupt him...

    Suddenl" his !edroom door opens. It4s Takashi BluAgumon Fu"uki4sDigimon.1e was holding a tra" full of fruits and a dark greentea.

    )heerfull" smiling the $gumon sa"s57#88D -896I6# F:3:;I98:#1TF89 38:. $>9:6)1 /IT1 6$T:9$L F9:ITS $6D S8-? T?$ 38: /ILL L8@?IT $LL==A

    The 0apanese customs have changed a lot. 1is feed is now !asedon consumption of anourishing li&uid. So eating fruits anddrinking tea was getting more and more rare.

    >" opening the door the solar ra"s enter the room which theporta!le videogame isuna!le to filter the image !ecomes glitchedand instantl" interrupts the !o"4sconcentration.

    Fu"uki goes mad. The anger takes ahold of him and after that hestarts to !reathelike a irate !ull.

    7Damn "ou== 3ou little...A@er" angered Fu"uki rises from hischair near his !ed and starts a violent

    aggression on Takashi.71ow man" times do I have to !ash "ou so"ou learn to respect me damn it2 3our

    !ashing starts earlier toda". Too !ad for "ou.AThe !ashing ends.The digimon is on the floor !etween all the things he made tohis

    7partnerA. 6ot enduring it an"more he cries with a deepsadness57/h" do "ou treat me like this2= IB I can4t take itan"moreB /h"2 /h" do "ou hit

    me2 /h" don4t "ou accept me Fu"uki2=A

    Takashi difficultl" gets up and runs towards the window a!ovethe !o"4s !ed. 1eunlocks it. Then he threatens to 0ump.

    7I4m out of here= I4m never coming !ack=A 7 1e shouts.7)alm downTakashi. It4s !etterBA Fu"uki sa"s with a tone of worr".Takashi0umps out of the apartment. In the air he shouts5$Fro%enreath==ATakashi makes an ice slide out in thin air and slides tothe sidewalk.Fu"uki felt something he never felt !efore. 1is mouthsta"s a !it open.


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    Something convinces him that he should go after Takashi. 8r hewould come !ack2So Fu"uki decides to go after his digimon. 1e headsto the entrance of his apartment

    and leaves. The strong footsteps on the floor wakes up Fu"uki4sadoptive parents. >" the"tr"ing to know what happened Fu"ukialread" left the !uilding.

    7:00 AM#egulatory and #esearch 'enter for Digi(orld )dai*a

    Izz" is on the main room sitting hunched !" the ke"!oard on theta!le on a deepsleep. 8n the ta!le right at his side isTentomon.

    Tentomon wakes up and looks !etween himself. Then tries to wakeIzz".78h no. /e slept here again. Izz"BA 1e sa"s.

    7Izz"B ICC3===AIzz" is surprised and wakes up.7$h== The !inar"code collided !etween the comple h and E==A7/hat4s that2A7Tentomon2/haB /hat happened2A73ou and I slept in the )enter again. Thatcouldn4t happen again remem!er2A73ou4re right Tentomon. >ut Ihave to fi that !ug thatBA7Fi it in "our !usiness hours not throughthe night=A Tentomon glares at him with a

    seriousness that would even scare /ormmon. Izz" sweatsnervousll" and gives a slightsmile.A

    78k okB that4sB that4sB not happening again.The" hear footsteps.Two men enter in one of the doors. It4s 1aruhiko Takenouchi

    and Jim ;ido !oth that work on 99)D. $nd respectivel" theirpartners IsaoBlakGa!umone ;atsumi "oamon. The" approach Izz".

    7Izz"2 3ou slept here again2A asks Jim.Smiling without an"happiness Izz" tries to give an ecuse.73ou know..2 I was tr"ing tocorrect the error 1#B7I told "ou "esterda" that we would fi ittogether. 3ou want all the credit don4t

    "ou2A Jim replies.

    73ou4re going to start this thing again Jim2A Izz" changes histone to a more seriousone.

    73ou think I4m an idiot2A Jim gra!s Izz"4s shirt and speaks inan aggressive tone73ou think I don4t know what "ou4re planning27LetIzz" #o=A Tentomon sa"s.7If "ou even touch Jim I swear thatBA;atsumi sa"s to Tentomon.7?nough=A 1aruhiko interrupts 7Don4t "ousee "ou are instigating the Digimons to



  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    ?ver"one looks at 1aruhiko.7/e will talk a!out this later. Fornow we have much work to do. >ut "ou Izz" are

    dismissed for toda".A7/hat2 /h"2A

    73ou and "our friends weren4t going to a picnic to cele!rate thecoming to theDigi/orld2A 1aruhiko asks.7$hh== 8h "eah Izz". Let4sgo=A sa"s Tentomon7-an Tai did call me "esterda" and told me. 1owcould I forget2AIzz" rises from his chair and gets his Digi@icepoints and speaks to the main

    computer of the room57)omputer. 8pen Digi/orld4s #ate to FileIsland.AThe computer answers57)ommand $pproved. 8pening #ateBAThenthe computer opens the gate.71ave a nice picnicBA sa"s Jim with anslight iron" tone.The main computer outputs a light and transportsTentomon and Izz" to the


    7:05 AM#egulatory and #esearch 'enter for Digi(orld + #oom + laselu.o, Digi(orld

    79ecognized. Izz" ;oshiro code '*A the computer sa"s.

    Izz" along with Tentomon arrive into the Digi/orld and arewelcomed !" ;enichi-atsuda.


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    The cit" posseses the Lo0!an language as official language alogic language. -ost ofthe inha!itants from la sel0u4 alread" cancommunicate like this.


    7:08 AMI%%y.s /ouse )dai*a

    Tai and -att are knocking on the door of Izz"4s house.7Izz"= $re"ou home2=A -att shoutsSuddenl" a 0atch phonerings. It4sTai4s.71ello2 ;enichi2 Izz" finall" showed up2 #reat. /e4re headingover there.A7Thank #od ;oshiro appeared. Let4s go then. There4s aca!in at the end of the...A -att

    gasps. >" looking !ehind him -att sees the ca!ins appearingand disappearing.7/hat4s that2A he is scared.7/hats happening tothe ca!ins2A Tai eclaims.Suddenl" the ca!ins disappear completel".$fter that the 0atch phonesstarts to show

    random num!ers and letters like a movie4s credits 0ust moreglitched.

    7:09 AMTo!yo 1treets

    The !us" streets of Tok"o with fl"ing cars and distractedpedestrians with their0atch phonesand glasses the" didn4t carea!out the !o" that ran despairingl" after hisDigimon. Fu"uki wasfeeling ver" !ad and guilt" and wanted to solve his conflict withhis>lu$gumon. Suddenl" Fu"uki feels a !urn in his left pulse

    78w=A 1e eclaims.1e notice that his watch phone is showingrandom num!ers and letters and

    conse&uentl" it4s getting hotter.71e". /hat4s this2 #et outout.A The !o" fights despairingl" to remove the clock

    from his pulse.Fu"uki manages to remove the clock that falls onthe floor. 1e crouches and tries to

    understand what4s going on.Then in an unepected wa" the clockoutputs a strong light. Fu"uki tries to protect

    himself from the !linding light with his hand.Fu"uki after thatfeels a reall" strong !low on his nape fainting instantl".


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    /e 0a!es up, some0here 0here there is nothing *ut a dense dar!fog" It 0asn.t possi*leto see more than 23 inches4

    $(here am I56 he as!ed"$Fuyu!i46 A voice said"

    $luAgumon7 Is that you57 (here are you56$/elp me46 1aid a deeply0eeping voice"Fuyu!i is shoc!ed 0ith his digimon crying" /e can.tta!e it, a tear *egan to fall from his

    left eye"$TA8A1/III776

    To !e ontinued#


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    $n the ne%t e&isode o' Digimon Ad(enture The Golden Age:

    /hat will happen to Takashi >lu$gumon2 /hat is happening tothe ca!ins oftransport !etween ?arth and the Digital /orld2

    See the net episode=


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    Information about the appeared Digimons.BluAgumon

    Description >luish su!species of $gumon. It has

    entire !od" in !lue and the e"e is

    dark !lue. $n individual of thisspecies is partner of Fu"uki


    Type 9eptile

    Abilities Frozen Breath5 a!ilit" to

    drop ice !" mouth managing

    to make ice structure and

    freeze opponents.


    Description It is a variant species of #a!umonspecies. It hasshades of !lack and

    often aggressive with ever"one. $n

    individual of this species is partner

    of 1aruhiko Takenouchi

    Type 9eptile

    Abilities :nknown


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    9oamon 0as created *y 1he0don originally to his

    animated series Digimon D-Invasion;


    Description It is a species that emerged in ('*'. It

    has a small !laze on his forehead.

    The species is characterized !" !eingkind and friendl" !utetremel"

    aggressive with threats to their

    human partners. $n individual of

    this species is partner of Jim ;ido.

    Type 2



    ?nlarge the flame head.


  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1


    uriosities and General Informations Fosorciis an enterprisewhich masters the video game and

    computers market and owns Full F" #eality a pair of

    glasses similar to sunglasses with !uilt

  • 8/12/2019 Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1



Digimon Adventure - The Golden Age - Chapter 1 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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